"The extraction was successful, and the pet was obtained: earthworm."


Lu Yun looked over and saw an earthworm lying on the white marble pavement of the manor.

When it saw Lu Yun, the earthworm raised its round head, as if to say hello to Lu Yun.

What is the function of this little guy?

Lu Yun looked at the panel

【Name: Lu Yun】

【Age: 21】

【Constitution: 44 (normal people 10)】

【Strength: 43 (normal people 10)】

【Agility: 61 (normal people 10)】

【Pet: Black Widow (third form), skills: Spider Sting, Narcotic Toxin, Weapon Mastery】

【Pet: Three-eyed Crow (second form, evolution degree: 26.5%), skills: Light as a swallow, perspective】

【Pet: Legendary cat (second form, evolution degree 19.1%), skill: cat eyes. Nine lives】

【Pet: Scyther (second form, evolution degree 7.1%), Skills: Mantis Fist. Leap】

【Pet: Horse (first form, evolution degree 71.1%), Skill: Fast and Flying】

【Pet: Earthworm (first form, evolution degree 0.1%), skill: top healing.

Earthworm provides him with ten points of physical attribute.

In addition, Lu Yun obtains a skill: top healing.

Passive: After being injured, the wound can be completely healed within one minute (similar to the healing ability of Wolverine).

Active: After use, a transparent elixir with strong glue can be condensed.

External use can heal all wounds.

Internal use can heal all internal injuries.

Cooling time: one month.

Lu Yun cut a hole in his hand with a knife.

The blood flowed very slowly.

Because the wound was already healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One minute later, the wound was healed.

Oh my god, this can be a top-notch skill!

In a flash, Lu Yun brought the earthworm and Natasha to the forest.

The earthworm seemed to feel the moist soil and was very happy. It bowed to Lu Yun and then drilled into the soil.

Similar to the healing ability of Wolverine, it can't die even if a bullet hits the head.

This made Lu Yun's sense of security increase countless times.

Almost immortal.

However, Lu Yun had another question. If it is immortal, wouldn't the nine lives the cat has obtained be invalid?

But, on second thought, it is not.

Because, although it can't be killed by bullets, it can also die of old age.

After dying of old age, the cat's nine lives skill can come into play.

However, will it start from the fetus or from something else? This made Lu Yun very confused.

"System, if I die of old age, what will happen to this cat's nine lives skill?"

"Since the host has obtained the skill"Top Healing", combined with the skill"Nine Lives", a combination of"

"From today on, the host's physical appearance will age very slowly."

"The host's life span becomes 900 years."

For ordinary people, at most 90 years old, it forms a process from birth to death.

But Lu Yun is different. He will not form a process from birth to death until he is 900 years old.

The aging speed during this period will be very slow.

So for the first four or five hundred years, Lu Yun was in his prime.

Even in the later period, he was old.

Because of the good medicine made by earthworms every month.

Lu Yun's body is completely healthy, which is also very powerful.

What's more, in these hundreds of years, Lu Yun doesn't know what pets he will get, and how many attribute points and skills he will get.

The combination skills are simply too strong!

Moreover, Lu Yun will not feel lonely in these hundreds of years.

Because Natasha also grows very slowly.

According to the official setting of Marvel, Natasha was injected with special drugs by the Soviet Union in the late period of World War I. And formed a warrior.

In the movie, Natasha also said that she is actually an old lady in her eighties.

However, her appearance is so young and beautiful that people really feel that it does not match her actual age.

When I think of the next few hundred years, only Natasha can accompany me.

Lu Yun felt that it was a kind of romantic companionship.

Natasha seemed to feel Lu Yun's loving eyes.

I couldn't help but hugged Lu Yun.

The two of them were unscrupulously tender in the stream in the forest again.

In the afternoon, Lu Yun suddenly felt the telepathy given by the black cat, as if someone was looking for him.

At this time, Lu Yun was lying in the desert to bask in the sun.

Since there is something, let's not bask in the sun for now!

Lu Yun came out of the pet space and put the black cat in.

Someone was knocking on the door of the office:"Brother Yun, Brother Yun, there are policemen coming."

Lu Yun opened the door.

Inspector Liao Zhizong came over:"Handsome Yun, what you did last night was really a big deal!"

"What's the matter? Liao Sir, please don't talk nonsense!"

"You took over all of Situ Haonan's territory in one night, and you still say that nothing happened?"

Liao Zhizong lied.

"Mr. Liao, I don't know who killed Situ Haonan last night, and his subordinates also fled."

"I saw that no one was watching the place, so I helped those bosses to take a look."

"I'm doing a good deed! Are you interested in giving me a Good Citizen Award?"

Lu Yun said.

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