The old man was very angry, but the truth was revealed.

"Brother Prince, is there any misunderstanding?".

Brother Prince stood up and looked at Brother Hua with burning eyes.

"Misunderstanding, I also thought it was a misunderstanding, but unfortunately it was not."


He turned his head and looked at the few people who were still standing there, not knowing why, and trembling all over.

"I told you a long time ago that you have to be careful when you go out to make trouble, and don't offend people you shouldn't offend.

30 You guys are really daring, you dare to touch anyone. Since you don't care about the weight of your body, I can't save you this time.

Someone above has spoken. If you can't give an explanation, then none of us will have a good life.

For the sake of our big group of brothers, I can only apologize to you."

After saying that, Prince nodded directly.

Seeing Prince nod, the dozen people who had been waiting around immediately surrounded them and quickly controlled Brother Hua and his men.

In order to prevent them from shouting, they stuffed their mouths with something at the first time.

Prince waved his hand.

"Bury it!"

Reality is so cruel.

Hearing Prince's words, those people acted quickly, two people controlled one, and dragged Brother Hua and his men to the back door of the dance hall.

During the dragging process, Brother Hua and his men were horrified.

They had already begun to regret why they had such a crooked idea that night.

At the back door, two vans had already been waiting there.

After tonight, there will be several more bodies buried in a place in the suburbs that no one has set foot on for years.

After the people were taken away.

The prince took out his phone and dialed a number.

"The matter has been done, the people have been dealt with, OK, OK, it will never happen again next time, this is a misunderstanding.

Okay, thank you this time, I will have someone send 2 million tomorrow."

The big fish eat the small fish, the small fish eat the shrimp.

The law of the jungle has always been like this.

The cocktail party ended.

After saying hello to Mayor Liu and others, Lu Feng took a car to leave the cocktail party.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Lu Feng rested his head on Charlene's arms, and Charlene gently hugged Lu Feng's temple.


Under Charlene's gentle movements and the effects of alcohol, Lu Feng almost fell asleep.


The car braked suddenly.

Lu Feng's head almost hit the front seat, but fortunately his lower body was relatively stable and his body was quite agile. He opened his eyes and put his hand on the front seat, and all his movements were done in one go.

Despite encountering such a thing, Lu Feng did not get angry.

Based on his understanding of Xiaomei, if nothing happened, Xiaomei would definitely not make such a mistake.

"What's wrong!"

"Master, it seems that a person just jumped out from the side of the road."

Xiaomei replied.

Lu Feng looked outside.

The environment here is not a very remote place, but it is a little late, and there are fewer vehicles coming and going.

"Master, I'll go down and take a look!!"

Xiaomei looked around vigilantly, and then spoke.

Before getting off the car, Xiaomei looked at Charlene again.

"Protect the young master!!"

It's no wonder that Xiaomei is so vigilant when encountering such a thing suddenly.

Charlene approached Lu Feng in this way before to assassinate him.

Charlene also remembered the past, and an embarrassed look flashed across her face.

Lu Feng held Charlene in his arms and smiled slightly.

After Xiaomei got out of the car, she came to the front of the car and saw through the headlights that there was a person lying five or six meters away from their car, without any movement.

Although the person was facing the ground, from the back and the clothes on her body, it can be seen that the person lying on the ground is a woman.

Xiaomei walked over carefully, with a pocket dagger hidden in her palm, so that she could counterattack at any time.

When she walked to the front of the person who fell to the ground, she gently probed with her toes and found that the person did not move.

So she squatted down, turned the person over, and checked it a little, and Xiaomei was slightly relieved.

Returning to the car, Xiaomei reported.

"Master, that person is really unconscious. He was not hit by the car, but he has a physical problem. I just checked and he has a high fever."

Lu Feng thought about it and said

She said to Xiaomei.

"Since we have met, let's help and send the person to the hospital."

After that.

Lu Feng got out of the car and sat in the passenger seat.

After he sat down, Xiaomei also carried the person over and put him directly in the back seat.

Although Xiaomei had confirmed that there was no danger, Charlene still remained vigilant.

Sometimes, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Lu Feng remembered that there seemed to be a hospital on the way back, about ten minutes away from here.

Just send the person to that hospital.

Lu Feng turned his head and took a look.

She was dirty and had a ponytail on her head, but a lot of her hair had fallen down, covering half of her face.

However, from the figure and facial contours, it can be seen that this should be a girl.

"Sister...sister, wait for me!!"

The car had just driven out for a few minutes when the girl sitting in the back seat muttered something, as if she was dreaming.

Lu Feng looked through the rearview mirror and then looked away.

Ten minutes later.

The car stopped at the door of a hospital.

Xiaomei got out of the car and called the nurse and doctor on duty, and pushed the girl in on the bed. Lu Feng did not follow, and everything was handled by Xiaomei.

After all, they met by chance, and Lu Feng would not let Xiaomei wait here.

After paying the medical expenses, the bodyguard hidden in the dark sent someone to take a look here, and it would be fine when the person woke up.

As for Lu Feng.

He wanted to go back and rest early now.

After returning home.

With Charlene's service, Lu Feng took a hot shower, washed off the alcohol on his body, and went to bed to rest beautifully.

Of course.

In order to better release the alcohol smell on the body, some aerobic exercise is inevitable.

And Charlene, as an assistant, must have participated in it.

The next day.

Lu Feng sat in the restaurant eating refreshed.

"Xiaomei, how is the girl yesterday? Has she woken up?"

Lu Feng suddenly remembered the unconscious girl he met on the road yesterday, so he asked casually. .

Xiaomei replied.

"She has woken up. She just woke up this morning, but her mood was a little unstable after waking up. She has been wanting to be discharged from the hospital."

Lu Feng just asked casually. He was able to send the person to the hospital last night and helped pay the medical expenses. He has done his best.

This is not Lu Feng's saint.

Perhaps this is what the saying goes, poverty breeds evil schemes, and wealth breeds conscience.

Everything is caused by money.

"Since the person has woken up, let's withdraw him. As for the girl who wants to be discharged, it's up to her. Just pay enough for the hospitalization fee."

Hearing Lu Feng say this, Xiaomei showed a strange look on her face.

In front of Lu Feng, Xiaomei always behaved calmly.

Lu Feng rarely saw such an expression, so he asked curiously.

"What's wrong? Is there something I don't know that makes you show this expression? It's hard to see."

Xiaomei's expression faintly revealed a smile, and she explained.

"When I received the report this morning, I asked people to withdraw, and I also asked people to pay for the girl's hospitalization fee for a week.

But our people found that after he left, the girl was discharged directly from the hospital, and even asked the hospital to pay for her hospitalization fee. "

"Haha!! What an interesting girl!! I didn't expect she is a money-grubber!!"

Lu Feng didn't care about such a small amount of money. Anyway, he might never see it again in this life.

Since he has done a good thing, he should do it to the end.

Just like what Lu Feng said in a book he had read before, judge by deeds, not by heart.

Hearing Lu Feng's sigh, Xiaomei continued.

"Originally, I was also very angry about her behavior. After all, it was a betrayal of the young master's kindness, so I asked people to investigate and follow her.

Later, I found out that the reason why the girl was so anxious to leave was actually because of her sister.

Our people followed the girl to a bridge hole, and found that there was a girl who was about the same age as the girl hiding in the bridge hole.

The two people looked very similar, so our people guessed that they should be sisters.

The girl looked inconvenient to move, as if she was injured.

As for the details, I didn't ask people to investigate further.

But seeing that they are pitiful sisters, I asked people to leave some money for them."

Lu Feng paused after picking up a piece of dessert, and then continued to enjoy it.

"You did a great job. We are not saints and cannot help everyone. Since we have met, we can help as much as we can. What if good people are rewarded? Hehe!!"

Lu Feng was very happy. He was happy because Xiaomei had changed more and more.

Although she was recruited from the system, she was no different from normal people in other aspects, but there was still a little difference after all.

At least Xiaomei now has more joys, sorrows, anger and happiness than before, which is a good phenomenon.

"Aren't you going back with me!"

The cocktail party ended too late yesterday, so Ma Shuai and his wife Li Lijuan did not rush back immediately, but found a hotel to stay.

The next morning.

Ma Shuai was ready to rush back and discuss with the shareholders of Xinshuai Group about participating in the bidding meeting.

Although there were many real estate companies attending the cocktail party yesterday, the 10,000-acre plate was also relatively large. As long as they ate a little, it would be enough for them to make a lot of money.


He was not going to give up this opportunity, and it was impossible for him to give up.

The most important thing was that Ma Shuai was going to go back and discuss it with Gao Mingyuan. Some things still needed him to make the decision.

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