The film was shot, but the details were not clear.

"Boss, the company's first movie has been shot, and a wrap-up party is being held today. I wonder if you have time to attend the party today.

Of course, this little thing shouldn't bother you, but this is also the first movie of our new company, which has some commemorative significance and is also to boost the confidence of the company's employees, so... ".

Fatty Wang said this, but only he knew what he was thinking.

Hearing Fatty Wang's words, Lu Feng was speechless. This guy came to bother him for such a small matter.

Lu Feng still knew the films shot by the company now. In fact, they were all test works. Lu Feng hadn't given out some really good scripts yet.

Of course.

It cannot be said that the films being shot now are useless. Even those who specialize in this industry cannot guarantee which film will be a big hit. Maybe it's just a matter of luck.

Now the main purpose is to improve the tacit understanding of the staff of the new company.

But then I thought about it. After all, this is the first film in the company. It's okay to go and see it. Just think of it as cheering up the employees in the company.

So Lu Feng thought about it and spoke.

"What time is it, where is the banquet held!!"

"8 o'clock in the evening, Xinghui Hotel!!"

"Well, okay, I'll go there then!!"

As soon as Lu Feng hung up the phone, he felt a soft body coming up from behind him. Lu Feng gently patted the little hand around his waist.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer!!"

He Min put his forehead on Lu Feng's back, feeling the masculine scent coming from Lu Feng.

"I have to go to school later. If I don't get up, I'll be late."

Lu Feng turned around, took He Min in his arms, and kissed her on the forehead.

"There is a wrap-up dinner at my film company tonight. Do you want to accompany me? If you want to go, I'll send a car to pick you up."

He Min's face was a little moved. She really liked the feeling of having Lu Feng by her side. Then she showed a look of pity and shook her head and said.

"Forget it. I don't have time tonight. I have a home visit task in the evening. I don't know when I will be busy."

Lu Feng opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

He Min was like a little woman in front of him. She obeyed Lu Feng in everything. Even if it was some shy and difficult to speak, He Min would agree to it after gritting her teeth.

But He Min was also very serious about her work, which was why Lu Feng didn't persuade her again.

For such He Min, Lu Feng not only had no displeasure, but even liked her more and more.

As for He Min's safety when she went out for a home visit late at night, Lu Feng was not worried at all. His women were not only surrounded by people who listened carefully, but also protected by two bodyguards in secret.

If you want to hurt He Min, in addition to hiring a professional killer to conduct a long-distance sniping, there may be some other possibilities.

He Min is just a teacher. Who would be so bored as to do such a thing.

"Qiqi, come here!"

After sending He Min back to school, Lu Feng came to the company.

Sitting at the desk, he made an internal call and asked Yue Qiqi to come to his office.

A moment.

The door of the office was knocked.

"Come in!"

The sound of high heels came from far away.

"Boss, what do you want!"

Lu Feng put down the pen in his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

Lu Feng didn't expect that Yue Qiqi had such a stubborn side.

Let this girl call him Brother Feng, don't call the boss so distantly, this girl is very stubborn.

It was just a name, so Lu Feng didn't think too much about it.

Lu Feng pushed the document he had just read in front of Yue Qiqi.

"Please help me send this document to the Ministry of Commerce."

Yue Qiqi took the document and took a curious look.

"Rediffusion Television?"

Yue Qiqi muttered, and then looked at Lu Feng curiously.

Lu Feng nodded.

"Yes, it's Rediffusion Television. According to my investigation, Rediffusion Television has not been developing smoothly in recent times. The parent company of England has already planned to give up, so I want to acquire it.

Tell the people in the Ministry of Commerce to withdraw a negotiation team and buy out the shares of those shareholders for me. What I need is 100% control. As for the acquisition price, it can be

It is slightly higher than the market price, but it must be controlled within a certain range. ”

As someone close to Lu Feng, Yue Qiqi also knew that Lu Feng had the idea of ​​entering the entertainment industry, and was not surprised that he wanted to buy a TV station.

“Okay, I know, I will notify them now!”

After that, he was about to leave with the documents.

“Wait a minute!!”

Lu Feng suddenly called Yue Qiqi, and Yue Qiqi stopped, turned around and asked in confusion.

“Boss, is there anything else?”

Lu Feng stood up, his face was a little serious, and his eyes were staring at Yue Qiqi’s face very seriously.

Feeling Lu Feng’s gaze, Yue Qiqi thought there was something on her face, and she looked up involuntarily, raised her hand and touched it, but didn’t touch anything.

Lu Feng didn’t say anything, just walked slowly to Yue Qiqi.

As Lu Feng approached, Yue Qiqi’s body was a little stiff. She didn’t understand what was wrong with her face, and why did she have to look at it like this.

Just when Yue Qiqi was thinking about it, Lu Feng, who was originally serious, suddenly showed a brilliant smile Smiled, and before Yue Qiqi could react, he quickly pecked her lips.

Feeling a cold touch, Yue Qiqi suddenly opened her eyes wide, subconsciously took a step back, and raised her hand and covered her mouth.

Then, the whole face of the musical instrument turned red visibly.

Although there were a few times before, under Lu Feng's coaxing, she made some very slight intimate actions, but at most

it was just a kiss on the cheek, but this time...

That was her first kiss...

Yue Qiqi blushed, stamped her feet, glared at Lu Feng fiercely, and quickly fled the office.

She looked very angry, but in fact she was just flustered.

Lu Feng smiled triumphantly.

Some women need to get it right in one step, just like He Meiting, and some people need to take it step by step.

And Lu Feng also enjoyed the fun of it.

Lu Feng blinked his mouth, felt the sweetness between his lips and teeth, and then sat back at his desk.

Yao Keke is already handling the Tseung Kwan O side, and he believes that the Ministry of Commerce will also handle the ATV. OK.

Now the only thing left is the Miramar from the Yang family.

Although the acquisition only requires money, you can't just run up to them and tell them.

Hey, I want to acquire your company, tell me how much it is!!!

They don't think he's a fool!!!

For such things, it's better to have an intermediary.

Lu Feng kept tapping the table with his fingers.

A moment.

The fingers that were moving in a certain rhythm suddenly stopped, and Lu Feng opened his eyes suddenly, because he thought of a very suitable person.

But this matter is not urgent for a while, he still needs to prepare some things.

Thinking of this.

Lu Feng picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Prepare a gift for me..."

Lu Feng explained in detail what to do on the other end of the phone, after all, the identity of the person he gave the gift to this time was a bit special.

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