Inside the room,

Xu Yi was repeating what the boss of the dental shop had just said.

Xu Tingsheng smiled and nodded.

Anyone who could open a shop in a place like Kowloon Walled City, where all kinds of people mixed together, had their own way of survival.

He glanced at the camp watch and went to sleep......

Early in the morning.

Xu Tingsheng came to the door of Su Ji Meat Company, looked at the closed shop, and then looked at the note stuck in the door.

He smiled silently.

The note clearly read:"

Young Master, I am timid, but don't worry, I don't know anything. I

'll trouble you to take care of this shop.

We will meet again in the future!

Su Can!"....

""Tear it down."

Xu Tingsheng threw the note away and told Xu Yi and others to take down the sign of Su Ji Meat Company.

He took out a wooden sign from the store and carved"Kowloon Walled City Security Management Office" on it with a butcher knife.

Xu Yi and others were good at this kind of physical work. After a while , the Kowloon Walled City Urban Management Company was officially opened for business.

Xu Tingsheng was appointed as the chairman.

Xu Yi was appointed as the captain of the Urban Management Brigade and also served as Xu Tingsheng's personal bodyguard.

The company currently has 117 mobilized soldiers.

It has begun to take shape.

The rest of the things are much simpler.

Xu Yi, Xu Er, and Xu San stayed in the company, and Xu Si to Xu Shifen led the team to carry out the special work of"sweeping away gangs and eliminating evil."........

The Kowloon Walled City was slowly opening up in the early morning.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowded streets, accompanied by the sounds of fierce fighting and obscene shouting.

All the residents looked out to see what was going on.

What was going on?

They saw a dozen burly men chasing a group of hooligans.

Everyone was so scared that they closed their windows.

They didn't even want to watch the excitement.

The former Su Kee Meat Company store.

Now the Kowloon Walled City Security Management Office.

Xu Tingsheng lay on a grandfather chair, looking at the hooligans outside the store, without raising his head, and said:

"Those with good attitudes will be fined 500 Hong Kong dollars and sent away, while those with bad attitudes will be fined 1,000 Hong Kong dollars and undergo labor reform for a week."

"In addition, all controlled knives will be confiscated"

"Any questions?"

A 20-year-old scoundrel with a bruised face raised his hand and said:

"Boss, what do you mean by a good attitude?"

Xu Tingsheng stood up and looked at him and said,"What's your name?"



"Very good, your attitude is very good, pay 500 Hong Kong dollars and leave."

After paying the fine, Bai Tian walked over and said,"Boss, can I follow you?"

Xu Tingsheng looked at Bai Tian with interest.

"Oh, can you read?"

"I studied for nine years."

"I'll give you a chance. Now this place is under your control." Xu Tingsheng handed him a notebook and a pen with his standard writing on it.

"Thank you, boss. I will do my best. Bai Tian excitedly took the paper and pen.

"Call the boss"

"Yes, boss!"

After having the daytime, Xu Tingsheng was relieved to be a salted fish and continued to rest in the old chair.

In one morning.

The reputation of the Kowloon Walled City Security Management Office suddenly soared, because the bad boys in the entire Kowloon Walled City were educated by a group of strong men who called themselves the"Security Brigade".

Many brave people came to watch the excitement.

But seeing that the person in charge was a teenager, they gradually lost interest.

Xu Tingsheng was happy with this.

After a busy day, he earned more than 65,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Xu Tingsheng left 55,000 Hong Kong dollars as food expenses for the mobilized soldiers.

The remaining 10,000 Hong Kong dollars were all recharged.

The area of Su Can's store is not very large.

But it is not small in Kowloon Walled City.

The store is divided into two floors. The lower floor was originally a place for business, and the upper floor was Su Can's living area.

But now it is all Xu Tingsheng's.

Xu Tingsheng came to the second floor and clicked on the recruitment panel.

Check the energy panel

[Energy: 20000]

[Currency: 10,000]

After one night and one day, the energy value returned to 20,000.

The currency did reach 10,000.

But it was barely enough to recruit 100 mobilized soldiers.

Xu Tingsheng is not short of money for the time being.

Not to mention more.

According to the current development, tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars a day can still be obtained.

Energy has become a bottleneck for his development.

But in the current situation, electricity is the only way he can provide.

20,000 energy per day is the maximum value he can achieve.

In other words, the growth rate of 100 mobilized soldiers a day is maintained.

"It's not bad."

Xu Tingsheng also knew that he couldn't rush now.

100 conscripts a day.

It was just the maximum value of energy that could be charged in a day. 100 conscripts needed 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, 20,000 energy per day plus 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, and the rest of the money could be saved.

Barely maintain balance!

This is also the reason why he only recharged 10,000 Hong Kong dollars.

There is no other reason. It's useless to recharge more.

And he is no longer in a state where one person is full and the whole family is not hungry.

Let alone.

The food, clothing, housing and transportation of more than a hundred conscripts are a big expense.

Not to mention that he will have to feed more and more conscripts.


Since Xu Tingsheng materialized the camp as a watch, the mobilized soldiers would only appear next to him. Soon, one hundred newly recruited mobilized soldiers came from all directions to report.

It didn't feel strange during the day.

After all, there were so many mobilized soldiers coming in and out.

He didn't know how many mobilized soldiers there were.

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