The fat uncle of Hongtai Yuan was also staring at the younger brother who came to report with a serious face at this time.

Originally, they were all waiting for the crown prince's triumphant return, but they didn't expect to receive such news!

Take 20 million to redeem someone? This is shitting on their Hongtai head!

"Tell me quickly, who has kidnapped the prince?"

Lao Guimei said anxiously to the younger brother in front of him.

"It’s Ye Tianhua, the current owner of Mongkok Bathing Street."

"Ye Tianhua?"

"The new owner of the bathing street in Mong Kok?"

The old ghost frowned. He seemed to have never heard of Ye Tianhua. He turned his head and looked at Bao Rong beside him and spoke.

"Abao, have you ever heard of such a person? Bao

Rong thought for a moment, then shook his head and said

"I don’t say I know anyone who is famous in the world, but I have heard of it. But this person named Ye Tianhua, I have never heard of such a person."

"The new owner of the bathing street in Mong Kok? Do you know where he came from? Bao

Rong raised his eyes and asked the younger brother.

The younger brother shook his head blankly, indicating that he was unclear.

"You don’t even know where you came from, what do you do for food!"

Bao Rong got angry immediately, slammed the table and shouted angrily.

The younger brother stood there in a daze, his body trembled slightly, his head lowered and he did not dare to speak.

"What a loser!"

"Hurry up and find out the other person's details for me, or you won't come back! Bao

Rong stared at the younger brother in front of him fiercely and said.

The younger brother was so frightened that he nodded repeatedly.

Not knowing the details is the most difficult thing to do.

The old ghost frowned tightly, thought for a while, waved his hand and said

"Get out of here!"


The younger brother nodded quickly and left the hall quickly as if he was running away.

As the younger brother left,

Lao Guimei slowly sat down.

He was distracted, holding the corners of the table with both hands, and glanced at Bao Rong and Yuan Lao Pang. Uncle said

"Abao, Uncle Fatty, what do you think we should do about this matter?"

"Tamad kidnapped my son and demanded 20 million from me. How cruel Tamad was!"

Bao Rong and the elder fat uncle frowned slightly. They were thinking about who was behind this incident.

But they didn't have any clue for a while.

"I think we should not be too hasty about this matter. We need to find out the details of the other party before making plans."

The fat uncle, the elder, thought for a while and then said.

Bao Rong nodded aside and agreed.

"Uncle Fatty is right. We need to find out the details of the other party first. If the other party is a big society, we can only send people to talk to them. If it is just a small character with no background, I will lead my people to destroy him immediately!"

"As for the prince, I believe there will be no danger for the time being. They only kidnapped the prince for money. As long as we don't reply yet, then the prince will be safe."

Old Guimei nodded after listening to Uncle Fatty and Bao Rong's words, and the anxiety in his heart slowly calmed down.

"I'm just waiting to see what the other party will reveal."

"If some cat or dog dares to ride on Hongtai, I will make him die very ugly!"

After saying that, Lao Guimei picked up the red wine on the table and drank it all with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Ah Bao, please call and let the people below prepare. Bao

Rong nodded and walked to the phone beside him and made a few calls.

………… the other side.


Bar street.

Night Rose Bar.

A handsome man wearing a black gauze T-shirt was in the middle of the dance floor, following two hot beauties, twisting his body enthusiastically to the hot DJ music.

There were several young men dancing around, and no men around him could get close.

Just when the handsome man was having fun, a greasy bald man took a fancy to the woman in the middle of the dance floor. He barged in unknowingly, beamed at the woman in the middle of the dance floor, and touched the woman's rear bulge with his big hands. of Yupo.

His face was full of pride.

The woman screamed in surprise and hid in the handsome man's arms. The handsome man stopped and watched quietly as the greasy man walked towards another beautiful woman.

At this time, the bald and greasy man didn't know that something was wrong with the surrounding environment.

Several young and Dangerous boys gathered around.

The greasy bald man looked at the fierce-looking young and Dangerous boy who slowly gathered around him, and his expression slowly became unnatural.

The handsome man slowly came over and said with a cold smile on his face.

"How about it? Is my woman beautiful?"

The greasy bald man smiled awkwardly and looked at the handsome man. He knew he was in trouble.

"No...I'm sorry, I didn't know she was your woman"

"have no idea?"

The handsome man smiled and stretched out his hand. A young man handed the beer bottle into the handsome man's hand.

"Then I will let you remember it for a long time!"

As he spoke, the beer bottle hit the greasy bald man on the head. The greasy bald man immediately covered his bleeding head and howled in pain.

"You dare to pick up my little bully’s girl!"

The handsome little bully kicked the bald and greasy man on the ground hard. The man kept moaning in pain. The surrounding guests looked at this scene indifferently, and even felt that the man had offended the local emperor little bully here.

As soon as the little bully beat him violently. When I was a man, a young man came over and said

"Brother, Brother Bao called and said he had something to tell you."

After hearing this, the little bully stopped what he was doing, and finally kicked the man hard, walked out, and said to the little brother next to him.

"Drag me out and beat me hard! Beat him until he's half dead!"

After that, the little bully lit up a cigarette and walked into the office in the back room of the bar. He came to the desk, took the phone from the boy's hand, sat down on the desk, picked up the phone and put it to his ear and spoke. road

"Brother Bao, what's going on? Call me late at night."

"The bully is disturbing your enjoyment, but I have something important to tell you."


The little bully exhaled a long stream of smoke and spoke calmly and casually.

"The prince was kidnapped and asked to ransom him for 20 million yuan. Uncle Mei asked you to call your men to prepare for the work."

"The prince was kidnapped?"

The little bully was shocked after hearing this. This news is a bit exciting.

"Who was kidnapped?"

"This is still unclear, and I don’t know the details of the other party yet. I will let you know when the exact news comes! you get ready"

"Okay, no more words, that’s it, remember not to spread the news."

"knew. After saying that

, he put down the phone.

The little bully was smoking, his eyes slightly blurred, as if he was thinking about something.

"The prince was kidnapped? It's really interesting that someone finally took action against this arrogant and domineering second generation ancestor."

There was a smile on the little bully's face unconsciously. He was very disgusted with Prince Hongtai, and he did whatever he wanted with the fact that his father was the leader of Hongtai.

Once, one of his women was robbed by the prince, and he still holds a grudge in his heart.

"Whoever kidnapped the prince, I really want to thank him."

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