Ye Tianhua glanced at Ye Lei and said calmly.

"I have a sense of discretion and just drive."

Ye Lei frowned slightly as he looked at the confident look.

Even though he knew that Ye Tianhua was very skilled, he still felt that it was impossible to take back Ba Guan's territory from Hongxing Society by himself.

"Brother Hua, how about we think about it again?"

Ye Tianhua looked at Ye Lei, opened the car door and got out of the car.

"Hua brother!"

Ye Tianhua stopped a car on the side of the road. Ye Lei quickly opened the door and ran out. Then at this time, Ye Tianhua had already got in the car, rolled down the window and spoke to Ye Lei.

"Just wait for me here. I'll be back when I'm done!"


After that, the car started and left the place.

Ye Lei watched the car leave, and he immediately got in the car and drove after him.

As a good brother, he could not let Ye Tianhua take risks alone.

………… on the car.

A cold mechanical sound sounded in Ye Tianhua's mind


【It is detected that the host is officially involved in the dispute between Jianghu and Jianghu.】

【Issue tasks, seize back the Baguan territory, and create the Red Flower Club】

【After completing the mission, you will be rewarded with 1 million Hong Kong paper, a high-quality character summoning card, and 20 dead soldiers. 】

Note: Reward the summoned character Death Soldier for his absolute loyalty to the host!

Ye Tianhua raised his eyebrows when he heard the task issued by the system. This task was exactly what he wanted.

As long as he can regain Baguan's territory, he will be able to officially establish a foothold in Xiangjiang!

【Warm reminder: Baguan site is on Bathing Street in Mongkok. 】

The system prompted Ye Tianhua again.

Originally, Ye Tianhua wanted to find out where Ba Guan's territory was, but he didn't expect that the system understood his current situation and gave him a hint, which saved him some things.

"Boss, where are we going?"

At this time, the driver asked Ye Tianhua

"Mongkok, bathing street."

Ye Tianhua told him the address given to him by the system.


Ye Tianhua sat in the back seat of the car and opened the system interface to check his personal information. A transparent light curtain that only he could see appeared in front of him.

【Host information panel. 】

Host: Ye Tianhua.

Identity: Member of Kowloon Walled City.

Age: 22 years old.

Strength: 12.

Speed: 11.

Agility: 11.

Spirit: 15.

Defense: 11.

Combat power: 15.

Skills: Military fighting skills (proficient), firearms (proficient)

Note: A normal adult’s attribute points are around 8-10 points.

Ye Tianhua looked at the information on his panel, and there was no surprise.

As a soldier, his physical fitness in all aspects is better than that of normal adults.

His mental power exceeds that of ordinary people, reaching 15 points. This may be related to the fact that he is a time traveler. The superposition of two souls exceeds the mental power of ordinary people.

The other skills were all brought to him as an outstanding soldier in his previous life.

Therefore, the fighting ability is also beyond ordinary people.

His current strength is more than enough to deal with a few gangsters.

However, it may still be worse to deal with the next situation.

But luckily, Ye Tianhua still has a backup plan


About seven or eight minutes later


Ye Tianhua paid and got out of the car.

Looking at the busy flow of people and the various shining neon signs, Ye Tianhua walked to the dark alley aside.

He took out the strength potion from the storage ring with a thought.

Looking at the strength potion in his hand , a light flashed in Ye Tianhua's eyes.

He must improve his strength before taking action.

He decisively pulled off the wooden bottle cap, and a hot and exciting smell penetrated into his nose, which made him feel refreshed. The hairs all over his body stood on end.

It was like a potent poison, very violent and overbearing. Just smelling it would have such a reaction. If you drink it, you don’t know what kind of effect it would have.

Ye Tianhua felt a little hopeful in his heart.

Then he closed his eyes Eyes, drink the potion of strength in your hand


Ye Tianhua bared his teeth. The potion flowed down his throat and into his stomach like the most powerful pepper water in the world. It turned into a ball of flame and burned blazingly. The internal organs of the body could be clearly felt at this moment.


Ye Tianhua gritted his teeth tightly and roared.

The teeth were crunched. pain! It hurts so much!

The strong medicinal power was like big hands tearing every inch of his flesh and blood.

It seemed that his whole body of flesh and blood was being torn apart and reassembled.

If his mental strength hadn't been beyond ordinary people's, he might have fainted at this moment.

His face was twisted, he clenched his fists tightly, pain was on the wall, enduring inhuman suffering.

But fortunately the pain didn't last long.

Two minutes later.

The pain slowly eased, replaced by relief.

Ye Tianhua was covered in sweat, as if he had just come out of a sauna.

He clearly felt that the strength in his body increased more and more, and the muscles all over his body became more muscular.

Ye Tianhua punched the wall hard, and pieces of the wall fell off, leaving a large hole.

He clicked on the personal information panel again to view

【Host information panel. 】

Host: Ye Tianhua.

Identity: Member of Kowloon Walled City.

Age: 22 years old.

Strength: 22.

Speed: 18.

Agility: 18.

Spirit: 15.

Defense: 18.

Combat power: 22.

Skills: Military Combat Skills (Proficient), Firearms (Proficient)

Seeing all the attributes changed, Ye Tianhua showed a smile on his face.

Sure enough, the increase in strength will also affect the increase in other attributes.

Now he has no problem facing more than a dozen strong grown men.

After his strength improves, Ye Tianhua plans to use the high-quality character summoning cards rewarded by the system.

He was somewhat looking forward to summoning some character.

With a thought in her mind, the exquisite character summon appeared in his hand from the storage ring like magic.

"Use premium character summoning cards!"

Ye Tianhua recited silently in his heart, and reacted when the elite character summoned Kadun. It turned into a stream of light from his hand and fell on the ground aside, slowly condensing into a human form.

Then it slowly turned into physical flesh, with a long A tall and tall middle-aged man with a long whip and Qing Dynasty clothing appeared in front of Ye Tianhua.

The man opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. He looked at Ye Tianhua with one hand holding his long face and immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Chen Jinnan meets the master!"

"Chen Jinnan?"

Ye Tianhua's eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that the first character summoned would be the legendary chief helmsman of the Tiandihui, Chen Jinnan!

Chen Jinnan is highly skilled in martial arts, and it is no problem to defeat one against a hundred.

With such a general, With you by your side, tonight's action is completely stable!

"Get up. Don’t call me master anymore. Call me boss."

"Yes, boss."

Chen Jinnan stood up and immediately changed his address to Ye Tianhua.

"Go, let me kill people!"

Ye Tianhua turned around and walked out of the alley, looked at the crowded street, and said coldly.


Chen Jinnan picked up his sword and followed closely behind him.

PS: Is anyone watching... There is no data at all. The author is so panicked...

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