"Mr. Lu, what are you doing?"

"Buy Fenghua International, buy all, fast"

"Fenghua International, excuse me for being blunt, Mr. Lu, but based on my many years of experience, I think this is a junk stock. The company's market share is very small, and it has no core competitiveness. It is impossible for it to make a profit, and it can only suffer losses. I think you should choose another one!"

"I know this is a junk stock, but I'm going to buy it, so just buy it quickly."

""Okay! Since you said so, I can only buy it for you."

I have to say that the manager's analysis makes sense. This is indeed a junk stock and the risk of investing in it is very high.

Manager Liu is also thinking about Lu Yun's wallet. It seems that the person recommended by Xiao Liu is indeed reliable.

However, what the other party does not know is that someone is manipulating the stock price behind the scenes and wants to raise it to at least 80 cents today.

"If I were you, I would also buy all my belongings on this stock now!"

After buying the stock, Lu Yun left here with satisfaction.

Manager Liu did not take Lu Yun's advice to heart.

After all, from his professional point of view, this is a completely junk stock. Even if there will be a short period of rise, there is a great probability that it will fall in the end.

Manager Liu looked at the stock and just helped Lu Yun buy it at a price of 25 cents.

It is still rising.

Until it rose to more than 70 cents, Manager Liu became more and more confused.

Could it be that Mr. Lu is the legendary stock god?

Can he triple his stock on the first purchase?

Some big guys who understand stocks may know that the current stock can only rise to a maximum of 10% a day, and then it will stop rising.

However, in Hong Kong Island at that time, the system was not perfect enough. No matter how high you rise or how low you fall, there is no limit.

A three-fold increase in one day is a hundred... Three hundred percent is very rare even in this era.

Lu Yun's 87,000 directly turned into more than 260,000, and he made a net profit of 180,000 in one day. This is too exaggerated.

However, suddenly, the stock was directly stopped from trading.

The termination of trading means that the China Securities Regulatory Commission has intervened.

The full name of the China Securities Regulatory Commission is the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

The stock market is very complicated, and there are often people who manipulate stock prices behind the scenes to make profits.

Similarly, when these people make profits, it means that more people lose money.

Therefore, it is natural that the China Securities Regulatory Commission is needed to manage and supervise. The reason why the Criminal Intelligence Department wants to monitor the headquarters of Fenghua International is because the China Securities Regulatory Commission has doubts about Fenghua International.

Seeing that the stock fluctuated so violently today, the China Securities Regulatory Commission chose to stop trading to prevent investors from buying in a daze.

Looking at the words"stop trading" on the screen, Lin Yixiang, Zhou Junyi, Yang Zhen and others were all stunned. The stock price was rising just now, why did it suddenly stop trading?

With such a move by the CSRC, stockholders will most likely sell at a low price out of panic, and then they may find it difficult to sell, and they will be stuck with the stocks.

Yang Zhen and Lin Yixiang were both very worried.

One was all the family savings, and a family of five was waiting for him to support.

The other was a loan of 5 million yuan at high interest. If he didn't pay it back as soon as possible, the interest would compound and he would owe even more. If he didn't have the money to pay back, he might be hacked to death by the creditor.

The stock market was closed on weekends, and the two had no choice but to wait until the stock market opened next Monday.

The three continued to monitor at night.

The other two shareholders of Fenghua International were discussing how to get rid of Luo Yaoming.

Because Luo Yaoming had... He has the most shares, and he is likely to sell them directly when the market opens next Monday.

If so, Fenghua's stock price will definitely collapse.

Above these three shareholders, there is a big boss behind the scenes, and the big boss means to raise the stock price to at least one dollar and twenty.

Therefore, he has sent assassins to kill Luo Yaoming.

As long as Luo Yaoming dies, no one will go against them, and Fenghua's stock price will definitely continue to rise.

This is a great thing for Yang Zhen and Lin Yixiang.

However, Zhou Junyi thinks that he should tell the news to his superiors and let them rescue people.

But if that happens, Lin Yixiang and Yang Zhen will be finished.

The most pitiful one is Yang Zhen, who has invested all his belongings. If he is dismissed and loses his job, his family will definitely be broken.

There is no way, Zhou Junyi can only think of another way. The three of them plan to secretly rescue Luo Yaoming.

At the Saigon Pier, a cruise ship is slowly moving towards the distance.

Tonight, Luo Yaoming came out with his secretary, planning to spend a romantic night happily.

Luo Yaoming finished his shower and sat on the sofa in the living room, holding a goblet of red wine in his hand. He shook it and closed his eyes, twisting his head and ankles to the beat of the music.

Sure enough, such a day is comfortable.

Luo Yaoming drank a few sips of red wine, and suddenly, he felt dizzy.

Unconsciously, he fell asleep.

In the dark warehouse of the cruise ship, the killer Ahua, who had been hiding here for a long time, gently opened the door of the warehouse.

He came to the living room and stuffed some ecstasy into Luo Yaoming's mouth. He sprinkled some on the ground to create the illusion that he had taken pills and was messing around.

Then, he opened the gas tank in the simple kitchen on the ship. The gas gradually filled the living room.

Before long, Luo Yaoming would be poisoned to death.

And if the police came to investigate tomorrow, they would only think that Luo Yaoming was high and forgot to turn off the gas tank.

Suddenly, Ahua heard sneaky footsteps approaching him.

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