The car drove along the road for a while.

The driver suddenly said,"Brother, something is wrong. We are being followed."

"What? Were we being followed?"

Lao Hu was shocked and sat up like a catapult. He quickly looked behind him.

But he found that there was nothing behind him. There was no car following him.

Was this a ghost?

"Xiaodi, what the hell are you talking about? Who is following us?"

The driver named Xiaodi said,"I see this cat has been following us for a long time."

"Xiaodi, are you fucking crazy? Why is a cat following you?"

"I see, this cat has taken a fancy to you, stop the car, pick it up, and fight it for a few hundred rounds at night."

Lao Huzi patted Xiao Di's head and said. He was really scared by this guy just now.

Being followed? He had just fired a gun in the city not long ago. If he was being followed now, it would definitely be bad.

They never thought that this cat was really following them.

Crow was arranged by Lu Yun to follow Tian Yangsheng and others.

However, after the black cat followed for a while on the highway, seeing that the roadside was in good condition, it jumped directly onto the hillside beside the road to follow.

Lao Huzi and others could not see its trace.

This episode was quickly forgotten by them.

Tian Yangsheng and others had just arrived.

Fortunately, they went to the vicinity of the bank in Central during the day and were very familiar with the roads in that area.

So, at this time, they went there the same way.

Crossing the undersea tunnel, they arrived in Central.

They hid in an old house in the Longhushan Park in Central.

"Brother Sheng, A'en's condition is very serious. If she doesn't see a doctor quickly, she won't last long."

Tian Yangzhi said worriedly.

"You guys stay here and look after her, I'll go find a doctor."

Tian Yangsheng said, and was about to go out.

Tian Yangen immediately grabbed his arm and said,"Brother Sheng, no need, you guys hurry up and leave Hong Kong Island."

Tian Yangen knew that they only noticed the bank and the escape route in Central.

As for the hospital, they really didn't see it.

Even if they found a hospital, would they catch the doctor and treat her here?


And carrying himself to the hospital for treatment was also impossible.

There was a major gunfight in Yau Ma Tei.

The police would definitely impose martial law in the whole city.

There were many people in the hospital, and if they saw a gunshot wound, they would definitely call the police.

Tian Yangen knew that he would not survive, so he wanted them to leave first.

"You don't have to say it, Arn."

"As long as you are still alive, I will find a way to save you!"

"We seven brothers and sisters, we live and die together."

Tian Yangsheng knew that if Tian Yangen was worried about becoming a burden to them, he would most likely commit suicide.

So, he said the last sentence,"We live and die together."

That would dispel Tian Yangen's wish to commit suicide.

Tian Yangsheng pushed Tian Yangen's hand away and walked outside.

At this time, the door of the old house was suddenly pushed open.

Tian Yangsheng and others immediately took a fighting stance.

This escape route was very secretive, how could it be found so quickly?

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to help you."

The man who came was Lu Yun, who said in an orderly manner

"Help us? Who are you? How can you help us? Do you know who we are?"

Tian Yangsheng asked

"I saw you guys knocking over a lot of people from Dongxing in the nightclub"

"The people from Dongxing are my enemies. They gathered so many people today just to destroy my place."

"You helped me bump into them, I wanted to thank you, so I sent someone to follow us."

Lu Yun explained it to them clearly so that they could let down their guard.

It would be convenient for the next conversation.

After listening to it, Tian Yangsheng was still very confused.

Our escape route was so secretive, but he was able to follow us from Yau Ma Tei to now.

He didn't get away, and we didn't find him.

It's really... amazing.

Although Tian Yangsheng didn't want to admit it, it was really amazing!

Because he knew that these people worked closely together.

Tian Yangzhi is the trump card against tracking.

He didn't even notice that he was being followed.

That can only mean that the opponent's level is too high.

"How can we help you?"


"No, no, no."

Tian Yangsheng shook his head and said,"We won't escape until A'en is cured."

"Do you have a place where A'en can be cured?"

Tian Yangen said weakly:"Brother Sheng, you should leave quickly under the arrangement of this boss!"

"I have a bullet in my heart, I can't be saved."

Indeed, Tian Yangsheng knew that in this era, the chances of curing a bullet in the heart were slim.

"Let me see."

Lu Yun squatted down.

Tian Yangen was nervous. She was still a girl.

And now she was shot in the heart, which was just below the murder weapon.

How could she let others see this?

Lu Yun seemed to see her embarrassment, so he advised:

"Now your life is in danger, so you can't care about these things."

When Lu Yun was at the door just now, there was a faint moonlight outside.

Tian Yangen saw that this was a handsome man of the same age as her.

And from the tone of the other party's speech and the strong aura, Tian Yangen knew that he was not an ordinary person.

Now that he had no choice, Tian Yangen slowly let go of his reserve.

Loosen the right hand that was protecting the murder weapon.

Although the other people were brothers, it was inconvenient for them to watch.

They all turned their heads away.

Lu Yun gently tore open his outer clothes.

There was a black hole under the white high slope.

Lu Yun has cat's eyes, so in the weak light, he can see it like daytime in a black and white TV.

The bullet hit the heart, but fortunately because the bullet had penetrated something like a table or a refrigerator cover before.

So it did not completely penetrate the heart.

Despite this, because it was inserted deeper.

If it is pulled out, it will definitely bleed.

Ordinary doctors really can't treat it.

However, Lu Yun has a magical medicine produced by top healing skills.

But he is very sure

"She was seriously injured. Even if she went to the hospital, she couldn't be saved with the current medical conditions."

"But luckily you met me, I have a way"

"Big brother, if you save A'en, you can let us seven brothers and sisters do anything."

Tian Yangsheng said sincerely

"Just your words are enough."

Lu Yun put his hand into his arms, and when he took it out, he was holding a transparent gelatinous elixir.

"You bear with it for a moment."

Lu Yun put his left hand into the weapon, grabbed the bullet, and activated the Light as a Swallow and Fast as a Fly.

Lu Yun's agility points are now 61 points.

247 times the twice the acceleration of Light as a Swallow.

And then times the twice the acceleration of Fast as a Fly.

A total of 24 times the speed of an ordinary person.

After pulling out the bullet, the blood was directly sprayed out due to the high pressure in the body.

If it is not stopped in time, I am afraid that he will die from excessive blood loss within three seconds.

And Lu Yun immediately stuffed the gelatinous elixir in.

The whole process did not exceed 0.1 seconds.

So not a lot of blood was sprayed out.

The elixir blocked the gap in the blood.

And the ingredients inside are rapidly accelerating the division of heart cells.

Soon, the heart healed.

In other words, it has passed the critical period.

And the flesh and blood holes outside are also blocked by the elixir.

There is no bleeding, and it is slowly recovering.

I believe it will only take one day.

Tian Yangen's injury will be completely healed.

"Well, she's passed the critical period."

Lu Yun put on Tian Yangen's clothes.

Then he stood up and said


Tian Yangsheng couldn't believe it.

Tian Yangen was shot in the heart just now.

Everyone saw the amount of blood that flowed out.

Tian Yangen's face turned pale due to excessive blood loss.

Now, so fast, in less than two seconds, you tell me that he is out of danger?

Tian Yangsheng and his friends turned around.

They found that it was dark inside the old house, and it was difficult to see Tian Yangen's wound.

I really don't know how this powerful guy could see it clearly just now.

Since they couldn't see clearly.

So, they could only ask Tian Yangen:

"Arne, how do you feel?".

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