After listening to this, Fangfang was also somewhat moved, not just because of the life-saving grace yesterday.

She had to go out to work anyway, so how could she not be willing to work in such an environment?

"Fangfang, what's your opinion?"

Sister Qin looked at Fangfang.

Fangfang lowered her head a little embarrassedly.

"I... I have no opinion, I listen to you."

No one present could not hear that it meant agreement.

Then, Sister Qin looked at Fangting and Fang Qu.

"Didn't you tell me last time that Long Wu's sister Xiao Jiu is also going to school? I happen to know a school director of Yuqiang Middle School, and I can arrange for them to study there."

After saying that, Sister Qin looked at Luo Huiling again. After all, Luo Huiling was the nominal adoptive mother of the three sisters.

Luo Huiling was only excited now, and she didn't know how to speak.

This time, the favor owed was really too big.

"Since you have no objection, then it's decided. As for the residence, let's live here for the time being. Anyway, there are many rooms here. It happens that this place is also very deserted at ordinary times, and it will be more lively with more people."

Sister Qin made the decision in one word.

Lu Feng shrugged.

"You are also the mistress of this family, you can make the decision."

The three girls of the Fang family were frightened yesterday, so Lu Feng asked them to have a good rest for two days.

After giving the order, Lu Feng got in the car and went to Longteng Building, and Sister Qin also drove to the police station.

"Qiqi, please help me investigate the owners of the shops in Causeway Bay and Temple Street, and give me detailed information as soon as possible."

Sitting behind the desk, Lu Feng instructed Yue Qiqi.

Although Yue Qiqi has just entered the legal profession, who doesn't have some personal connections in this profession?

Simple business investigations like this are a piece of cake for them.

Yue Qiqi took the address handed over by Lu Feng, took a look and said.

"Got it, boss, I will investigate it as soon as possible."

After Yue Qiqi left, Lu Feng called Long Wu again and asked him to bring Long Jiu to the office.

After a while.

Long Wu and Long Jiu came to the office.

"Awu, Xiaojiu, come and sit here."

After sitting on the sofa, Long Wu asked directly.

"Brother Feng, what do you want me to do?"

Lu Feng poured a cup of tea for the two, then took a sip and said.

"I want to discuss Xiaojiu's matter with you. After all, she is your sister, and you still need to make decisions on some things.

That's what happened. Didn't you say Xiaojiu's schooling? The daughter of my maid Sister Ling needs to transfer schools for some reasons, and now I have arranged for her to go to Shengyuqiang Middle School.

I just want to ask you, if you have no objection, I will arrange Xiaojiu to go to Shengyuqiang Middle School. The two are of the same age, and we can take care of each other at that time.

As for where to live, Xiaojiu can also live with me. I have a few teenage girls there now, and they may become friends.

If Xiaojiu doesn't want to, she can continue to live here, or help her rent a house near the school. You two brothers and sisters can decide these."

Long Wu still felt warm in his heart that his boss could take this little thing to heart.

He glanced at his sister Long Jiu.

"Xiaojiu, what do you think?"

"I listen to my brother."

After these few days, Long Jiu still has a good impression of Lu Feng, especially knowing that Lu Feng takes care of his brother, this good impression is even stronger.

After all, when they were in the South, the brothers and sisters depended on each other, and such feelings are difficult to express in words.

Long Wu thought about it and finally nodded.

"Then my sister will be handed over to Brother Feng in the future. If there is anything wrong with Xiaojiu in the future, Brother Feng, please bear with her."

"Hehe, the little girl is just a little stubborn, but the rest is still very good."

Lu Feng teased.

Hearing Lu Feng's teasing, Long Wu also grinned.

Only Long Jiu looked very unconvinced, and even pouted to express his dissatisfaction with Lu Feng's evaluation of him, but he didn't say anything.

Bars are places for entertainment, and there are all kinds of people, so conflicts are inevitable.

Just like just now, in a bar on a street in Tsz Wan Shan, a few young men with dyed yellow hair got into a fight just for a girl that they both liked.

It was just a few people pushing each other, but it gradually developed into a fire.

Fighting, some people around did not mind the big deal, kept making trouble, and even threw a beer bottle into the middle of the dance floor from time to time.

The bar originally had security guards, but seeing such a big scene, they hid in the corner and trembled, and did not dare to come out to stop it.

It's not just here.

I don't know what happened, there were conflicts in many stores on this street tonight.

Some were restaurant guests who disliked the bad food.

Some were massage parlors, where customers disliked the technicians' poor skills and refused to pay.

Some places were even more nonsensical, just because of a look, the two sides couldn't stand each other and fought directly.

In some places, someone quickly came forward to stop it, and although it caused some losses, it was finally calmed down.

As for some places, they were not so lucky. In the end, they called the police and waited for the police to come to completely control it, but the losses were huge, because the police's actions tonight were very slow.

Such things are very common in Hong Kong Island. Basically, they can happen on every street every night, so no one takes it seriously. The reason why the police acted slowly is that (Qian Zhao's) police had a big operation in another place in Tsz Wan Shan. In the afternoon, the police suddenly received an anonymous tip-off that a powder warehouse was found. The authenticity of the tip-off was confirmed through the police's preliminary investigation. So the police made arrangements early. It is because of the sudden lack of manpower that the police's actions in other places seem to be slow. In a hidden place, the leading police officer looked at his watch and said in a deep voice. " "Now check the watch. It is now 9:10. Action will be on time in 10 minutes. If you encounter resistance, I authorize you to shoot the suspect at any time." "Yes, sir!!" Several leading supervisors around answered in a suppressed voice. The leading police officer waved his hand, and several supervisors returned to their teams and began to arrange other tasks.

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