Lu Yun’s current panel is:

【Name: Lu Yun】

【Age: 21】

【Constitution: 34 (normal people 10)】

【Strength: 43 (normal people 10)】

【Agility: 61 (normal people 10)】

【Pet: Black Widow (third form), skills: Spider Sting, Narcotic Toxin, Weapon Mastery】

【Pet: Three-eyed Crow (second form, evolution degree: 13.6%), skills: Light as a swallow, perspective】

【Pet: Legendary cat (second form, evolution degree 6.2%), skill: cat eyes. Nine lives】

【Pet: Scyther (second form, evolution degree 0.1%), Skills: Mantis Fist. Leap】

【Pet: Horse (first form, evolution degree 11.1%), skill: Fast and Flying.

Leap: The host can jump in any direction for a distance equal to one-tenth of the agility attribute point.

Cooling time: 24 hours (After the host uses this skill, if he kills one person within three seconds, the cooling time of this skill can be refreshed.)

Lu Yun's current agility attribute points are 61 points, and the jumping distance is one-tenth, which is 6.1 meters. It is already very good for an ordinary person to jump two meters.

And this skill can jump 6.1 meters at once, which is very exaggerated. And if the agility points are improved in the future, it can jump even farther, which is really amazing!

The most important thing is that if you kill someone within three seconds, you can refresh this skill.

In other words, if the opponent has too many people.

And Lu Yun wants to take the head of the enemy leader.

Then this skill is very useful. It is too easy to jump into the enemy's group of brothers to kill people.

After killing, jump again, and after killing, jump again...

It's like a dragonfly skimming the water.

I'm just afraid that the opponent's number is not large enough to jump again.

I'm not afraid that the opponent's leader is far away from me.

It's simply a magical skill!


Lu Yun was sighing when his phone suddenly rang.

It turned out to be Fang Min calling.

She wanted to come in.

Lu Yun opened the door and let her in.

As soon as she entered the door, Fang Min threw herself into Lu Yun's arms:

"Brother Yun, you haven’t contacted me for a long time. I miss you so much. Don’t you like me anymore?"

"Of course not, Amin, I actually wanted to find you, but I've been too busy lately."

Lu Yun has been a bit busy lately, after all, he has too many close female friends.

Miss Fang, Miss Qiu, and Natasha.

These three people were too proactive. They took the initiative to find him, and Lu Yun didn't even have time.

So he forgot to find Fang Min.

Now Fang Min came by herself, that's good.

It will be more comfortable to change the taste.

The two of them just played like this.

It's only eight o'clock in the evening. It wasn't until the early morning that the two of them ended their fight and fell asleep.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club has a large venue. The area next to Pengfu Park is a continuous grassland.

A stable was built next to the grassland.

Because there have been incidents of horses being sprayed with drugs in the past.

Therefore, the Jockey Club stipulates During the competition period, horses must live in the stables of the Jockey Club and be looked after by professionals.

At this time, late at night, a group of horsemen armed with sharp weapons suddenly climbed over the wall of the stable.

The leader was He Yong from the East Star Gang.

His boss Situ Haonan lost badly at the racecourse today.

Damn, that number nine, it won the first three games.

Situ Haonan felt that this horse was invincible and it was like a piece of cake to deal with other little Kara fans.

So, in the fourth game, he bet 10 million.

Unexpectedly, the fourth game was lost.

This made Situ Haonan very angry.

Ten million!

Situ Haonan was very heartbroken and held a grudge.

So, he planned to retaliate.

Let He Yong take a dozen people, climb over the wall and kill the horse.


The door of the stable opened.

He Yong and others walked in.

They searched in the troughs one by one.

The target was the number nine Ferghana horse.

Lu Yun had a dream. He dreamed that he turned into a horse and was in a dark trough.

A group of people outside were holding knives and searching.

It seemed that he made them lose a lot of money, so they came to seek revenge.

To be honest, the horse is big.

And without weapons, it has no advantage in fighting with these people with weapons.

Even if it wins in the end, it will be injured.

And Lu Yun doesn't want the horse to be injured.

Because, just now The system has already told him. When the horse senses danger, it will directly transmit this feeling to the host.

The host can choose whether to enter the horse's perspective to help solve the problem.

And now Lu Yun is in a state of sleep.

In order not to disturb Lu Yun's rest.

The system directly makes Lu Yun's consciousness appear here in the form of a dream.

This is an extremely real dream.

All five senses are present.

If the horse is injured, how can the next game be played?

Lu Yun is still counting on it to make money!

Therefore, this group of people who dare to attack the horse must die!

Soon He Yong and others saw the manger where No. 9 was.

They unlocked the door and walked in.

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