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Sitting at the main seat was a man wearing a white suit and exuding the temperament of a successful man. He held a cigarette between his fingers, took a puff, and slowly blew out the smoke ring.

This man is the boss of this team, Long Zhiqiang.

Long Zhiqiang looked sharply at the young woman in sexy clothes on the other side and spoke.

"Tutu, are you confident to win this goal? If we want our plan to succeed this time, your part is the key!!"

The woman named Tutu smiled coquettishly, put down her crossed legs, and changed into a more charming posture.

"Brother Long, don't worry. No man can escape my grasp. I promise to make him fall in love with me in the shortest possible time."

Hear Tutu say this,

Hearing Tutu speak so confidently, the sharp look in Long Zhiqiang's eyes softened slightly and he spoke with a laugh.

"Hahaha, since you have confidence, it's good, so, Tutu, you are the key to the perfection of every mission we complete."

Hear the words

Several other people were also smiling.

Only one of them, nicknamed Doctor, showed no joy on his face and even frowned.

Long Zhiqiang also saw the look on the doctor's face. As the strategist of their group, Long Zhiqiang still paid great attention to the doctor's opinion.


Whether he really values ​​it or fakes it, only he knows.

"Doctor, what's wrong with you? Do you think there is something wrong with our plan?"

Long Ziqiang's words interrupted the doctor's thinking. The doctor looked up at Long Zhiqiang, shook his head and said.

"Brother Long, I'm not talking about the plan. It's not the first time we've done something like this. There should be no problem with the plan. It's just that we should carefully consider the target we selected this time."

After hearing what the doctor said, Long Zhiqiang had not said anything yet, but Long Zhifei, Long Zhiqiang's younger brother, spoke first, with a look of disdain on his face.

"I said Doctor, why are you becoming more and more timid?"

The doctor glanced sideways at Long Zhifei, his eyes filled with indifference.

He looked down on Long Zhifei from the bottom of his heart. As the younger brother of the gang boss, he failed in many achievements and failed in many things, and he was also very arrogant.

There is another thing hidden in the doctor's attitude towards Long Zhifei.

Tell the truth.

If it weren't for Long Zhiqiang's protection, Long Zhifei would have been killed by him long ago.

But the words have been spoken, and what needs to be explained still needs to be explained.

"That's not what I meant. I have carefully investigated this target. There are many things that can no longer be investigated after a certain level. This shows that the target is not as simple as we thought.

And based on what we see now, the target is not only protected by bodyguards, but also has a security company. His connections and strength are not comparable to the targets we selected before.

I'm afraid we'll suffer a loss if we act rashly this time.

In our situation, we cannot make any mistakes. As long as one mistake is made, everyone will be unlucky. "

Hear the words.

Long Ziqiang felt that what the doctor said made sense, but he did not fully accept the doctor's opinion.

He thought about it and said with a smile.

"Doctor, don't worry, there's still a rabbit here.

Haven't we already investigated, the target person is quite lustful, and there are many women around him. I believe that with Tutu's appearance, he can definitely attract the target's attention.

So what if there are bodyguards around? It’s not like we haven’t done this before, and besides, I don’t believe him.

There are always bodyguards around you.

As long as we find a way to send Tutu to the target, I believe Tutu can fish people out. "

"Okay then, listen to Brother Qiang."

Now that a unified opinion has been reached, several people have begun to plan the details in detail.

A breeze blew in from the window, gently sliding over the coffee table among the people.

And a photo on the coffee table was blown to the ground by the breeze.

If this photo is seen by someone who knows Lu Feng, they will recognize it at a glance.

at the same time.

I don't know if it was due to the evil spirit that Lu Feng came back this time.

Not only was there a group of unknown people who wanted to plot against him, but there was also a person not far away from him who was staring at him at this moment.

The moment he and Li Xin'er walked into the cinema, another woman walked in right after them.

from its stability

From the footsteps of the woman, it can be seen that this woman is a martial artist.

The woman's eyes always glanced at Lu Feng from time to time, especially at Xiao Mei who was always protecting Lu Feng.

Perhaps in her opinion. .

Xiao Mei was the most threatening one.

"Xiao Mei, you stay here and watch. I'm going to the bathroom!!"

For a rough man like Chen Jiaju, the love movie was simply a hypnotic magic sound. If Xiao Mei hadn't been around, he would have fallen asleep long ago.

Even so, "470" Chen Jiaju has been nodding his head like a chicken.


Xiao Mei just responded lightly, without taking her eyes off the screen.

Her mind had already been completely immersed in the plot of the movie.

Especially the emotions shown between the male and female protagonists of the movie, which made her feel a lot.

She even couldn't help but fantasize.

It would be great if her relationship with Chen Jiaju was as beautiful as described in the movie.

It's not that Chen Jiaju treats her badly.

It's just that sometimes, he didn't care about her feelings.

If it weren't for the relationship over the years, Xiaomei might have broken up with him long ago.


Chen Jiaju whistled while running water, looking quite relaxed and relaxed.

Watching those love movies was like a tight ring for him.

He shuddered and put away the tools.

He walked to the sink, washed his hands, and looked at himself in the mirror. Chen Jiaju also fiddled with it conceitedly.

Feeling quite satisfied, he smiled and walked out of the bathroom.

Chen Jiaju did not return to the screening room immediately, but wandered around the door.

He planned to wait a while before going in, otherwise it would be another torment.

"Manager, should we evacuate the people in the building? What if there is a bomb?!"

"Fuck, where did so many bombs come from? Don't you think who is behind our Galaxy Building? I think it's just a group of pranksters."

"Manager... it shouldn't be possible. Who dares to play such a big joke? I think we should evacuate. If something really happens, we can't afford to be blamed by the big boss!!"

"I think you don't want to do it anymore, right? What if you guess wrong? Do you know how much damage will be caused by such a big noise? Just do your own thing.

Didn't you just say that the guys are going to call us? I want to see who it is."

"This... is, Manager!!!"

As a policeman, Chen Jiaju accidentally heard this conversation from the corner, and his expression immediately became serious.

He hurriedly took a few steps, wanting to stop the person who was talking just now and ask what was going on?

This is a bomb and an explosion.

Moreover, the Galaxy Building is now at its peak time. If there is an explosion, it would be a big deal.

When he walked out of the corner, he could not see the two people who were talking just now.

There are many corridors here.

He also did not know which corridor the two people who were talking just now were walking in.

Since he encountered such a thing, Chen Jiaju could not ignore it. He had to find out the truth of the matter.

He also heard the content of the conversation between the two people just now. One of them was the manager. Since he could not find the person, he simply went to the manager's office to find him.

Chen Jiaju took the elevator directly to the administrative area on the top floor.

As soon as he walked out of the elevator door, he was stopped by someone.

"Who are you, how did you get up here, this is the office area, please leave!!!"

Chen Jiaju did not waste words, and directly took out the police officer's certificate from his pocket and shook it in front of the person who stopped him.

"Police, I want to find your manager. I have something important to ask him. Which office is your manager in!!"

Seeing that it was a policeman, the man did not dare to be presumptuous anymore and pointed in a direction and said.

"That's the manager's office."

"Thank you!"

Chen Jiaju simply thanked him and ran quickly towards the manager's office.

In two or three steps, he came to an office with a name tag of the manager on the glass door.

Chen Jiaju did not break in directly, but knocked on the door.

It's not that Chen Jiaju knows how to follow the rules, but Hong Kong Island is still a place that abides by the law to a certain extent.

After all, this is private territory. He has no search warrant or any other legal documents. Breaking into someone else's office directly is asking for trouble...

Although Chen Jiaju is reckless, he is not stupid.

"Come in!!!"

A relatively calm voice sounded in the room.

Chen Jiaju pushed the door open.

The people in the room originally thought that it was the outside

The staff inside had something to report. Unexpectedly, a stranger came in.

"Who are you? Who let you in!!!"

Chen Jiaju did not let the people inside ask any more questions, and took out his police ID again.

"Police! You must be the manager here!!"

The person sitting at the desk nodded subconsciously, and then changed his tone.

"You are a policeman and you can't break into my office privately. What do you want? If you don't have anything, please leave, otherwise I will complain."

The tone of the building manager gradually became arrogant.

This is also due to the behind-the-scenes boss of the Galaxy Building.

To put it bluntly, a small policeman like this is nothing in the eyes of their big boss.

"I heard that someone called you and said that a bomb was installed here. I want to know what happened."

Chen Jiaju did not beat around the bush and directly stated his purpose.

Hearing about this incident, the attitude of the building manager became even worse.

"Who told you that? This is not true at all. Get out now and don't interfere with my work!!!"

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