The second one is Rediffusion Television.

According to the intelligence, the shareholders behind Rediffusion Television have greatly reduced their investment in the television station because the development of Rediffusion Television in recent years has been quite unsatisfactory.

Moreover, the internal management of Rediffusion Television is also in constant struggle. Now Rediffusion Television is in a mess. It is said that the shareholders have already thought of selling the shares of the television station.

Now Lu Feng has a film company and several newspapers that Lu Feng has not paid attention to. If he wants to make a big difference in the entertainment industry in the future, Lu Feng must not miss such an important platform as the television station.

As for the third one, it is a little complicated. .

Miramar Hotel is an industry under the name of the Hong Kong Island tycoon Yang family, with a market value of nearly 10 billion.

Not only in Hong Kong Island, but also in the United States and the mainland of Dragon, there are many properties.

Some time ago, the head of the Yang family, Mr. Yang, passed away. The collapse of the pillar of the sky was a great blow to the Yang family, and it also caused turmoil in the Yang family.

In this world of film and television, although there is no Li Bancheng in the real world, there is also a rich man Li.

As a capital crocodile, the rich man Li certainly also set his eyes on this piece of fat meat. Originally, the Yang family did plan to sell some shares, but after learning that the rich man Li wanted to split and reorganize after acquiring Miramar.

The second-generation eldest son of the Yang family could not bear to see the ancestral business split up, and he has not yet let go.

Lu Feng thought about it, maybe he could get in touch with it, after all, the hotel industry would be of great help to his future business expansion.

"Knock, knock, knock!!"

A slight knock on the door interrupted Lu Feng's meditation. Lu Feng frowned slightly, but there was no anger on his face.

Because he knew that only a few people could come upstairs.

"Come in!!"


The door of the study room opened, and Fang Fang walked in carefully with a cup of tea.

"Master, Sister Hu asked me to prepare tea for you!"

Lu Feng's eyes flashed with surprise, because in the past, apart from Sister Hu, only Luo Huiling would come to do such work. He didn't expect that Fang Fang would bring it today, but he didn't say much.

Lu Feng raised his chin directly.

"Well, put it there!!"


Fang Fang put the teacup in front of Lu Feng.

Lu Feng picked up the teacup, blew the tea leaves on the water, took a sip, looked at Fang Fang who was still standing there, a little hesitant, and asked in confusion.

"Fang Fang, do you have anything else to say!"

Hearing Lu Feng's question, Fang Fang blushed and opened her mouth but didn't know how to start.

Actually, Fangfang lied just now. It was not Sister Hu who asked her to bring tea, but she took the initiative to take over the job.

"Do you have something to do?"

Fangfang shook her head quickly. She knew that there was only one chance. If she didn't say it again, there would be no chance.

So Fangfang plucked up the courage and spoke.

"Master... Master, I... I want to repay you!!"


Lu Feng was stunned by the sudden words and looked at the girl in front of him in confusion. He didn't understand what this meant!

Since the words had been said, Fangfang was no longer nervous, so she continued to speak.

"Master, if it weren't for your help last time, we three sisters, including Sister Ling, don't know what would happen. And Zhanbo now has a stable job. I have always wanted to find a chance to repay you, but I don't know how to repay you. I... I want to give myself to you. I want to serve you like Sister Ling. I... I don't know the rest."

Fangfang started to stutter again at the end.

After hearing Fangfang's words, Lu Feng was stunned again. He didn't expect Fangfang to have such an idea. In fact, when Lu Feng took over the three sisters of the Fang family, Fang Ting was the most important thing.

Now after hearing what Fangfang said, Lu Feng couldn't help but look at the girl in front of him a few more times.

Fangfang's appearance was not very stunning, but it was quite attractive.

For the woman who came to his door, Lu Feng did not refuse hypocritically, and Fangfang should still be a virgin.

"Come here!"

Lu Feng waved at Fangfang.

Fangfang walked to Lu Feng reluctantly.

"Have you really thought about it? You should know that once you enter this house, you can't leave, and you can only be my lover for the rest of your life."

Hearing the tone of Lu Feng's words, it seemed that he agreed with her proposal. Fangfang was only happy in her heart. She raised her head and looked at Lu Feng seriously for the first time.

"Master, I have never had such unreasonable thoughts. I just want to take care of you for the rest of my life."


Lu Feng nodded, pulled Fangfang to his side and said.

"In that case, let me see how you take care of me."

Fangfang's face flashed a blush, she secretly glanced at Lu Feng, and slowly squatted down.

Although she was inexperienced, she still understood some things.


Although clumsy, it also has a unique charm.

Ten minutes later.

Lu Feng suddenly felt that the people who stayed by his side should have some knowledge, so he grabbed Fangfang's hand in front of this desk and began to teach her to write.

But after learning for more than an hour, Fangfang's handwriting was still as shaky as a dog's. However, Lu Feng had enough patience. Lu Feng believed that as long as he had enough patience, he would definitely be able to write beautiful words in the future.

Of course.

During this period, Fangfang also suffered a little.

"Sister, it's so late, where have you been? Why did you come back just now? I just couldn't find you!"

It was almost twelve o'clock, Fangfang limped back to the room, and saw the two sisters lying on the other two beds. She moved carefully, fearing that she would wake up the two sisters.

Although the movement was slight, it still woke up Fang Ting. Fang Ting turned on the bedside lamp, saw her sister who had just returned, and asked.

Fangfang's face was calm, but she was a little panicked in her heart.

"I went to pack for the young master, and I have been packing until now."

"Oh, then you should rest early!"

"Well, you go to bed first, you have to go to school tomorrow."

"Then you should go to bed early too, I will take a shower first!"

Fangfang took a piece of clothing and walked into the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror, she seemed to have changed.

Fangfang was happy at this moment. She finally got the young master's recognition today.

After sitting in the study for a while, Lu Feng got up, turned off the lights, and walked towards the bedroom.

He came to the master bedroom and turned the door handle, but found that it was locked.

Lu Feng was about to knock on the door, but his hand stopped in the air. A smile suddenly appeared on his face, which was originally speechless.

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