"Hahaha, Master, you have to buy me a lot of younger brothers in the next ten days!"

"In this way, when I become a warlord, I can have as much opium as I want."

Sangbo said proudly.

"Sangbo, you are really our lucky star!"

"Do you know how profitable the opium in Sakura Country is?"


Liangkun said.

"Haha, it's also my lucky star."

Ma Dongxi said happily.

"Then you can chat slowly!"

He Tianci said.

That's right!

Brain waves can also allow younger brothers to chat.

A day passed in a blink of an eye.

In the hotel room.

"Uncle, we searched for a whole night and couldn't find Sangbo's 109 sets of Eagle Sauces and Delta Special Forces complete individual equipment!"

Xu Xiangyang smiled bitterly.

"The superiors only gave us seven days, and one day has passed, so we have to find it before the Hong Kong police."

Xu Tian reminded.

109 sets are worth 60 million US dollars!

If we find them and bring them back to the mainland, it will be a great achievement.

At the same time!

"Boss, I have collected some useful information."

"Sangbo and his three meals a day are provided by Heji Tea Restaurant."

"The 109 sets of individual equipment, could it be taken away by He Tianci?"

Team member Asang reminded.

"Let's go to Heji Tea Restaurant."

Huang Zhicheng said.

"Huang Sir, since Sangbo and his brothers are dead, our mission is completed and we will not participate in your affairs."

Ji Shaoqun said.

"Ji Sir, you are confused!"

"If you find the 109 sets of individual equipment, even if you can't get promoted, you can get a bonus."

Asang reminded.

"I think the current salary is enough, and I don't want to be promoted, so I'm leaving first!"

Ji Shaoqun turned and left.

Zhen Zidan and Di Long also chose not to participate.

An hour later.

"Damn it, Huang Zhicheng, you dare to come? Do you really think I don't have a temper?" He Tianci said angrily. "Mr. He, this is a search warrant. We have the right to search your tea restaurant." That's right! Huang Zhicheng made a lot of warrants when he set up a special task force to make it easier to arrest people. "Oh, are you going to search for arms or opium this time?" He Tianci said sarcastically. "According to the evidence we collected, Sang Bo's three meals a day are provided by you." "Now I seriously suspect that the 109 sets of individual equipment are in the tea restaurant." Huang Zhicheng said proudly. "Mr. He, I will deal with him." That's right! The person who came was the famous Chen Tianyi. [The one who helped Zhang Shihao to fight the lawsuit. ] "Lawyer Chen, does this matter have anything to do with you?" Huang Zhicheng's face suddenly darkened. He knew very well that Chen Tianyi was powerful. "Mr. Huang, we are old rivals. You like to use your power to get your superiors to issue you many search warrants."

"Today is October 22nd. I hope your search warrant is not from yesterday!"

Chen Tianyi snatched the search warrant and sneered.

"Take the search warrant No. 20 and search my client today for 109 sets of personal equipment of the gangster Sangbo."

"If I remember correctly, your Flying Tigers suffered heavy losses that day from Sangbo and a group of gangsters."

"Mr. Huang, please give me an explanation, or I will talk to Mr. Wang from the Complaints Department."

Chen Tianyi said angrily.


"Huang Zhicheng, you are paid 150 Hong Kong dollars an hour, but you don't do your job and come to frame He Tianci."

"If it weren't for Lawyer Chen, would you still want to take He Tianci away and torture him into confessing?"

As one customer started to make a noise, more than 1,000 customers started to make a noise.

"Fuck, Huang Zhicheng, we are going to the police headquarters to complain about you today, brothers, let's go."

Of course, the young man who spoke was a junior elite soldier.

Then came the second, third, and even thousands of junior elite soldiers.

When they arrived at the gate of the Wan Chai Police Headquarters, the number of people had exceeded 10,000.

Of course, more than half of them were just watching the excitement, but it didn't matter anymore.

"What do you want to do? Close the iron gate quickly."

A police sergeant guarding the gate took out a 38 and reminded them.

"Sir, we want to meet Mr. Wang from the Complaints Department. Huang Zhicheng, this bastard, has repeatedly tried to frame Mr. Ho of Ho Kee Tea Restaurant. We can't stand it any longer."

Squadron Leader Ah Sanshi reminded.

"Yes, we want to complain. Huang Zhicheng is paid 150 Hong Kong dollars per hour, but he doesn't do his job..."

Ah SishiRoared.

Although the iron gate has been closed, there are still hundreds of anti-explosion police holding shields to block the iron gate.

After all, it is not the elderly and children who are angry, but groups of young people!

After a while.

"Please be quiet, I am Wang Sir from the Complaints Division of the Wan Chai Police Headquarters. I can understand your current mood very well."

"Please give us a face, we will investigate Huang Zhicheng..."

Wang Sir said with a tweeter.

[Looks exactly like Hong Kong actor Zheng Shaoqiu. 】

"Wang Sir, we will follow you for 24 hours. If there is no result, we will negotiate with the Speaker of the Legislative Yuan. Don't think that orphans and widows are easy to bully."

Legislative Yuan member Wang Po said angrily.

"Wang, Councillor Wang, please rest assured that we will definitely give the people a satisfactory result."

Wang Sir smiled awkwardly.

Councillor Wang Po has a very high prestige in the Legislative Yuan.

"Okay, let's go!"

"I'll bring the results to the tea restaurant at this time tomorrow."

Wang Po smiled.

One hour later.

Inside the box.

"Auntie Wang, this is a super large portion of turtle stewed with bullwhip. Uncle Wang, are you sure you can handle it?"

He Tianci asked doubtfully.

"Alas, I am now a fertile land. Although it is an old cow pulling, as long as I cultivate it a little, I will have a good harvest."

"By the way, I think Huang Zhicheng went too far today. Don't think too much!"

Wang Po reminded.

"Auntie Wang, I know."

"Then I wish you a big fat boy next year!"

"I won't disturb you and Uncle Wang from drinking!"

He Tianci said and walked out of the box.

Ten minutes later.

"Fuck, I'm going all out today!"

That's right!

The middle-aged man who spoke was Uncle Wang.

He is now one of the few Dragon police superintendents.

Because he has no children, he is often ridiculed by other superintendents, foreign chief superintendents, and even the Commissioner of Police.


In the interrogation room of the Complaints Division.

"Chief Inspector Huang Zhicheng, this is the search warrant found in your office drawer. There are 45 arrest warrants in total, and they are all from the 20th to..."

After Wang Sir finished speaking, he asked Huang Zhicheng to give an explanation.

"Wang Sir, I have nothing to explain. I will punish you as you say."

Huang Zhicheng replied.

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