
Hong Kong.

The sea water at night is rippling with blue waves and thousands of ripples.

The bright lights fall on the sea, like broken gold flowing.

An old fishing boat docked

"Here you go, come out."

The captain opened his mouth to the cabin, and several figures emerged from the dark cabin.

Among them were women, children, and lean men. They looked around and looked at the bustling and bright Hong Kong Island, their faces in a daze.

They finally arrived. Hong Kong Island!

Then they hurried ashore while no one was around, moving hurriedly and furtively, for fear of being discovered.

It was obvious that they all came to Hong Kong Island illegally to make a living.

Finally, a tall, handsome young man climbed out of the cabin, He carried a simple package on his back, lit a cigarette, stood on the bow of the ship, stared at the lights of the Hong Kong River, and was filled with emotions for a moment.

"In this era, Xiangjiang is indeed the most prosperous."

Ye Tianhua stared at the tall buildings in Xiangjiang, with a surge of pride and ambition in his heart.

He came to Xiangjiang this time with a purpose.

To get rid of the poor life and create an era that belongs to him in Xiangjiang.

"Come on, the note will be here soon."

Just when Ye Tianhua was in a surging mood, the boat owner on the side urged him to get off the boat.

If Ye Tianhua lingers here, he will take more risks.

Ye Tianhua glanced at the boat owner who didn't look very good-looking, raised his eyebrows slightly and got off the boat..At this moment, he had stepped into the land of Xiangjiang!

"Xiangjiang, I, Ye Tianhua, are here, get ready for my baptism!"

Ye Tianhua is full of ambitions. He will definitely be able to hold his own in Xiangjiang!


【Congratulations to the host for arriving in Xiangjiang!】

【Unlock the newbie gift pack!】

【Has the host opened the novice gift package? 】

Just when Ye Tianhua got off the boat and stepped onto the ground, a cold mechanical sound sounded in his ears.

Ye Tianhua didn't feel strange when he heard this voice, because he was a time traveler.

The system awakened on the day he traveled through time.

However, it cannot be used in the mainland at all. Only when you come to Xiangjiang can the system officially operate.

This is an underground world king system, and Xiangjiang is the most suitable land for the development of this system.

"Turn on!"

Ye Tianhua spoke with a hint of expectation.

He didn't know what good things the system would give him.


【The novice gift package has been opened, please check it carefully. 】

A transparent light curtain appeared in front of Ye Tianhua's eyes, and a gift package for beginners was presented in front of him.

A premium character summoning card.

Note: A high-quality character summoning card can summon a character to appear at will and be absolutely loyal to the host.

A 5 cubic meter storage ring.

Note: The 5 cubic meter storage ring can store items and send and receive them with one thought, but cannot store living objects.

A bottle of 10 points of strength potion.

Note: 10 points of strength potion, after taking it, can increase your strength by 10 points.

Looking at these three things, a light flashed in Ye Tianhua's bright eyes.

These three things are very practical.

In the world of martial arts, it is very important to have one's own strength and have subordinates who are absolutely loyal to oneself.

Needless to say, storage rings can give you a lot of convenience.

He is quite satisfied with the items opened in the novice gift package.


【Is it present? 】

The cold mechanical sound of the system sounded again


Ye Tianhua spoke without hesitation. He wanted to experience these things quickly.


【It's manifesting!】

【Demonstrated success! 】

As the sound of the system falls.

Three rays of light appeared naturally in his hand, as if they had been holding his hand from the beginning.

Ye Tianhua picked it up and took a look. He saw a simple bronze ring that looked unpretentious, an exquisite black gold card, and a bottle of red potion the size of a thumb.

Ye Tianhua put the bronze ring on his index finger. There was a buzzing sound, and the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness connected with the ring. It felt very strange, as if they were connected as one.

Ye Tianhua looked at the ring in his hand, touched it with his fingers, and his mind sank into it. His vision suddenly fell into a bright and empty 5 cubic meter space.

Ye Tianhua thought, and the package behind him suddenly appeared in the storage ring space.

Lying there quietly, it was very magical, like magic.

Just when Ye Tian was immersed in it, a voice suddenly pulled him back.

"Brother Hua, here."

Ye Tianhua heard a familiar voice and looked up. Not far ahead, an old car stopped. A young man with a stout body and dyed yellow hair waved enthusiastically to Ye Tianhua. Ye Tianhua looked at the young man , with a smile on his face, he strode over.

The two hugged each other passionately.

The man in front of him was his brother Ye Lei, who he had played with since childhood.

He came to Xiangjiang for two years before Ye Tianhua, and this time he Made a special trip to pick up Ye Tianhua

"Brother Hua, you have finally arrived in Xiangjiang!"

Ye Lei happily patted Ye Tianhua's arm and opened his mouth, his face full of happiness.

"People in my hometown are starving to death, so I can only come to Xiangjiang to try my luck."

Ye Tianhua responded with a smile on his face.

"Okay, Brother Hua, when you come to Xiangjiang, our brothers will definitely be able to make a career. There are many opportunities in Xiangjiang. As long as we are willing to work hard, we will definitely get what we want!"

Ye Lei happily encouraged Ye Tianhua

"Come on, get in the car, I'll take you to eat, and then take you to the walled city to meet Master Ding"

"Walled City, Master Ding?"

Ye Tianhua raised his eyebrows while sitting in the car, as if he felt familiar.

As the car traveled through the bustling city, Ye Lei seemed to feel Ye Tianhua's doubts, and he smiled while driving the car and said

"Those of us who come from the mainland will basically go to the Kowloon Walled City to settle down. Only the Walled City can protect us and find food to eat. The most respected person in the Walled City is Lord Ding. Ye surname."

After Ye Tianhua heard this, he nodded thoughtfully.

As far as he knew, Kowloon Walled City is a no-care zone in Xiangjiang and a huge slum, covering an area of ​​2.7 hectares but tens of thousands of people live in it.

Many people live in it. People who broke the law in Xiangjiang fled here, and then settled down here, and because it was ungovernable, drug trafficking, smuggling, murder, and robbery continued. To put it simply, it was not suitable for people to live there at all.

I guess it was a bit redundant. Anyone who wants money will move there.

But for Ye Tianhua, it is a good place to start.

Although the walled city is chaotic and the environment is very poor, it is very suitable for the growth of evil forces, and there will also be many talents from the world gathered.

Yes A very good place, suitable for Ye Tianhua to develop his own power.

As he spoke, the car was driving towards the Kowloon Walled City. ps: Brothers, please support!!! Submit some free data! You can also comment! Give it to me The author has a little motivation, the first day’s data determines everything! One thousand flowers will add one more chapter! One hundred evaluation votes will add one more chapter! One monthly ticket will add one more chapter!!!

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