While Ye Tianhua was looking at Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang, they were also looking at Ye Tianhua.

They didn't know who the powerful man in front of them was.

What is the purpose of taking them captive?

Ye Tianhua just looked at them quietly, and the atmosphere in the hall was very quiet.

The more this happened, the more Xiao Bawang and Wei Jixiang felt depressed.

There seemed to be an invisible pressure oppressing their bodies and minds.

After a long time, Ye Tianhua lit up a cigarette, slowly exhaled a long smoke, glanced at Xiao Bawang and Wei Jixiang coldly and spoke.

"You must be curious about my identity and why I invited you here."

Little Overlord, Wei Jixiang's eyebrows moved slightly. They were really curious, but they didn't dare to speak.

"Actually, you don’t need to be nervous. I asked you to come here today just to give you a choice."

Hearing Ye Tianhua's words, Xiaobawang and Wei Jixiang looked at Ye Tianhua with doubts on his face.

They didn't know what the mysterious man in front of them meant when he said this.

Ye Tianhua glanced at them and continued to speak unhurriedly.

"I know that although you have a certain strength and position in Hongtai, you are not very popular. The benefits and benefits are divided up by Lao Guimei, his confidant Baorong and individual elders."

"It is you who have contributed, but your flesh has been eaten by others, and you have been suppressed everywhere. I think you are very unwilling to accept it."

Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang listened to Ye Tianhua's words, lowered their brows, their eyes flickered, and they gritted their teeth subconsciously.

They have suffered a lot of grievances in Hongtai over the years.

Ye Tianhua's words made them feel aggrieved and sad. was ignited.

The prince and others were even more resentful towards Hongtai Longtou, Lao Guimei and Bao Rong.

"Therefore, the choice I give you is to join my Red Flower Club and destroy Hongtai!"

Ye Tianhua's words brought Xiao Bawang and Wei Jixiang back from their immersed emotions.

"Red Flower Club?"

"Destroy Hongtai?"

They seemed unable to react for a moment.

Wang Jianjun came to them at this time and said coldly

"The person in front of you is our Brother Hua, Ye Tianhua, who is also the leader of the Red Flower Club!"

"Brother Hua's intention is very clear, that is to let you leave Hongtai and join our Red Flower Club, and then destroy Hongtai!"

Red Flower Club, Ye Tianhua? Destroyed Hongtai?

They seem to have never heard of this prefix, nor of the person Ye Tianhua.

Although they have not heard of it, they observe that Ye Tianhua's temperament and style cannot be a simple figure..

The outlet is to destroy Hongtai!

If they don’t have a certain amount of power, they would never dare to say such a thing.

In addition, they are indeed somewhat interested in destroying Hongtai.

Instead of being frustrated in Hongtai, it is better to change the family.

"Don't worry, as long as you join the Red Flower Club, I will ensure that your treatment will definitely be far better than now. I know that you are all smart people and you should know how to choose."

Ye Tianhua looked at the hesitant expressions of Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang in silence, and added.

After hearing this, Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang looked at each other, and both saw emotions in each other's eyes.

And they were very clear about it. , if they don’t agree, I’m afraid they won’t be able to leave this hall tonight.

They decided immediately and said respectfully to Ye Tianhua.

"We are willing to join the Red Flower Club and follow Brother Hua!"

Ye Tianhua saw that they were aware of current affairs and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, you will be members of our Red Flower Club from now on."

"However, Brother Hua, we have a request."

The little bully took a step forward and spoke to Ye Tianhua.


Ye Tianhua said calmly

"Although we have joined the Red Flower Club now, it is not convenient for us to take action when Hongtai is destroyed. Otherwise, we will betray our trust and be shameless in the world and be reviled by others. I am afraid it will be difficult for us to gain a foothold in the world in the future. I hope Brother Hua can do it. understanding. After hearing this

, Ye Tianhua thought for a while while smoking a cigarette, and finally nodded.

"What you said is indeed true. People in the world should also take into account some morality and face on the stage. When the time comes, you don’t need to take action. You only need to hold down your brothers."

"Thank you Brother Hua for your understanding."

The little bully gave Ye Tianhua a fist, bowed and spoke.

"Since you are now joining the Red Flower Club, I will give you a meeting gift. I believe you will be very interested."

Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang had no time to react when they heard Ye Tianhua's words.

They only heard Ye Tianhua say

"Bring me people!"

As Ye Tianhua finished speaking, the two younger brothers brought up the dazed Prince Hongtai.

Xiao Bawang and Wei Jixiang looked at the brought up Prince Hongtai. Only now did they know that it was Ye Tianhua who tied up the prince..

But when they thought about Ye Tianhua saying that he wanted to destroy Hongtai, they felt relieved.

Soon Prince Hongtai was brought in front of the two of them.

"What to do with him is up to you."

Ye Tianhua glanced lazily at the Little Overlord and Wei Jixiang and spoke.

Wei Jixiang and the Little Overlord looked at each other. They knew very well that Ye Tianhua was asking them to submit a name certificate.

But this name certificate was very suitable for them. Because they all hate Prince Hongtai very much!

"Get the knife!"

The little overlord looked at Prince Hongtai reaching out his hand and spoke indifferently.

Wang Jianjun glanced at the younger brother on the side. The younger brother pulled out a machete from his waist and handed it to the little overlord's hand.

"Give me some water to wake him up!"

A boy took a bucket of warm water from the bath nearby and poured it on Prince Hongtai. Prince

Hongtai's body trembled and he suddenly woke up.

He opened his eyes and saw the little bully holding a bucket of warm water in his hand. Holding a bright machete, he was walking towards him coldly.

"Little bully!"

"Why are you, Tamad, here!"

"What do you want to do!"

A cold smile appeared on the little overlord's face. He came to the prince, used a cold mountain knife to pat his red and swollen face, and said in a cold voice.

"Prince, I never thought you would be here today"

"What do you think I want to do?"

"You traitor, my father will definitely kill you!"

Prince Hongtai looked fiercely at the little overlord and spoke.

"Kill me? I'm so scared, I'll send you on your way today!"

As he said that, the little bully's face became fierce, and he stabbed the prince's stomach hard, stabbing him several times. Prince Hongtai's body was shaking, blood overflowed from his mouth, and his face was bloody.

He didn't expect that the little bully would dare to attack him.!

The little bully pulled out the knife fiercely. Seeing the prince's expression that he was about to die, a smile of relief appeared on his face. He turned around and handed the bloody knife into Wei Jixiang's hand.

"It's your turn."

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