The old man was very angry.

"Speaking of which, it's good that Jiang Tiansheng and Luotuo are dead. If these two old guys are still here, Hongcheng may not be in chaos. Now, the two deputy gang leaders of Hongxing, one tiger and one dragon, I wonder if there will be an internal fight like a dragon fighting a tiger! Add Dongxing Yaoyang, I don't know how exciting this scene will be!"

Lian Haolong doesn't care about the death of Jiang Tiansheng and Luotuo at all.

Because he is confident that as long as he is there, the dragons under his command will never be in chaos and will always be able to coil!

Now, what he is more looking forward to is that these hot-tempered young people will have a good fight first. The best result is naturally a loss to both sides!

When the time comes, he will come out to clean up the mess and unify Hongcheng!

"At that time, unifying the dark world of Hong Kong City will be a piece of cake!"

Lian Haodong was even more excited.

He even felt that with his ability, he could unify it!

"So, there's no rush. By the way, Yaozu's full moon party will be handed over to you. At that time, I will invite the leaders of the other three clubs to come and get together. I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future."

Lian Haolong picked up the cigar and enjoyed it.

These problems must be solved within two years. Once the clubs fight, it will be a fight to the death. How can they have the mood to drink together?

"I'm already preparing. After all, this is their last dinner, so it has to be a little more sumptuous."

Lian Haodong laughed out loud.

After the full moon party, it should be the day of the battle between Hongxing and Dongxing, and the chaos of Liansheng.

It won't be long before his Zhongyixin can unify the entire Hong Kong City!

"Two deputy gang leaders?"

"A bunch of idiots!"

"It seems that I still overestimated Long Yaowu. After all, he is just a young man, how can he fight against those old foxes in Hongxing!"

Lin Huaile breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Long Yaowu, who has the most fame recently, did not become the leader of Hongxing.

It seems that Jimmy's threat is smaller than Dong Guanzai.

Dong Guanzai?

Lin Huaile's eyes were full of ridicule. He was just a reckless man. If he, Lin Huaile, couldn't even handle a reckless man, how could he have the nerve to continue to be re-elected?

The people who prevented him from being re-elected were never Jimmy and Dong Guanzai, but the rules of He Liansheng and those old guys who only knew how to enjoy themselves all day long! Those old guys really regarded He Liansheng as a legitimate business? What about the rule of every two years!

They are just out there, they are dark forces. Only fools follow the rules, and only idiots talk about morality!

Not to mention, this is an era where money is supreme. If you have money, what can't you do?

It seems that it is time to find those old guys and express his idea of ​​re-election!

Lin Huaile has a headache when thinking of those broken rules.

He knows that there must be leaders like him who have the idea of ​​re-election. However, decades have passed and no one has succeeded, which shows that it is full of difficulties!

However, he will not do things that are not challenging.

Then let him, Lin Huaile, become the first leader in the history of Heliansheng to be re-elected, or in other words, the first lifelong leader!

As long as he succeeds in re-election, he will directly start the community war and unify Hong Kong City. At that time, who dares to mention any rules in front of him?

His rules are the rules!

Thinking that he has the opportunity to unify the entire dark world of Hong Kong City, Lin Huaile's eyes are full of smiles, and soon, they change to fierceness!

No one can stop him from being re-elected!

No matter who it is, as long as they dare to stop it, they will die!

Compared with other places, Causeway Bay now has only cheers and joy.

It is naturally worth celebrating that Long Yaowu became the deputy leader of Hongxing. In particular, what is the difference between the deputy leader and the leader when there is no leader in Hongxing?

Datou and Xiaobao were so excited that they cried like ghosts and howled like wolves.

Song Zihao and Xiao Ma Ge were also very excited, and they lamented that they did not follow the wrong person!

You know, Long Yaowu is only 25 years old, and he has become the deputy leader of Hongxing. He will definitely have a chance to become the leader, but it will be sooner or later.

The judge, who has always been serious, also made an exception to drink a few more glasses tonight.

He knew that Long Yaowu had done his best to sit in the position of deputy leader!

Don't worry, with Long Yaowu's strength, he will become the leader sooner or later. At that time, it will be the perfect time for them to punish evil and promote good!

That day is not far away.

Ding Yao and Xiao Jieba, who rarely targeted him, were happy for Long Yaowu.

Especially Ding Yao, her beautiful eyes were full of joy.

Before, she only focused on Long Yaowu. Who would have thought that Long Yaowu would be so

In a short time, she was promoted to the top!

Now, she can finally go out shopping in a swagger.

The people of the Sanlian Gang no longer dare to trouble her!

This is the direct benefit brought by strength.

"Come on, everyone, have a drink. After drinking, I will arrange the next task."

The happiest person is naturally Long Yaowu.

You know, more than a month ago, he was still in Stanley, worried about his freedom. Now he has changed, he is the deputy leader of Hongxing, above ten thousand people, and no one dares to step on his head!


"I wish Brother Wu to reach the top soon!"

Everyone cheered.

Long Yaowu drank the whole thing in one gulp, and after the others calmed down, he said slowly:

"Now, our business can expand!"

"First, the expansion of the mobile phone store. I will give a notice to the other leaders. Next, each of the twelve districts of Hongxing must have a mobile phone branch!"

This is the benefit brought by status and position. Before, when he was just a leader, he could only open branches with a few people with whom he had a good relationship.

But now, he is the deputy leader of Hongxing, and he can do business in all the territories of Hongxing. Those leaders will not only not refuse, but will fully assist!

"You will be responsible for opening a branch, Ding Yao, and the security work will remain the same, and you will be responsible for the big head. Especially for the security work, you must pay attention in the past two years."

Long Yaowu knows that in the past two years, three thief kings will appear!

The later the thief king is, the bolder he is, and the stronger he is. Now, as his mobile phone store expands, it will soon be all over the most prosperous places in the entire port city. Don’t those thieves want to be tempted!

"Little stutterer, go for the telephone shopping. Whether he buys a mobile phone, a computer, a TV, or a meal, as long as it can be given as a gift, give it to me!"

"I am no longer a stutterer. How much is the gift? It is not enough to cover the phone bill."

"This business must be done even if it loses money."

Long Yaowu is very familiar with the rise of a certain group in the future, millions of yellow-clothed soldiers; the rise of a certain treasure, which directly gave birth to a richest man. Now, he starts with telephone shopping, whether it is takeout or online shopping, he wants it all!

"Xiaobao, you have to be more careful with the takeaway. If the bicycle is too slow, then change to a motorcycle. At the same time, recruit a large number of members. Anyone from Hongxing who is willing to work and qualified will be hired!"

"Dasha, the express delivery company has little business at present, but it cannot be stopped."

"Song Zihao, I plan to develop Taiping Mountain and build a group of luxury houses. You are responsible for this. By the way, let's set up a real estate company first."

"Brother Wu, such an important matter, I am afraid I can't handle it well?"

Song Zihao was shocked.

Now, who doesn't know that the real estate industry is just like making money.

It is no exaggeration to say that real estate is more profitable than counterfeit money business, which also shows that real estate business is more difficult to do!

Song Zihao didn't expect that Long Yaowu would actually hand this matter to him?

This is absolutely trusting!

"I will follow up on this matter, just assist me."

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