Lu Yun suddenly thought of his second pet: a spider.

Although it is like a king among its kind.

But when faced with human pesticides, it has no ability to fight back.

So, it is better to move the spider in.

Lu Yun immediately chose to enter the spider's field of vision, and just like that, he fished his pet in from a distance.

Lu Yun issued an order to the world not to hunt and kill this pet.

So far, the spider's natural enemies, such as toads, scorpions, centipedes, birds, etc., will automatically ignore this spider.

However, this spider can hunt for the food it needs in this world, so that it can evolve faster.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bringing the first pet into the pet space"

"Enable the suitable environment recommendation function"

"The spider's suitable living environment is: forest."

At this time, Lu Yun saw several marked places in the forest, all of which were dark and humid.

The system also has this function? This is great, saving the spider from the hardship of a long journey. Lu Yun picked up the spider and moved quickly to the nearest suitable place.

He put the spider here.

There were dense branches nearby, and many mosquitoes were flying in the air.

The spider quickly began to weave a web on the tree, and soon, several mosquitoes fell on the web.

The spider immediately began to eat.

(Spider Evolution +0.1%)

(Spider Evolution +0.1 %)%)


"Ding, a reminder, except for pets, all living things can stay in this space for a maximum of 24 hours at a time, and the cooling time is the duration of the last entry."

That is to say, even the owner of this space has a cooling time when entering.

For example, the duration of my entry this time is one hour, so the cooling time is also one hour. And so on, however, the maximum duration of one entry is one day. However

, this restriction does not apply to inanimate objects.

Such as banknotes, weapons, etc.

"Ding, the host can build his own house in the pet space. Without the host's permission, no living creature can enter the host's house."

"The host can currently build houses in an area of 10,000 square kilometers."

It is unrealistic to build a house in an area of 10,000 square kilometers.

Lu Yun does not need such a large house.

There are house patterns and specifications on the panel.

Lu Yun chose one, and soon, a luxurious manor appeared on a large open space in front of the lake.

This manor is backed by mountains and faces the water, and the environment is very good.

There are flat lawns and spectacular fountains in the manor.

The house inside is a typical European castle building, very elegant.

The carpet, fireplace, table, coffee table, bed, bedding in the house are all available, and they are automatically cleaned and refreshed to the cleanest state every day.

The house has no permission, no Any animal can come in.

It's like there is an invisible bowl-shaped air wall protecting the entire manor.

Even birds cannot fly into this invisible air wall.

This manor is simply amazing.

It's still early, and Lu Yun is sitting on the swing chair in front of the door, drinking tea and sleeping in the warm sunshine, feeling very comfortable.

However, the length of time you enter each time is equal to the cooling time.

Lu Yun didn't really wait until 24 hours before leaving.

After all, there is no point in staying for such a long time at one time.

So, Lu Yun took a comfortable nap on the chair, and after he was refreshed, he left the pet space.

"Brother Yun, where are we going to collect the debt today?"

"Still collecting debts? NO,NO,NO, airplane, today is a day off, go and have a rest"


Feiji wondered. He had been following Brother Yun around every day and had never had a day off.

"By the way, here is one million, spend it!"

In the previous week, Lu Yun lived a tight life in order to complete the task. He saved every penny.

So, even though he made so much money, he didn't give a penny to Feiji.

Now it's different. The task has been completed. In this way, the money in hand can be spent freely.

"Brother Yun, this is not good! One million is too much."

It's no wonder Feiji was so surprised. He had never seen so much money in his life.

One million! He became a rich man. From now on, when others see him, they will have to call him Brother Fei.

"You don't want it? Then I'll take it back."

"Oh? Yes, yes, yes."

The plane hurriedly took it. One million, anyone who doesn't want it is stupid.

"That's more like it. I'll give it to you and you can take it."

"By the way, here is a Rolex, which I personally give to you."

Lu Yun has made more than 15 billion now, so this one million is nothing.

Moreover, the plane has helped him a lot in this process.

Lu Yun is a person who rewards according to merit, and when it is time to reward, he will not lose a cent.

"Thank you, Brother Yun, thank you, Brother Yun."

This Rolex is made of gold and looks shiny.

Young and dangerous guys love to see this and it is very face-saving to wear it.

Feiji was very happy. Brother Yun is really a good big brother.

These days, it is very important to follow a good big brother.

If you follow an unreliable big brother, you will not only be cold and hungry, but also very likely to be pushed out by the boss to eat jail food if something goes wrong. Even if you make money, the bosses may not reward you. At most, when the boss eats meat, he will give you a sip of soup. How can there be someone like Brother Yun who directly rewarded him with one million?

One million?

He has become a millionaire all of a sudden.

It is really hard to find a boss like Brother Yun who is not only capable of making money, but also so generous to reward his younger brothers.

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