The old man was very happy, but he didn't know how to do it.

Anyway, he knew one thing, as long as he didn't do anything stupid, investing in these hero movies would not lose money, so he didn't care too much.

"How about it, are you interested?"

Nicole nodded excitedly.

"Of course I'm interested, thank you, dear!!"

Nicole gave a kiss directly.

It was not until after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Feng and Nicole came out of the bedroom and saw two people. Xiaomei, who was sitting in the living room, came up and found a bag on the ground.

Lu Feng reached out to take it and handed it to Nicole beside him.

Nicole looked puzzled, opened it and found that the bag contained a dress.

"This is..."

Lu Feng sat on the sofa and said casually.

"There is a cocktail party tonight, and there are many celebrities. I don't have a female companion for the time being. You accompany me."

"It's my honor!!"

I have done what I should do. Accompanying a cocktail party, Nicole, there is no reason to refuse. Besides, I just heard

Lu Feng say that there are many celebrities attending this cocktail party, and maybe I can increase my network of contacts.

Nicole took the dress and went into the bathroom. When she came out again, her clothes had been changed.

It was a pure black backless dress. With the steps, the dress flashed with golden light, which was very eye-catching.

Nicole came in front of Lu Feng, turned around, and showed her charm.

"Does it look good!!"

Lu Feng looked over and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, very beautiful."

Hearing the compliment, Nicole was also very happy.

Lu Feng grabbed a key on the coffee table in front of him and threw it to Nicole.

Nicole took it hurriedly.

"Here is the key to this property. If you like, you can live here."

That's what Lu Feng said, but the meaning is not as simple as it seems.

Nicole is also very clear.

If she accepts this key, she will be the lover of the man in front of her.

Because they were just trading, they got what they wanted, and they could go their separate ways after walking out of this door.

If she accepted the key, the result would be different.

Faced with such a choice, Nicole accepted it without thinking.

To be more realistic, when she accepted Belfort's deal, she suddenly did a survey and found that the investment company was worth at least 20 to 30 billion US dollars.

In addition to what Lu Feng accidentally revealed in the bedroom just now, that is to say, the net worth of the man in front of him is at least 5 to 6 billion.

Now that such a big sponsor has thrown an olive branch to her, how could Nicole not be happy!!!

Besides, the feeling Lu Feng gave her just now. It is still so incomparable.

As a woman with a clear mind, she knows how to choose.

Since Nicole accepted the choice he gave, Lu Feng still had to say what he should say in advance.

"As long as it's not too much, I can meet any of your needs. I think you should also know what you should do."

Nicole walked behind Lu Feng and hugged him from behind.

"I understand the character of you Oriental men. Apart from my ex-boyfriend, you are my second man."

Lu Feng patted Nicole's arm, and everything was unspoken.

Some things don't need to be said too clearly.

It was almost six o'clock.

Belfort called to inform Lu Feng that the time for the cocktail party was approaching.

Lu Feng also changed into a custom-made dress, drove the car himself, and took Nicole to the cocktail party.

They needed to go to a pier first, and then take a cruise ship.

Driving on the road, the luxurious Ferrari sports car still attracted a lot of people's attention.

Especially Nicole, who was sitting in the co-pilot in a dress, many passing vehicles would always look over here.

That is, in this era, information is not too developed.

If it were the age of the Internet, Nicole's gossip would probably be all over the place by now.

"Swish! Swish!!"

Driving on a road, several cars suddenly appeared and passed by the Ferrari quickly. .

Hearing the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, it seemed that there was another group of speeding party members.

Less than a minute later.

Another red sports car drove past at a very fast speed.

However, when passing by Lu Feng's car, Lu Feng clearly felt that the red sports car paused for a moment, because the sound of the rear brake was very obvious.

Even from the open car window, Lu

Feng saw that the man driving the car looked in their direction.

Although the speed was very fast, Lu Feng could still see it with his eyesight.

But all this had nothing to do with Lu Feng.

The car stopped at the seaside port.

Before Lu Feng got out of the car, a young handsome man in a tuxedo came up to greet him enthusiastically.

Seeing the person coming, Lu Feng showed a gentle smile.

Lu Feng got out of the car.

"George, long time no see!!"

"Dear Lu, why didn't you contact us in advance when you came to the United States? If it weren't for Belfort, we wouldn't know you were here, or even that you would come to this cocktail party."

Although they hadn't seen each other for some time, George Howard was still so enthusiastic.

This was also due to the last time Belfort shorted the peso, and he also brought George and Fox.

This is the reality. As long as it can bring benefits, they may be brothers closer than brothers.

The two hugged each other warmly.

"I came here for some personal matters. I just learned about the cocktail party today. I happened to be interested in the cruise ship, so I came to take a look."

Lu Feng said with a smile.

Just as Lu Feng was talking to George, Fox and Belfort also came over.

Lu Feng and Fox bumped fists, which was considered a greeting.

This way of greeting was not too polite, and even seemed close.

"Is this Miss Nicole?"

George noticed Nicole who was holding Lu Feng's arm, and said with a slightly unexpected expression.

Nicole smiled generously in response.

"Miss Nicole, I didn't expect to see you here. I like all the movies you acted in very much. I am actually a fan of yours."

"Thank you!!"

Whether George's words were sincere or polite, only he knew in his heart.

"Lu, you are really lucky. It seems that you have won the golden flower of Hollywood."

Hearing this, Lu Feng smiled heartily, pulled his arm out of Nicole's arms and held her in his arms.

"We are attracted to each other, Nicole, let me introduce you, this is George Howard, the heir of the Howard family, an unreliable guy.

As for the other one, Fox Hayden, from the Hayden family.

I don't think I need to introduce Belfort."

Hearing Lu Feng's introduction, Nicole showed a reserved smile on the surface, but her heart was turbulent.

As a Citizen, how could she not know these two families? Although these two families are not the top ones, the power they possess is not something that anyone can underestimate.

Nicole really didn't expect that Lu Feng had such connections.

At this moment, Nicole felt more and more right about her decision to agree to be Lu Feng's lover in the villa today.

Fox nodded and smiled at Nicole, as a greeting.

Nicole also smiled back.

George didn't care about Lu Feng's teasing and said with a smile.

"I heard that there are many international supermodels on the ship today. I was going to introduce a few to you. Now there is a beauty like Nicole, I think you don't need it anymore."


Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

Who doesn't know who is present?


Especially men with some money, it's nothing more than that hobby.

"Should we get on the ship? I heard that there are many people here today, not only celebrities from the United States, but also some from other countries."

Fox suddenly said.

"Oh, really? I don't know much about this!!"

Lu Feng said casually.

Belfort nodded slightly and explained to Lu Feng.

"Indeed, as far as I know, there are people from the consortium in the island countries and South Korea in Asia."

Lu Feng shrugged.

"It has nothing to do with me. I came here purely for fun this time."

The few people chatted and boarded the gangway of the cruise ship.

It must be said that this cruise ship is really big. According to George's introduction, this cruise ship can carry more than 5,000 people.

There are not only various entertainment facilities, banquet halls, conference halls, lounges, etc.

In order to meet the needs of guests, there is also a casino on the top floor.

Because it is a cruise cocktail party, it takes a long time.

Leave the port at 10 pm and return to the port again at 7 am the day after tomorrow.

This coincides with Lu Feng's arrangement.

It happened that Ruan Mei had surgery the day after tomorrow afternoon. When she came back after this cocktail party, she would be back to the hospital.

When Lu Feng and George and others came to the banquet hall, the banquet hall

There were already quite a few guests, all gathered in groups of three or four to chat.

Perhaps a big deal was reached during this casual chat.

Belfort knew Lu Feng's character, so he found a booth in the corner and sat down.

The waiter also brought a few glasses of wine at the right time...

George picked up the glass and said to Lu Feng.

"Lu, I haven't thanked you yet. The last time I shorted the peso, I showed my face in the family."

Lu Feng also picked up the glass and clinked it with him gently.

"We are friends, aren't we? Since there is an opportunity to make money, how could I forget you.

Besides, by the same token, if you don't trust me, you won't have this opportunity."

"Yes, we are friends."

After a few polite words, the few people started chatting again.

The content of the chat was nothing more than women, but seeing that Nicole was there, some of the words were not explicit, but everyone understood the meaning.

More than half an hour passed.

More and more people came to the reception, and the invited guests were almost all here. The cruise ship had already started to slowly leave the port.

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