The truth is that the two of us have been together for a long time.

It was this incident that made Min-young realize the reality completely.

"Thank you, Lixiu. If it weren't for you, I really don't know how I would have persisted in these years."

Min-young grabbed Lixiu's hand and said gently.

At the beginning, Min-young was still half-believing and half-doubting Lixiu, but it has been several years, and Min-young has trusted her very much.

Lixiu shook her head.

"Madam, all this is what I should do, but Madam, that man just now..."

From the scene when she entered the room just now, Lixiu knew what happened, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know how to say it. After all, this was Madam's private matter.

Min-young shook her head.

"Don't worry about this matter. Please keep it a secret for me and don't reveal it."

Li Xiu nodded.

"I understand, Madam."

"Then I'll go back first."

As soon as Minying got off the bed, she felt her legs and feet go weak and almost fell down.

Li Xiu hurriedly supported Minying.

"Madam, are you okay!!"

Minying shook her head and her face turned red instantly.

"I'm fine!!!"

She didn't remember how long it had been since she felt such an extreme, or she had never felt such a feeling.

The figure of Lu Feng appeared in her mind.

Carefully returned to her room, opened the bedroom door, and saw Taishan still sleeping soundly.

Minying was completely relieved.

To sneak out to see Lu Feng today, she put some sleeping pills in Taishan's water cup.

In order to prevent being noticed, Minying only put a little bit.

This is only outside. If it is at home, all of Taishan's diet is taken care of by a special person, and it is impossible for Minying to do anything.

Lying on the bed, Minying couldn't fall asleep for a while, looking at the ceiling and began to think wildly.

She also remembered what happened just now, especially when she thought of that man, who actually took a few photos of the scene at that time.

Thinking about it now, Minying's face was red and white.

She also knew that Lu Feng was trying to leave a handle.

Although this action broke some of her original ideas, Minying could understand it. She was not a simple white.

When Minying turned her head to look at Taishan who was still sleeping, especially the face that felt more and more disgusting, Minying began to convince herself.

Compared with Taishan, she would rather be controlled by Lu Feng.

At least when she showed the bruises on her back, she saw pity in Lu Feng's eyes, not pity.

To be honest.

Minying has such an idea, and there is no lack of self-strategy in it.

The next day.

When many people were still asleep, the cruise ship had already docked. .

Today Lu Feng had another very important thing waiting for him, so he woke up early.

After washing up, he packed up and prepared to get off the ship.

At the same time, Lixiu, who was arranged to monitor and protect Minying, also got up early, but her eyes were still full of bloodshot. Yesterday's incident had a great impact on her.

She didn't know whether her wife's choice was right or wrong.

But no matter what, she would still silently guard behind her.

Just when Lixiu was about to go out, there was a knock on the door.

Lixiu walked over and opened the door. Standing at the door was a woman she didn't know, but the moment she saw the woman, Lixiu subconsciously tensed her nerves.

Because she could feel the strong "020" danger from the woman in front of her.

She even felt that if she had any bad thoughts about the woman in front of her, she would die in an instant.

This can be said to be a woman's sixth sense, or it can be said to be a sense of danger developed over the years as a bodyguard.

Before Li Xiu could ask, the woman opposite handed over a note.

"Give it to your wife, the people above can temporarily obey her orders, and can also protect her safety when necessary."

"Who are you!"

Li Xiu did not take the note immediately, but asked vigilantly.

"I am Mr. Lu's bodyguard!!"

With just this sentence, Li Xiu knew who the woman in front of him was.

Li Xiu did not even doubt the identity of the woman in front of him, because the incident between Lu Feng and his wife just happened last night.

Even if the president wanted to know, he would not be so fast,

What's more, everything was done in secret.

That's right.

The woman standing at the door was Xiaomei, Lu Feng's personal bodyguard.

It is said that a husband and wife are bound by love for a hundred days.

What's more, Lu Feng wanted to use Minying to achieve his goal, so he must ensure her safety to the greatest extent.

Lu Feng sent a total of 50 people to South Korea. The note recorded the names and contact information of 5 people, and they were all women.

This was also to ensure that Taishan would not be aware of it as much as possible before the matter was completed.

Looking at Xiaomei's leaving back, Lixiu thought silently in his heart that maybe the lady's choice this time was not wrong.

Lixiu didn't even look at the note, just put it away, closed the door and left the room.

"I have something important to do, I'll have someone take you back."

After getting off the boat and coming to the parking place, Lu Feng said to Nicole.

Seeing Lu Feng's serious look, Nicole didn't act like a spoiled child on the cruise ship, but nodded obediently, kissed Lu Feng on the face and said.

"I know, will you come back tonight!!"

Lu Feng thought about it, shook his head and said.

"I'm not sure, but I guess I won't be able to come back tonight."

"Then I'll wait for you!!"

Lu Feng patted Nicole's head.

He just likes such obedient women.

During the conversation, the car arranged by Lu Feng came, he sent Nicole to the car directly, and he also got in the car and left.

As for George and the others, they are still resting on the cruise ship until now, probably because they were busy last night.

However, all the arrangements have been made, and they will wait for the quality inspection report to come out in a few days. At that time, they will break the news together, and they can wait for the harvest.

"The operation will be done soon, how do you feel!!!"

Lu Feng came to the hospital before nine o'clock.

Ruan Mei had just come back from a walk in the hospital garden. When she saw Lu Feng coming over, she happily took his hand.

Lu Feng kissed her on the face. Ruan Mei lowered her head and smiled shyly, but did not stop Lu Feng's behavior.

Hearing Lu Feng's question, Ruan Mei said very casually.

"I feel good."

Then she raised her head and looked at Lu Feng infatuatedly.

"I used to think about making money, hoping to make more money to do surgery for myself.

I'm not afraid of death, but I'm worried about my grandmother."

Lu Mei paused, leaned her head on Lu Feng's arms, and continued softly.

"Now I can't let you go either!!"

Ruan Mei's words shocked Lu Feng. This simple sentence, in Lu Feng's view, is equivalent to a disguised confession.

Ruan Mei had said similar words before, but this time it touched Lu Feng the most.

Perhaps this is the reason why he is about to go to the operating table.

Lu Feng held her tightly in his arms.

"Don't think about those things. Didn't the doctor say that the success rate of your operation is more than 90%. What's the difference between this and 100%..."

At this point, Lu Feng put his lips close to Ruan Mei's ear and whispered softly.

Ruan Mei's face turned red visibly.

If it were before, Ruan Mei would definitely be very shy about what Lu Feng said in her ear just now, but not this time.

She raised her head and said in a voice as soft as a mosquito.

"As long as I am well, I will do whatever you want!!"

Although the voice was soft, it revealed firmness.

Fangfang stood in the distance and watched all this, with only smiles in her eyes.

Unknowingly, it was noon.

A large group of doctors came to the ward and did preoperative examinations.

Before Ruan Mei was pushed into the operating room, Lu Feng said nothing, but just kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Why, you seem to be in a good mood!!"

In a car heading to the international airport, Taishan looked at Minying with his emotionless eyes and said in a light tone.

Minying, who was sitting next to her, quickly restrained her smile. Fortunately, she was a top actress, at least she had good emotional control.

She turned her head and smiled faintly.

"Well, I'm not used to it here. Now I'm finally back, and I'm a little happy."

When she said this, Minying's hand in her jacket pocket was tightly holding a note.

This note was secretly given to her by Lixiu when she got up this morning, saying that Mr. Lu had someone send it over.

When Minying learned this, she was still very moved.

Over the years, except in front of Lixiu, few people have given her such care.

She now hopes that Lu Feng

To help her regain her freedom as soon as possible, Minying didn't want to think about the future now.

Taishan didn't say much about Minying's words, but picked up the documents beside him and read them, saying while reading.

"This time I came to the United States and got some political support. When I go back, I have to speed up the election. You have to do your job well."

"Yes, I understand!!!"

Minying looked at the sky outside the window.

This time she no longer felt that the sky was as gloomy as usual.

"Master, why don't you go eat something first, I'll just watch here, Sister Mei will probably not come out for a while, and there's no point in waiting here."

Unknowingly, it was 7 o'clock in the evening.

Ruan Mei's operation had been going on for nearly 6 hours, and the door of the operating room was still closed. .

Lu Feng raised his hand to look at the watch on his hand and touched his stomach. He didn't feel it before, but now Fangfang reminded him that he was indeed a little hungry.

However, the operation has been going on for such a long time, and it is uncertain when it will be over. Lu Feng feels a little worried if he leaves now.

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