Kowloon Walled City.

In the committee loft, the same long sandalwood table was still there, but the owner had changed.

Sun Yizhi, Tang Lao, Lan Daozi and other bigwigs of Kowloon Walled City all looked at Xu Tingsheng, who was leisurely.

"Where's the second brother?"

Xu Tingsheng said casually,"He has returned to the sea."

Sun Yizhi narrowed his eyes.

But he didn't say anything else.

To offend a rookie for a dead man.

Those present are all old foxes, not so stupid.

Not to mention the high-end ones where people leave and the tea gets cold.

The relationships among the people present have not reached that point.

Lan Daozi threw a cigarette over and said,"How about my goods?"

"Very good, five-star praise!"

Xu Tingsheng threw the cigarette to Xu Yi who was standing behind him and said with a smile:"Sorry, I don't smoke."

Sun Yizhi said in a muffled voice:"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense here"

"Now that the second brother is gone, there should be a rule for what to do in Xicheng District."

Lan Daozi nodded:"I have no objection."

Sun Yizhi looked at Xu Tingsheng:"What do you think? Should we talk or fight?"

"How can we talk? How can we fight?"

Sun Yizhi said without hesitation:"Talk, you will take over the position of the second brother, but you have to give us an explanation for the matter of the second brother."

"If we fight, then it depends on our ability."

Lan Daozi interrupted and said,"The second brother still owes us tens of millions of dollars for goods."

"Now the person is dead"

"You have to give us an explanation."

The remaining three big men of the committee expressed their opinions one after another.

They all focused their eyes on Xu Tingsheng.

Xu Tingsheng's expression did not change.

He said slowly:

"I pried out about tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars of property from the second master's safe yesterday."

The other three listened and waited for Xu Tingsheng's next words.

Only Old Tang remained calm.

Because no matter how things developed, he would not be able to get any benefits. It would be better to pretend to be dead and be his own mascot, not offending anyone.

Xu Tingsheng suddenly picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of tea.

He drank it all.

Then, Xu Tingsheng smiled and looked defiant.

"But what does that have to do with you old bones?"

"Should I give you an explanation?"

"Are you worthy?"

"If you leave Kowloon, will anyone recognize you old bones?"

Xu Tingsheng, who was as still as a mountain just now, suddenly became as powerful as thunder.

The faces of the three people suddenly turned dark blue.

They were not shocked, but angry. It has been so many years.

Since he became the elder of the Kowloon Walled City Committee, no one dared to talk to them like this for many years.

After a while,

Lan Daozi said coldly with a fake smile:"It is understandable for young people to be a little arrogant, but it is best not to be ignorant of the immensity of heaven and earth."

"When we were out there, you didn't even know where you were?"

Xu Tingsheng said seriously,"If I were still like this when I was your age, I would definitely shoot myself."

"My mother, Gan Ni, what did you say, you little brat?" Lan Daozi drew his gun angrily.

Xu Tingsheng stood up, pushed his gun away, and chuckled,"Are you trying to scare me?"

"You won't forget how many weapons I bought from you, right?" As soon as the voice fell , Xu Yi rushed to the front of the rotten knife boy with lightning speed. Before everyone could react, the gun had already been transferred and pointed at his forehead. This scene shocked everyone present. No one expected that the strong man in front of them would have such skills. What was even more puzzling was how this young man Xu Tingsheng could win over these masters.

"Don't be impulsive!" Sun Yizhi said hurriedly.

Xu Tingsheng glanced at everyone present.

At this moment, dense gunfire came from outside the attic.

There were also bursts of fighting.

Xu Tingsheng glanced at everyone, smiled and sat back in his seat.

His fingers tapped lightly on the sandalwood table.

"Bang, bang, bang...."

Everyone's mind was beating with the rhythm.

After a long time, the fighting ended.

Everything returned to peace again.

There was another knock on the wooden door of the attic.

"Come in."

Xu Tingsheng spoke softly, breaking the dull atmosphere.

After receiving the order, Xu Si outside the door strode over and said respectfully:

"Boss, mission accomplished."

Sun Yizhi fell on the wooden chair like a paralyzed man.

He was at a loss. He didn't need to say anything.

He knew what he had discovered.

Lan Daozi also closed his eyes weakly.

It's over!

Everything is over.

They didn't expect the young man in front of them to be so cruel and decisive.

They thought it was a Hongmen Banquet.

In the end

, none of the three spoke. All the people present were old in the arena.

From the moment they set foot on the arena, they understood the future outcome.

In this case , it's better to leave in a decent way. Is it because they don't have enough vision? Are they not cruel enough?

No, none of them.

They are old.

At the right time, Xu Tingsheng has a fierce tiger in his heart and is ready to replace him.....


Many scenes cannot be written in too much detail.

Please forgive me.

After the last book was banned, the author had to learn his lesson.

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