The other two compartments were filled with Liang Kun and Sha Qiang.

In the past seven days, Liang Kun and Sha Qiang had been fed with delicious food every day.

However, the three dogs next to them did not eat any dog food.

Every day, when they saw the delicious food of Liang Kun and Sha Qiang in the compartment opposite, the dogs drooled.

They barked in dissatisfaction.

At this time, the door of the kennel opened, and Lu Yun walked in and came to Liang Kun.

"How about it? Will you tell me or not?"

It was inevitable that Lu Yun would kill Liang Kun.

However, before Liang Kun died, Lu Yun wanted to get his Qiankun Film International Co., Ltd.

This film company was quite large and had many resources and connections.

So, in the past week,

Liang Kun was different from Sha Qiang in that

Liang Kun was tortured every day.

However, Liang Kun was also very stubborn and refused to tell anyone.

Now, Jiang Tiansheng had already said at the Dragon Head Conference that whoever killed Liang Kun would be the boss of Mong Kok.

Therefore, Lu Yun did not have to delay any longer.

He came to Liang Kun and made a final ultimatum.

"Humph, do you think I'm stupid?"

"I can still live if I don't tell you, but if I tell you, you will definitely kill me.

Although Liang Kun was tortured to the point of being covered in blood, he felt that it was better to live a miserable life than to die.

If he dragged on like this, he could live a little longer.

"Jiang Tiansheng has already said that whoever kills you will be the boss of Mong Kok. I won't bother you any more."

Lu Yun said, and came to the outside of the compartment and closed the door.

Lu Yun told Feiji to do it.

Feiji opened the dog's room and dragged the Rottweiler into Sha Qiang's compartment.

The hungry Rottweiler kept barking:"Woof woof!"

"Hey, hey, what did you bring this dog in for? It barks so fiercely! Get it out quickly!"

Sha Qiang said in surprise

"Tianhong, let him bleed a little."

Lu Yun ordered.

Tianhong drew out the Eight-sided Han Sword and gently poked Sha Qiang's right abdomen. Sha

Qiang's abdomen began to bleed. He hurriedly stopped it, but a lot of blood still flowed out from his fingers:

"What do you want to do? Find me a doctor!"

"Woof, woof!

The Rottweiler hadn't eaten for seven days and was hungry and thirsty.

It smelled the blood and pounced on Shaqiang and began to lick his blood.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get out of here!"

Sha Qiang certainly didn't want it to lick him, so he pushed it away.


The Rottweiler hadn't eaten for seven days, and now he was extremely protective of his food.

If Sha Qiang dared to stop him from eating, he would bite him.

Later, he bit Sha Qiang's wound.


Sha Qiang was in great pain. He hurriedly pushed the Rottweiler away.

But the Rottweiler seemed to have aroused its primitive desire to prey after eating Sha Qiang's meat.

It tasted like blood and meat.

It began to bite it.

Sha Qiang's wound was torn into pieces in a moment.

The wound was bigger and the blood could not stop flowing.

""Ah, ah, help!"

Sha Qiang was extremely scared and tried his best to stand up. He grabbed the iron gate and tried to push it open to escape.

But the iron gate was very strong and he couldn't shake it at all.

The Rowena had already pounced on him and kept tearing at Sha Qiang's wound. No matter how much Sha Qiang struggled, it was useless.

In the end, he could only watch the wound being torn bigger and bigger.

Bits of flesh and blood were eaten into the stomach by the Rowena.

Sha Qiang died due to excessive blood loss.

Lu Yun ordered people to carry Sha Qiang's body to Liang Kun.

A large piece of Sha Qiang's abdomen had been eaten, and his intestines were scattered all over the floor.

"How about it? Will you tell me?"

Lu Yun asked

"Ayun...Brother Yun, if I give the film company to you, can you please let me live?"

"I swear to you that I will never return to Hong Kong Island in this life."

Jin Kun still holds on to his last hope.

""Carry it out. Release the Tibetan mastiff."

Lu Yun ordered people to carry Sha Qiang's body out.

Then he asked people to carry the Tibetan mastiff to Liang Kun's compartment.

""Okay, okay, I'll tell you, I'll tell you, I just ask you to give me a quick death!"

Liang Kun has been eating dog meat these days, and his shit has the stench of dog meat.

He doesn't want to be eaten by a dog and become dog shit pulled out of the dog's backyard.

Liang Kun told the password of the safe in his film company. Lu Yun called Jimmy and asked him to get the documents.

Not long after, Jimmy took out the documents of Liang Kun's film company.

Moreover, he was very thorough and prepared a transfer document, and just waited for Liang Kun to sign.

Liang Kun obediently signed the document.

Then, he closed his eyes.

Luo Tianhong killed him with a knife.

A fresh head fell to the ground.

Luo Tianhong picked up the head and put it in the travel bag.

This is to be handed over to the Hongxing people for inspection.

"Brother Yun, what should we do with the remaining body of Liang Kun?"

Feiji asked

"If you want to be a gangster, you must keep your word. If you promise to give him a quick death,"

"But I've made him die quickly."

"Feed the remaining corpses to the dogs!"

Lu Yun said, and then he left.

When the plane came to feed them, the dogs barked happily, as if to thank Lu Yun for the gift.

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