Inside the Royal Baths Hall.

Ye Tianhua was lying on a chair with his eyes closed and resting, waiting for Wang Jianjun's arrival.

However, Ye Lei sat aside, looking a little worried.

Although Ye Tianhua has now regained Baguan's territory, he has offended Hongxing Society and Dingye's grandson Ye Jun at the same time.

This situation is very difficult.

If it is not handled well, it will fall into a situation of no return.

He didn't know whether to explain his current situation to Ye Tianhua, but after thinking about it, he still didn't speak.

What he didn't know was that Ye Tianhua wasn't worried about all this at all.

Ye Tianhua dared to do this, so he naturally had the confidence to face it


One minute later.

There were footsteps on the stairs, and a group of people came up.

Ye Lei looked in shock.

It was brothers Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo, followed by seven or eight younger brothers.

Wang Jianjun glanced at Ye Tianhua lying in the middle of the hall, walked over directly, and sat down opposite Ye Tianhua.

Ye Tianhua opened his eyes and glanced at Wang Jianjun, who was sitting opposite him.

He didn't speak. Wang Jianjun looked at Ye Tianhua quietly, but he was the first to speak.

"Give up your territory and I'll give you 1 million."

Ye Tianhua raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Wang Jianjun to say such words.


"Yes, 1 million, 1 million is enough for you to go back to the countryside and live comfortably for the rest of your life."

"Even if this territory is in your hands now, you can't hold it."

Wang Jianjun said to Ye Tianhua calmly.

In his opinion, the offer of 1 million was already very generous.

Seeing that Wang Jianjun said so seriously, Ye Tianhua couldn't help but reveal a smile.

"1000000? Are you asking for food?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Jianjun frowned sternly, and Wang Jianguo, who was standing behind Wang Jianjun, said coldly.

"Boy, just accept it when you see it, otherwise you won’t even have this 1 million!"

Ye Tianhua raised his eyes and glanced at Wang Jianguo, a chill flashed in his eyes.

"Today, some people died here. If you talk to me like this again, I don't mind having another corpse here!"

Ye Tianhua spoke coldly, and a not strong, but extremely pure killing intent came out of him.


Wang Jianguo was shocked. Just as he was about to say something, Wang Jianjun reached out and stopped him.

"It seems like we can't reach an agreement?"

Wang Jianjun also had a cold tone in his tone at this time.

Ye Tianhua's eyes fell on Wang Jianjun again at this time, and he slowly said

"I can give you this land, but not now."

Listening to Ye Tianhua's confusing words, Wang Jianjun's eyes flashed and he said seriously.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Tianhua smiled, lit a cigarette, and said slowly

"What I mean is that as a veteran who has retired from the battlefield, I admire you very much and submit to me. I will naturally hand over this territory to your management in the future."

As soon as Ye Tianhua said these words, Wang Jianjun's face changed.

"Want me to hang out with you?"

"Is there something wrong with my ears and am I hearing wrong?!"

Wang Jianjun's voice became cold, and he stared at Ye Tianhua opposite him.

Ye Tianhua, however, glanced at him flatly, and said unhurriedly.

"You heard me right. If you don’t agree today, don’t even think about walking out."

Although Ye Tianhua's voice was light, it was full of threats.

Hearing these words, Wang Jianjun sneered.

"How arrogant, just the three of you?"

Wang Jianjun, like a bloodthirsty lone wolf, quickly pulled out a black triangular thorn from his leg and stabbed Ye Tianhua.

Ye Tianhua sat on the chair, a light flashed in his eyes, but he did not make any move. Chen Jinnan appeared in front of Ye Tianhua like a ghost. He pulled out his long sword and blocked Wang Jianjun's blow. Then he turned the sword and the tip of the long sword went straight to Wang Jianjun's throat. The speed was so fast that no one could react.

Wang Jianjun's body was frozen there, not daring to make the slightest move. He felt that as long as he moved a little, the other party would pierce his throat. He looked at the cold-faced man in Qing Dynasty clothes in front of him in disbelief.

He thought His skills are pretty good and he has few opponents in the world, but the person in front of him is far stronger than him.

He didn't expect that Ye Tianhua would have such a strong master by his side.


Wang Jianguo saw this scene on the side. Seven or eight young men wanted to draw their swords and rush over, but Wang Jianjun stretched out his hand to stop them.

"do not come!"

Wang Jianguo and others stopped in place. Wang Jianjun looked at Ye Tianhua at this time.

"I've failed today, what do you want?"

Ye Tianhua put the cigarette in his hand on the ashtray on the table and put it out. He slowly stood up and came closer. With a wave of his hand, Chen Jinnan put away the sword in his hand.

He smiled at Wang Jianjun and said

"My meaning is very clear, choose one between surrendering to me or death!"

Wang Jianjun looked at Ye Tianhua and then at Chen Jinnan who was standing aside. His expression changed, and finally he nodded and said

"I am willing to surrender!"

He knew that if he didn't agree, it would be really difficult for him, his brother Wang Jianguo and other brothers to go out.

Because the master beside Ye Tianhua was so powerful that they might not be able to defeat them together.

Now Only then did he know why Ye Tianhua was able to take back Baguan's territory from Hongxing Society.

With such a master by his side, he could defeat one against a hundred!

With such a person serving Ye Tianhua, I'm afraid his future achievements would be limitless.

Compared to the old man The city will probably have a better future following a hero like Ye Tianhua!

"Call me Brother Hua!"

Wang Jianjun turned his head and spoke to Wang Jianguo and other brothers.

"Hua brother!"

Wang Jianguo and seven or eight other brothers, after looking at each other in disbelief, spoke respectfully to Ye Tianhua.

"Brother Hua, from now on, our brothers will follow you and make a living. If you have any orders, just ask."

Wang Jianjun also understood the current situation and spoke to Ye Tianhua.


Seeing Wang Jianjun and others surrendering, Ye Tianhua showed a happy smile on his face

"Today I am creating the Red Flower Club here, and you will all be members of my Red Flower Club from now on!"

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