When he heard this, Tian Yangsheng's expression changed.

He raised his head suddenly, and Ye Tianhua's sharp eyes were staring at him.

He didn't expect that his careful disguise could be seen through so easily?!

He instantly felt that the man in front of him was definitely not simple.

"I have to admit, you are the first person to see through me!"

"But even if you find out, you will die today!"

Tian Yangsheng pulled out a bright machete from his waist and flew directly towards Ye Tianhua.

The distance was short enough, and he was confident that he could take Ye Tianhua away with one blow!

In a blink of an eye, he was in front of Ye Tianhua, Ye Tianhua's eyes were silent Staring at him.

Tian Yangsheng's face was full of coldness. Jimmy stood up with a shocked look on his face.

Seeing the killer flying in front of Ye Tianhua, he felt that the danger was less!

Wang Jianjun and his men were on the side. Take down the remaining six brothers and sisters of Tian Yangsheng who want to take action.

He is not worried about Ye Tianhua's safety.

Because Ye Tianhua has the highly skilled Chen Jinnan beside him, no one can hurt him!

Sure enough, Zai Tian Yangsheng's blade is about to get close to Ye Tianhua When he hit his neck, a sword light floated up and bounced Tian Yangsheng's blade away.

Ye Tianhua kicked Tian Yangsheng away with a kick.

In fact, Ye Tianhua could easily subdue Tian Yangsheng without Chen Jinnan.

Because of his various abilities The attributes are basically more than double those of ordinary people.

It is impossible for Tian Yangsheng to hurt him.

Tian Yangsheng was kicked out, and he supported himself on the ground with one hand. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Ye Tianhua. He actually missed!

He She could feel the power of Ye Tianhua's kick.

It was definitely not an ordinary person!

Just when she was about to take action. On the other side, his six brothers and sisters had already been captured by Wang Jianjun and dozens of his men.

"Why do you still want to take action?"

"As long as you dare to move, I will kill them all!"

Wang Jianjun held a black three-edged military thorn in his hand and said in a cold voice while pressing against the neck of one of them.

Tian Yangsheng's face became very ugly when he saw his six brothers and sisters being controlled.

The killer missed and fell into the hands of others. , means death!

"Brother, leave us alone and leave quickly!"

Seventh sister, Tian Yangen shouted to Tian Yangsheng.

Tian Yangsheng looked at his seventh sister. He would never abandon his brothers and sisters.

"I'm willing to stay and die! Please let my brothers and sisters go."

Tian Yangsheng stood up and stared at Ye Tianhua with burning eyes and said.

Ye Tianhua looked at Tian Yangsheng who stood straight and had a loyal look on his face, and said with a smile on his face.

"Not bad, he is willing to exchange his life for his brother and sister's life"

"i admire you very much"

"Who sent you here to assassinate me?"

Tian Yangsheng looked at Ye Tianhua and said quietly.

"We have our work ethic and I won't name my employer."

After hearing this, Ye Tianhua also appreciated Tian Yangsheng a little more.

"Even if I don’t say it, I know"

"Did Hongxing Society send you here?"

"To be more specific, it should be Chen Haonan and his group who hired you, right?"

Hearing this, Tian Yangsheng's eyes flashed slightly. He didn't expect Ye Tianhua to understand so clearly!

"If you want your brothers and sisters to survive, you must serve me!"

"Otherwise, all seven of your brothers will die here today!"

"Isn't this a embarrassment to you?!"

Ye Tianhua's tone was firm. Tian Yangsheng listened to Ye Tianhua's words, glanced at his six brothers and sisters, his eyes flashed, and without any hesitation, he lowered his head and clasped his fists at Ye Tianhua.

"I am willing to serve you!"

The brothers and sisters came to Xiangjiang and were helpless, living a life of working hard and licking blood.

They have offended many people in Xiangjiang. If there is a force to rely on, they may live a relatively stable life in the future. In addition, he feels that Ye Tianhua is not A simple person.

It would not be a coward to follow such a person!

So he did not hesitate too much

"very good!"

Seeing Tian Yangsheng's submission, Ye Tianhua nodded happily and waved his hand.

Wang Jianjun then released the six Tian Yangsheng brothers and sisters under his control.

"Besides you guys, is there anyone else coming with you?"

Ye Tianhua spoke to Tian Yangsheng again.

Tian Yangsheng's eyes flickered, and after hesitating for a moment, he immediately answered.

"There are more than a hundred people nearby. After we finish our work, they will come and occupy the territory!"

Hearing this, Ye Tianhua showed a smile on his face

"Call them over!"

Tian Yangsheng still hesitated for a moment and nodded.

He looked at his brother aside and spoke.


Tian Yangyi nodded and understood what his elder brother meant.

He walked to the window, took out a firework, lit it on the window, flew out with a chirp, and bloomed with a bang in the air.

Tian Yangsheng explained

"This is a signal between us. Setting off fireworks means that things are done on the surface. They will rush over after seeing the signal."

Ye Tianhua nodded after hearing this.

"Jimmie, go and inform the brothers in the restaurant that Guan Zaisen was rushed in and killed by people from Hongxing Society, and ask them to come over."

Jimmy Zai was stunned after hearing this. Only then did he understand Ye Tianhua's intention.

Ye Tianhua wanted to blame Hong Xing for the death of his boss Guan Zaisen!

His move must be said to be very clever.!

He nodded after understanding, stood up slowly, and left the hall with a dozen boys.


In front of several tea restaurants and bars not far from Bathing Street in Mong Kok, Pheasant and more than a hundred people squatted on the road, smoking and waiting.

Seeing the fireworks suddenly blooming in the sky, I suddenly felt energetic


Throwing the cigarette butt on the ground, he stood up slowly and said excitedly to the boys around him.

"Brothers do the work!"

More than a hundred people inserted knives wrapped in newspapers into their waists and headed towards the bathing street in front.


"Sweep all the places for me!"

"From now on, this place belongs to our Hongxing Society!"

Pheasant came to the street, stood in the middle of the street, looked at the busy bathing street with people coming and going, and said loudly


More than a hundred people nodded in response and rushed towards various venues.


Royal Baths.

Wang Jianjun came to Ye Tianhua and reported

"Brother Hua, the people from Hongxing Society have arrived."

"what should we do?"

Ye Tianhua said calmly.

"Throw Guan Zisen's body down from the upstairs!"

"Then I watched He Liansheng’s people fight with Hongxingshe’s people!"


Wang Jianjun nodded and ordered his younger brothers to throw Guan Zisen's body off the window sill.


Pheasant who was about to walk into the royal bathhouse was startled when he saw Guan Zisen's body falling not far from him.

Not far away, Jimmy Zai came over with more than 200 young men who were with Lian Sheng.

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