
The younger brother's face showed an excited look.

Baorong's territory and venue are the most lucrative places in the entire Hongtai.

This is a big piece of fat!

If it can be taken down, then the brothers below will be full!

"Don't be so excited. After taking over Baorong's territory, Brother Hua will still need to distribute it."

The little bully glanced at his younger brother who had an excited look on his face and said

"I understand this."

The younger brother nodded. He knew everything about the Little Overlord joining the Red Flower Club.

"But I believe Brother Hua will not treat us badly."

The younger brother then spoke.

The little bully smiled and said nothing.

Ye Tianhua gave him the impression that he was very extraordinary and not a small-minded person.

Just because he opened his mouth to destroy Hongtai, he must have a very big goal.

I am afraid that there will be another overlord in Xiangjiang in the future.

Such an ambitious and hegemonic hero should not be stingy with the people below.

"Don't think too much, call the brothers to do something!"


The little overlord opened his mouth to give instructions, and the younger brother nodded and walked out.


After Bao Rong called Xiao Bawang, he then made a call to Wei Jixiang.

The words are basically the same.

Wei Jixiang superficially agreed.

"Okay, let’s just say this, I’m waiting for you here, Uncle Mei."


After saying that, he put down the phone.

A smile appeared on Wei Jixiang's face.

He instead asked his confidant to take the news to Mong Kok.

He sat on the sofa, picked up a glass of red wine, and took a swig.

After entering the arena, today was the day he felt most relieved.

"After tonight, Hongtai will cease to exist!"

"Lao Guimei, Baorong, you will reunite with the prince down below with Hongtai as a signboard!"


After a few minutes.


Royal Baths.

A younger brother brought news about Wei Jixiang.

After Ye Tianhua, who was on the second floor of the bathhouse, heard the news, a cold smile appeared on his face.

"Old Guimei, you are forcing me to destroy Hongtai tonight!"

"Jianjun, the rest is up to you!"

"Do things beautifully!"

Ye Tianhua looked at Wang Jianjun aside and said in a cold tone.

Wang Jianjun nodded and responded coldly.

"Brother Hua, don’t worry, I will make Hongtai disappear in Xiangjiang tonight!"

Ye Tianhua nodded after hearing this, waved his hands and said

"Go do something!"

Wang Jianjun nodded. He turned around and left the hall with more than a hundred veterans.

These veterans are all good players who can defeat three or four people one by one. They are more than enough to deal with Hongtai who has been disintegrated.


After a few minutes.

Old Ghost Eyebrow, Bao Rong, and Elder Fat Uncle guarded the prince's body lying on the table.

There was sadness on their faces.

Especially Lao Guimei, who was so hurt that he almost fainted.

"Why haven't you come yet?!"

Old Guimei looked at his son's body and spoke with grief on his face.

Baorong stood up and said

"I'll call and ask."

When Baorong stood facing death, a cold voice sounded.

"No need to ask, they won’t come!"

As the voice fell, Lao Guimei, Bao Rong, and the veteran fat uncle all looked outside fiercely.

More than a dozen younger brothers were stabbed and thrown to the ground covered in blood.

Wang Jianjun, with a stern look on his face, wiped his hands with a white handkerchief The bloody three-sided military thorn strode in.

Behind him, dense crowds of heads surrounded the entire courtyard and hall.

Seeing such a scene, Old Ghost Eyebrow, Bao Rong, and Elder Fat Uncle could not remain calm. Got it

"Who are you?!"

Lao Guimei stood up and stared at Wang Jianjun's words.

Wang Jianjun slowly walked to the table beside him, pulled out his chair, sat down, put his feet directly on the table, and naturally lit a cigarette. , slowly exhaled the smoke, and spoke without squinting.

"Red Flower Club, Wang Jianjun"

"I have never heard of the Red Flower Club. Bao

Rong said from the side.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Let me tell you, we Hongtai are not easy to mess with!"

"not to be trifled?"

Wang Jianjun glanced at him and said with a contemptuous smile.

"Even if it’s not easy to offend, it’s easy to offend"

"Don't you know who sent you the body on the table?!"

After hearing these words, the expressions of Old Guimei, Baorong, and Fatty Uncle Yuan changed.

"My son was killed by you!"

Old Guimei became excited at this time.

If Bao Rong hadn't been pulling him aside, he would have rushed towards Wang Jianjun.

Wang Jianjun glanced at the excited Old Guimei and sneered.


"Do you want to avenge your son?"

"But it's a pity that you don't have this opportunity!"

"Tonight, Hongtai will disappear in Xiangjiang!"

"This is the price you pay for your delusional plan to seize land in Mong Kok!"

Wang Jianjun spoke coldly, and every word made Lao Guimei feel extremely angry.

"Let Hongtai disappear in Hong Kong?"

"Let me tell you, as soon as our troops arrive, you will be dead!"

"If you retreat at this time, you may still be able to survive! Bao

Rong said harshly to Wang Jianjun from the side.

When Wang Jianjun heard this, the sneer on his face became even worse, and he slowly said

"Are you waiting for the little bully, Wei Jixiang, to bring someone over?"

When Wang Jianjun said this, Old Ghost Eyebrow, Bao Rong, and Elder Fatty Uncle were shocked and had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"how do you know?"

Bao Rong stared at Wang Jianjun with a not very good expression and spoke.

"how could I know?"

Wang Jianjun had a playful smile on his face.

"Because the two of them have already surrendered to our Red Flower Club. In other words, they are now members of our Red Flower Club."

"Moreover, the news was also passed on to us by them."

"Are you waiting for them to bring someone to rescue you?"

"Even if you wait to die, you will not wait for them to appear."

After hearing Wang Jianjun's words, Lao Guimei's face became extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth tightly.

"Tamad, these two are cheating, I knew they had the intention of betrayal, I should have kicked them out of Hongtai completely from the beginning!"

Bao Rong and the elder Fatty Uncle felt their hearts sink to the bottom at this moment.

It is obvious that this is a plan against their Hongtai!

It is to destroy their Hongtai!

"What do you want?"

At this point, they have no choice but to see if they can talk.

Lao Guimei stared at Wang Jianjun tightly and spoke.

"It's very simple. Hongtai will cease to exist. If you hand over the wealth you have accumulated, I can let you live."

"Otherwise, you and Hongtai will disappear from this earth!"

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