"Okay, Brother Ghost."

Ye Lei nodded and laughed at the brawny ghost brother, then led Ye Tianhua up the stairs to the second floor. The second floor hall.

Ding Ye, wearing a black Tang suit, was sitting on the main seat, holding a tea bowl and savoring it. Drinking tea.

He glanced at everyone sitting there.

On both sides of the hall sat the leaders of the city and the elders, including the young and strong backbone.

Wang Jianjun was also among the crowd.

At this time, they were discussing an important matter. , but this matter was a bit embarrassing.

They were all thinking about how to solve it.

However, Ye Lei, who was waiting outside, saw that the hall was quiet, so he walked in with Ye Tianhua. Ye Tianhua followed Ye

Lei into the hall. The whole hall was not very quiet. It is bright. There is a statue of Guan Erye in the high hall, surrounded by red cloth, and the flames of candles and incense are curling up on the desk.

There is a Taishi chair under it, with an old man sitting on it. The old god is sitting there, quite impressive. Majestic.

Both sides of the hall are also full of people, of different ages, but those who can sit here all have a certain status in the city.

Ye TianSeeing Wang Jianjun sitting aside, it was indeed as Ye Lei said, Wang Jianjun should have some weight in the walled city.

"Ah Lei, what are you doing here?"

Master Ding put down the tea bowl in his hand and looked at Ye Lei who walked in and said in a calm tone.

Ye Lei raised his hands and cupped his fists and said in a loud voice to Master Ding who was sitting on top.

"Master Ding, I have brought someone to see you. This is my brother Ye Tianhua who came from the countryside. He has been a soldier for several years and wants to beg for food under Master Ding."

"Brother Hua, come and see Master Ding."

As he spoke, Ye Lei turned his head slightly and spoke to Ye Tianhua behind him.

Ye Tianhua understood and stepped forward, raised his hand and spoke respectfully to Ye Ding.

"Lord Ding."

Ye Ding's eyes fell on the tall and tall Ye Tianhua. When he heard that he had been a soldier for several years, he nodded and slowly said

"Since you are also a poor person who came from the countryside and are from the same family as me, then you will stay in the walled city from now on and let Alei arrange a place and work for you."

Those who have served as soldiers will definitely become good helpers for the city in the future.

Wang Jianjun on the side heard that Ye Tianhua had been a soldier for several years, and looked at Ye Tianhua with his calm eyes.

"Thank you Mr. Ding."

Ye Tianhua once again cupped his fists and thanked Ye Ding.

"Okay, we are discussing some things, you should also listen here."

After saying that, Ye Ding waved his hand, Ye Lei and Ye Tianhua stepped aside and stood behind the crowd.

"Well, I think there is no need to discuss this matter anymore. Baguan is dead. Let’s not talk about whether he was right or wrong, but we must get back the territory under his control."

Ye Ding once again scanned the elders and young people present seriously and said.

Ye Tianhua, who was behind the crowd, heard that it was Ba Guan's matter and his eyebrows moved. Is

Ba Guan dead?

As a time traveler, he naturally knows about Ba Guan. Who is it?

In the movie"Young and Dangerous", it was the eldest of the five brothers Chen Haonan who was first beheaded.

He did not expect that the time he came to Xiangjiang was the time when Ba Kuan died, let alone Ba Kuan and the Kowloon Walled City. It has something to do with it.

It seems that after Ba Kuan's death, the Kowloon Walled City wanted to take back Ba Kuan's territory.

If he guessed correctly, after Ba Kuan's death, his territory had been occupied by Hong Xing.

The next person's Opening his mouth confirmed his suspicion.

"Lord Ding, it may be difficult to take back Baguan's territory. The meat that Hongxingshe has eaten may not be easily spit out."

"As for our city walled city, the policemen were very careful about us, so it was a bit difficult to operate."

"What's more, since Baguan only has one street under his control, and he has fallen out with Hongxing Society, I'm afraid that other sites and businesses outside our city will also be affected."

"The loss of the Baguan site will not have much impact on our city. In addition, He and Liansheng are also eyeing that site. Even if they take it back, it will be difficult to defend it. I think Hongxingshe will spend some money to compensate. I'll be fine just looking at this."

A white-haired and unshaven elder glanced at Ye Ding, who was sitting on the throne, frowned slightly and said.

The other elders nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Ye Ding picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, remaining silent. made a sound, and then looked at Wang Jianjun sitting below.

"Jianjun, what do you think about this?"

Wang Jianjun saw Ye Ding's eyes looking towards him. He looked at Ye Ding with a smile but said:

"I listen to Master Ding"

"How does Master Ding decide what I should do?"

Ye Ding seemed not very satisfied with Wang Jianjun's statement.

He wanted Wang Jianjun to express his opinion, but he pushed the question back.

What other opinions do the rest of you have?

Ye Ding looked at everyone now. No one spoke in the hall.

It was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop.

Seeing that no one spoke, Ye Tianhua shook his head unconsciously. He roughly understood that almost all people nowadays are stable conservatives who just want to live their own lives well. There was no momentum at all. Such a walled city would soon decay.

But he noticed that the person at the helm, Master Ding, still wanted to change the status quo.

So he strode towards the hall.

"Hua brother……"

Ye Lei looked a little stunned when he saw Ye Tianhua walking out. He stretched out his hand to stop him, but it was too late.

Ye Tianhua came to the hall, raised his hands and cupped his fists at Ye Ding who was sitting in the main seat, and said

"Master Ding, my opinion is that we must take back the territory!"

When Ye Tianhua came to the hall and spoke like this, everyone present looked at him in surprise.

Ye Ding looked at Ye Tianhua who stood up and looked a little surprised.

However, before he could say more, the elder who had spoken earlier turned to Ye Tianhua. He frowned and said in a deep voice.

"You are a poor boy who just came from the countryside. You have no place to speak here. Get out of here!"

Ye Tianhua looked at the elder who spoke beside him. He didn't have any mood swings. He even said with a smile on his face.

"I just joined Chengzhai, so I really don’t have much say, but I, Ye Tianhua, have always relied on my ability to make a living."

After saying that, he ignored the elder's expression, turned his head and said seriously to Ye Ding who was in charge.

"Lord Ding, I will leave the matter of Baguan territory to me. If I cannot take back Baguan territory within one day, I will never set foot in the walled city from now on!"

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