The driver was very surprised.

"Brother, we have been driving for half an hour, why haven't we seen your boss yet? Your boss is too arrogant."

Seeing the dull atmosphere in the car, Dafei couldn't stand it and started to chatter.

However, the two men in suits sitting on his left and right didn't even look at him, as if they were a target.

After driving for another 10 minutes, the car came to a slightly remote place, and the headlights of the car flashed.

I saw a car parked not far ahead.

The car slowly stopped next to the car. .

The man in suit opened the door and pulled Dafei down.

"Our boss is waiting for you."

The man in suit said.

, so mysterious, I want to see who it is. "

Da Fei opened the back door of another car. When he looked down, he was stunned at first, and then his expression was a little complicated.

Then he wanted to go back to his own car and sat in it very unceremoniously.

"Brother, it's not that serious. You slept with my sister, and I didn't bother you. I just said a few words to you. Is it necessary to make such a big scene? According to the relationship, I can be regarded as your brother-in-law."

"Have one!"

Lu Feng did not answer Da Fei's question immediately, but took out a box of cigars from the side, opened it and handed it to Da Fei.

Da Fei was not polite either. He took out a cigar directly from the box, put it on his nose and smelled it, and showed an expression of enjoyment.

"You rich people are just hypocritical, holding a cigar in your mouth all day long to show off. "

Da Fei also saw that Lu Feng should not be a small figure.

After all, this is a luxury car and a bodyguard with a gun. How can an ordinary person have such a configuration.

"I don't like to smoke this thing. If you like it, I'll give it to you."

Lu Feng closed the cigar box and threw it directly to Da Fei. This was won when he was in the lottery. He usually likes to smoke.

"Then I won't be polite. Tell me, what do you want to do with such a big scene? I don't believe you brought me here just because of a few words."

Lu Feng lit a cigarette.

"You are KK's brother, and you are also one of us. Then I will say what I want to say. Da Fei, I don't know if you want to get promoted."

Lu Feng's words made Da Fei pause with his hand under his nose, and then he showed his unscrupulous look again.

"Who doesn't want to get promoted when you come out to mix with others? I have been in the industry for so many years and I am now a professional straw sandal maker. ”

“Although I am not a member of a gang, I understand the rules of gangs. Now it is not as strict as before. If you want to get promoted, you just need money and people under you.”

“Damn, if someone had money, I would have been promoted a long time ago. What else do you want me to say?”

Now that he knew it was Lu Feng who was looking for him, Da Fei was not so worried, so he spoke more casually.

“You are KK’s brother anyway, I can support you to get promoted.”

Lu Feng said in a light tone.

Da Fei glanced at Lu Feng and then laughed.

“It is said that people in our gang kill and set fire to everything. In fact, the real bad ones are you rich people who seem to have nothing to do with the gang. Don’t make fun of me. Tell me what you want me to do. I don’t believe you will support me because of KK.

If your request is not so difficult, it’s okay to cooperate with you. "

Lu Feng looked at Da Fei with great appreciation.

Da Fei usually looks irritable and speaks very arrogantly, but in fact, he knows everything clearly.

"It seems that I didn't make a mistake about you. You are a smart person. For KK's sake, I won't make things difficult for you.

I am a businessman, so of course I have to deal with your club. You know, the arcade machines on the market now are my industry. Many clubs have cooperated with me.

Besides, if you can make a name for yourself, it will be good for me. A little money is nothing to me. The main thing is that I am afraid of trouble."

"Damn, so that broken thing is yours. That thing is really expensive. Okay, don't talk about those things. Just tell me what you want me to do."

"It's not a big deal. Some time ago, the Changle Gang's place was swept by someone. Even the boss of the Changle Gang, Fei Hong, is now in a coma in the hospital. I don't know if you know. "

Lu Fenglu asked casually.

"Of course I heard about it,

I heard that everyone who attacked was a master. I originally thought it was a new gang.

Finally, I heard that the gang was from a security company.

They were really just farting, thinking that setting up a company would be legal. "

Da Fei's expression was extremely disdainful.

"Now that company controls the street that Changle Gang controlled before. I want you to help me clean up their place."

Hearing this, Da Fei, who had a disdainful expression on his face, immediately drooped down and looked at Lu Feng with an expression that said, "You are going to kill me."

"Boss, if you want me to die early, just say it. KK, you can do it if you want to. My parents died early, and there are only my sister and I left at home. As the eldest brother, I am sending you the person. You don't have to beat around the bush to let me die.

Although the Changle Gang is a small shrimp in front of Hongxing, it has more people than Dafei. So many people in the Changle Gang were easily swept away. Now you ask me to sweep their place. Isn't this asking me to die?"

Lu Feng smiled indifferently, took out a check from his pocket and handed it directly to Dafei.

"This is a bank draft of 10 million, which can be exchanged at any time. I don't know if this money will make you embarrassed."

Looking at the check in front of him, Dafei's eyes lit up, and then his whole body softened.

"Forget it, 10 million is a lot, but I don't want to earn it but not spend it. "

Seeing Da Fei's attitude, Lu Feng knew that the effect of the last time the mad master established his prestige had been achieved.

He estimated that if there was no major conflict of interest, other societies would not bother the mad lion.

Of course.

If there was enough interest, no matter how powerful the mad lion was, others would definitely do it if they wanted to.

Lu Feng thought about it and decided to give Da Fei a little information. Otherwise, even if he talked his mouth off today, Da Fei would not agree to him.

"Don't worry, I don't need you to really sweep the territory, just pretend to do it. The most important thing is to cause losses to some merchants on that street. As for the list of those merchants, I will give it to you when you accept the deal."

Da Fei was not a fool. Lu Feng had already said this. After thinking about it, he also guessed it roughly.

After all, he was in a mixed society.

What crooked ideas have he not thought of, what bad things have he not done.

Da Fei turned his head suddenly and looked straight at Lu Feng.

After a moment, he spoke.

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