The sudden defeat of Lei Yaoyang caught them off guard and unprepared. The change was too fast. However, the two who reacted rushed out in a hurry. Seeing Lei Yaoyang turn around and run away, and running very fast, Long Yaowu could only sigh that Lei Yaoyang was worthy of being a thunder tiger, and his speed was comparable to that of a car that had just started. However, Long Yaowu had no intention of letting Lei Yaoyang go tonight. He knew that after what happened tonight, Lei Yaoyang's hatred was even greater and he would become more crazy, so Lei Yaoyang must not leave! Long Yaowu, who was running, soon surpassed the prince and others and followed closely behind Lei Yaoyang. Lei Yaoyang, who was running for his life, snorted coldly. As long as he escaped from the island and crossed a bridge, he could enter the outlying island area. Then, as long as he entered the mountainous area, Long Yaowu and others wanted to find him, dreaming!

Soon, Lei Yaoyang and Long Yaowu arrived at the bridge one after the other.

The two were too fast. At this moment, the world's long-distance and short-distance running records were not worthy of being compared with them.

Even Dadong, Han Bin and others who were driving behind had not left the island yet.

There was no way. If you want to get out of the island, you have to go around.



Lei Yaoyang, who was running at full speed, suddenly felt dizzy and his body was in great pain. He spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He knew that he had just taken a handful of stimulants, and the side effects were too strong and had already hit.

Long Yaowu, who followed closely behind, was also sweating profusely, but his breath was still stable.

However, when he saw Lei Yaoyang fall and get up again, he knew that Lei Yaoyang definitely had too strong side effects.

Instantly, Long Yaowu came up with a great idea.

Now, whether it is Zhongyi Xin, He Liansheng, or the people in the serious crime team, they all know the conflict between Hongxing and Lei Yaoyang.

As long as Lei Yaoyang dies, everyone will suspect that it is them!

However, seeing Lei Yaoyang's painful appearance, Long Yaowu couldn't wait to buy more than a dozen stimulants with the strongest side effects from the Hero Mall.

Lei Yaoyang took stimulants, and everyone saw it just now, including Dongxing Dadong and Dong Zhen.

If Lei Yaoyang died because the side effects of stimulants were too strong, then does it have nothing to do with him?

Thinking of this, Long Yaowu rushed up quickly. As long as he fed Lei Yaoyang some more medicine, everything would be solved!

The two fought again, but now, Lei Yaoyang was obviously not his opponent.

"Lei Yaoyang, I'll give you something good."

Long Yaowu, who saw the right time, directly stuffed more than a dozen stimulants into Lei Yaoyang's hands.


Lei Yaoyang's face was full of hatred, and he was confused. This was a life-and-death fight, and Long Yaowu actually fed him something?

In an instant, Lei Yaoyang felt his whole body burning, his blood boiling, and his heartbeat was thumping. To him, it was like thunder close at hand.


Lei Yaoyang, who felt something was wrong, was ready to induce vomiting, but Long Yaowu would never give him time.


Lei Yaoyang, who felt his whole body split, screamed in pain and even had hallucinations. In front of him, the twelve leaders of Hongxing appeared together, and he was holding a big knife and harvesting crazily!


Dadong and Dong Zhen, who came over, saw Lei Yaoyang dancing on the bridge, and saw Lei Yaoyang suddenly stop moving and fall off the bridge, and screamed crazily.


The prince, Han Bin and others were at a loss. Lei Yaoyang fell off the bridge?


Everyone was shocked when they saw Lei Yaoyang's body falling off the bridge.

Dadong and Dong Zhen screamed heartbreakingly.

How could Lei Yaoyang fall off the bridge?

Time went forward.

After Long Yaowu stuffed a dozen stimulants with great side effects into Lei Yaoyang's mouth, he did not give Lei Yaoyang time to induce vomiting, but continued to deal with Lei Yaoyang. The purpose was to make the stimulants take effect quickly.

Lei Yaoyang naturally knew that the situation was not right. He fought and retreated at the same time, and even used his fingers to pick his mouth several times, just to spit out those things.

However, the effect of the drug was too fast.

Soon, Lei Yaoyang realized that something was wrong with his body. His blood was boiling and rolling like magma. Wherever the blood flowed, his body was hot. In the end, he even felt that his whole body was burning, and his face was even more cooked.

However, at that moment, Lei Yaoyang was extremely crazy. He seemed to feel the power of the legendary S-level warrior, a power that seemed to be able to shatter everything and fulfill all his dreams. He was the master.

Kill the king of Hong Kong City!

So, Lei Yaoyang, who was originally running away, turned around and killed Long Yaowu.

However, Lei Yaoyang, whose eyes were bloodshot, did not realize that he had hallucinations because of too many stimulants.

In the world of hallucination, Lei Yaoyang saw the twelve leaders of Hongxing chasing him. This time, Lei Yaoyang did not hide, but rushed up directly.

One punch after another, it was so easy.

Even the prince of Hongxing, the god of war, could not block the power of his punch.

In an instant, Long Yaowu was the only one left among the twelve leaders of Hongxing.

Lei Yaoyang laughed up to the sky. He eliminated Hongxing, the first society in Hongcheng, by himself. Who can compare with him?

Back then, Lian Haolong, that bastard, fought for the country with a pair of fists, but he rose in chaos. He, this is a strong way to destroy Hongxing.

However, Lei Yaoyang, who was in the hallucination, became more and more crazy. He found that no matter how he hit or how hard he tried, Long Yaowu, that bastard, could stand up.

He hated Long Yaowu the most, but why couldn't Long Yaowu be killed?

In fact, Long Yaowu had been standing not far away admiring Lei Yaoyang's madness.

At this moment, the aura exuded by Lei Yaoyang was like a lion on the grassland and a tiger in the forest. His fists were no weaker than tiger claws. With one punch, he smashed the bridge guardrail, leaving holes and scratches on it.

Long Yaowu's face also reached an unprecedented seriousness. Perhaps, only S-level warriors have such powerful power!

However, S-level warriors are already legends. At least in Hong Kong, no one has heard of them.

Lei Yaoyang was able to feel the power of S-level warriors before he died, but that was at the cost of his life.

Now Lei Yaoyang's eyes are bloodshot and he is shedding tears of blood. Even his nose, ears, and mouth are bleeding. This is not only the side effect of stimulants, but also the potential of Lei Yaoyang himself.

As for why Lei Yaoyang couldn't kill Long Yaowu in the hallucination, he was fighting an illusion, but he saw a real person, which was totally irrelevant!


"Long Yaowu, I want you to die!"

"I will cut you into pieces!"

Lei Yaoyang, who was trapped in the hallucination, looked at the illusion Long Yaowu who couldn't be killed, his eyes were full of madness, and he roared like a beast.

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