The matter between Dadong and Crow was just a small episode.

Xu Tingsheng has always been clear about his future.

Let Bai Jingtian take Dadong and Crow to the Kowloon Park to see the confidence of Xu.

And he returned to the courtyard.

Call out the core panel of the base

[Energy: 100,000]

——Template list to be repaired

1. Picture (garbled code), requires 10,000 energy

2. Picture (garbled code), requires 100,000 energy

3. Picture (garbled code), requires 1 million energy

4. Picture (garbled code), requires.......

God knows how many unrepaired templates there are in the core of the base.

After spending 100,000 energy to repair the"Tank Factory", another"100,000 energy" template to be repaired was added to the list of templates to be repaired.

But this time Xu Tingsheng learned his lesson.

It is definitely worth it to repair the"Tank Factory" with 100,000 energy.

But for his current strength, it is like holding a treasure chest without a key.

It is useless except for being beautiful.

So his goal this time is mainly to find the"10,000 energy" template to be repaired.

——Template list to be repaired

1, picture (garbled), requires 10,000 energy

[If the conditions are met, do you want to repair it?]



Familiar special effects, familiar process.

In the blink of an eye, a flash of light appeared in the core of the base.

A familiar building outline suddenly appeared in the center of the panel.

[You repaired the"Camp" (Engineer)]....

——Camp (Engineer)

Description: Recruit an engineer with ID and relevant skills certification. He has superb construction and maintenance skills.

Engineer: Excellent soldier.

Every engineer is a first-class technical expert.

Note: You can choose the ability focus when recruiting: 1. Construction, 2. Renovation, 3. Maintenance, 4. Production, 5. Drawing design.....

Recruitment price: 2000 energy, 1000 funds.....

[You get a building:"Camp", which is used to house recruited units].....

Except for the different types of soldiers, it is basically the same as the introduction of"Camp (Mobilized Soldiers)".

In summary, this time I repaired the template, spent 10,000 energy, got a new type of soldier unit, and a new camp building.

It's a big profit!

Especially the introduction of"Engineer"

——Excellent military branch.

You know, mobilized soldiers are only basic military branches in the evaluation of the core of the base.

The gap between them is imaginable.

Especially the focus of the optional abilities.

Is this the special feature of excellent military branches?

One military branch covers almost all the needs of logistics work. The most important thing is that Xu Tingsheng saw the hope of the"Weapons Research Institute" in the"engineer".

Although he has been complaining about the"tank factory".

But that is out of the mentality of not being able to get it.

He has not forgotten the various weapons list in the"tank factory", from small guns and bullets to large tanks and fighting vehicles, that is everything.

And all this has a premise

——Weapons Research Institute.........

A good start.

Xu Tingsheng glanced at the energy interface and continued to repair the base template of"10,000 energy".

The remaining 90,000 energy.

He planned to go all in.

Repair it first, and recruiting can wait until the energy arrives tomorrow.

This feels like a blind box.

Or a blind box with a 100% chance of winning.

It's so addictive!

[You repaired"Camp" (Military Dog)]....

[You repaired the"camp" (SIS security forces)]....

[You repaired the"camp" (gene template library)]....

[Energy: 0]

[Insufficient energy, can't repair for now.]


Oh, no, it's finished repairing.

Xu Tingsheng felt a little unsatisfied, but then he started to count his gains.

Camp, camp, and camp again...

"Have I disturbed the camp?"

Call up the recruitment list


(unplaced, quantity: 10)

Recruitable troops: mobilized soldiers, engineers, military dogs, SIS security forces, SEALs....

——Mobilized Soldier

Recruitment Price: 200 Energy, 100 Funds


Recruitment Price: 2000 Energy, 1000 Funds

——Military Dog

Recruitment Price: 2000 Energy, 1000 Funds

——SIS Security Force

Recruitment Price: 5000 Energy, 5000 Funds.....

In the options for recruiting soldiers, there are other soldier icons and a newly added gene template library.

Xu Tingsheng checked them one by one.

Just one feeling.

Gene template library = soldier skin changer.

Now when recruiting soldiers, you can arbitrarily choose the genes in the gene template library, which corresponds to the skin color and race of the soldier, which is amazing.

As for common soldiers such as military dogs, Xu Tingsheng is not unfamiliar with them.

He learned about them when he played games in his previous life.

The only unfamiliar one is the"SIS Security Guard Force". From the name of this soldier, you can see that this is a professional"bodyguard" soldier, which can also be called a security force.

But Xu Tingsheng still prefers his nickname.

——Guard Force!

Just look at its recruitment price.

"The price of"double five thousand"!

In terms of recruitment energy, one guard is equivalent to 25 mobilized soldiers, and in terms of recruitment funds, it is equivalent to 50 mobilized soldiers.

What kind of magical soldier is this?

The urban soldier king?

It's a pity that his energy has been drained, otherwise Xu Tingsheng would have to make one to see what kind of soldier it is that requires such a high recruitment price......

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