The woman was so angry that she didn't have a chance to attack him.

Just now in the cinema, there was no chance to attack him.

Even because of the sudden incident in the Galaxy Building, the woman still didn't find any chance.

Even if the scene was chaotic, the close female bodyguard always remained vigilant. Even if there was an explosion just now, she didn't even blink.

Seeing that Lu Feng and the others were about to leave, the woman was also ready to leave. He knew that there was no chance today.

But before the woman left, her eyes paused on Amei for a moment.


Just after getting into the car.

Lu Feng felt his lower back being pinched by two slender fingers.

His head was full of black lines.

He didn't know if all women in the world had this skill. Even Li Xin'er, who usually behaved very confidently and elegantly, would use this trick.

"Let go, let go!!!".

Facing Li Xin'er's pinching technique, Lu Feng pretended to beg for mercy, but there was not much pain in his eyes!!!


Li Xin'er snorted, but still put her hand down.

"I say, do you women like to use this trick? Can't you change your trick!!!"

Your own woman should feel pain.

Besides, someone like Li Xin'er can act like a little girl in front of Lu Feng, which shows that they have a close relationship.

Lu Feng rubbed the pinched place and said speechlessly.

"What's wrong with you? I don't think I've offended you. I went shopping with you today and watched a movie with you."

"I knew you were a slut, but I didn't expect you to have your eyes on someone else's girlfriend. You're really capable."

"Ah, what do you mean!!!"

Li Xin'er's words made Lu Feng feel wronged.

Li Xin'er rolled her eyes.

"Don't think I can't see it. The way that Amei looked at you just now was not right. It was not the way ordinary friends should look.

Don't forget what I do. I'm a psychologist."

"No way, you are wrongly accusing me. I didn't say a few words to her today. Besides, she has a boyfriend. Didn't you see it? If she heard what you said, wouldn't it be to sow discord between her boyfriend and girlfriend!!!"

"Of course I saw it, but what I said is also true. You must have done something I don't know to make her interested in you, otherwise, Amei wouldn't have that look."

Lu Feng couldn't refute this point.

The main thing is that he couldn't confirm what Li Xin'er said, because she is a psychologist.

He couldn't go over and ask Amei in front of her, do you have any thoughts about me?

If he really asked like that, he would probably lose face.

In fact, what Li Xin'er said was not aimless.

Of course, there is also the intention of deceiving Lu Feng.

But from Li Xiner's point of view, the look that Amei gave Lu Feng today did have a different meaning.

But it was not as serious as Li Xiner said just now.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go eat first!!!"

Hearing this.

Xiaomei started the car and drove to the restaurant that Lu Feng had booked long ago.

During the departure, Lu Feng and Xiaomei looked at each other through the rearview mirror, and Xiaomei nodded to Lu Feng implicitly.

In fact, Lu Feng has always known that someone was following him, but that person has not made any move, so he did not let anyone take action.

Live a new life.

Lu Feng is a person who cherishes his life very much, and he also has a recruitment system, how could the security protection around him be bad!!!

No matter what time it is, basically within 100 meters around Lu Feng, there are at least 10 people arranged by Lu Feng.

So if someone is following him, how could he not be discovered, unless he is invisible!!!


The car stopped at the door of a hotel.

Li Xiner took Lu Feng's arm and walked into the hotel. Seeing guests coming in, the receptionist hurriedly greeted them respectfully.

"Miss, sir, how many people are there!!"

"I have already reserved a seat, my last name is Lu!!!"

"Ah, it turns out to be Mr. Lu, please follow me!!!"


No matter what you do, you need to be very careful.

Even if it is a small receptionist job.

At least

The receptionist in front of him was just like that. He confirmed the identity of Lu Feng's guest without even looking at the registration information.

This also shows that he has memorized all the information of the guests who booked today.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the two came to a private room.

"Two guests, may I ask if your dishes are served now or need to wait a while!!"

After Lu Feng and Li Xin'er sat down, the waiter asked respectfully.

"It's served now!!"

Lu Feng said casually.

"Yes, please wait a moment!!"

The waiter respectfully left the private room.

When the waiter closed the door, Lu Feng saw Xiaomei looking at him.

After Lu Feng retracted his gaze, he said to Li Xin'er.

"Xin'er, sit here for a while, I'm going to the bathroom!!"

"Well, go ahead, come back soon!!"

"Got it!!"

Lu Feng kissed Li Xin'er on the forehead, and then walked out of the private room.

After Lu Feng walked out of the box, he went straight to the corner, and Xiaomei followed closely behind him.

Lu Feng asked calmly.

"What's the matter!!"

Xiaomei replied.

"Master, the investigators are back, but they were thrown off by that guy on the way."


Hearing Xiaomei say this, Lu Feng immediately became interested.

Crossing to the present.

In all, Lu Feng has recruited nearly 10,000 people from the system space.

But most of them appeared as ordinary people.

In addition to those who were arranged to the security company, those who were arranged to listen to the music, and those who protected him, all needed to undergo soul fusion to improve everyone's quality and ability.

Take the people who followed him, although everyone's strength may not be as good as some special forces soldiers, but an elite special forces soldier should still have the ability.


Although only one person was sent to investigate alone, he was actually thrown off, which is a bit interesting.

This also shows that the person who followed him is quite capable.

But Lu Feng didn't take it to heart.

Either that guy didn't do it, or he would definitely not be able to escape if he wanted to do it again next time.

"It's okay, let's leave it at that, but we still need to ask the brothers to be more careful, so as not to capsize in the gutter."

"Yes, Master!!!"

After Lu Feng finished his instructions, he was ready to turn around and go back to the box.

Xiao Mei suddenly spoke again.

"Master, there is one more thing. Do you need the brothers to investigate the explosion today?"


Lu Feng said casually.

Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with him.


Xiao Mei was about to turn around and leave when she was stopped by Lu Feng again.

"Wait a minute!"

"Master, do you have any other instructions!!"

Lu Feng thought about it and spoke.

"Please inform Ling that he should investigate the bombing. I want to know who is the mastermind behind it."

The reason why Lu Feng suddenly changed his mind was that he wanted to use this emergency to test Di Ting's ability.

He wanted to see how much information Di Ting had mastered about the entire Hong Kong Island!!!

Some things.

It's not just a matter of words, but still needs to see the results.

"Understood, I'll notify them now!!"

Xiao Mei answered very straightforwardly.

"Come in!!"

Today, Lu Feng came to find Li Xin'er by order, so after dinner, he followed Li Xin'er directly to her residence. .

But Lu Feng still called Sister Qing.

Sometimes people still need to know what's going on.

No matter which woman, even in ancient times, her man would always feel a little uncomfortable when looking for other women.

And Sister Qing could let Lu Feng go like this, how could Lu Feng not pay more attention to Sister Qing.

It has to be said.

Psychologists really make money.

Owning a large flat in Hong Kong Island requires a lot of money, even in this current real estate downturn.

"Please sit down. I'm going to change my clothes!!!"

Li Xin'er threw her handbag on the sofa and walked into the bedroom.

Lu Feng did not follow her, but looked at everything in the room with interest.

He estimated that this house was at least 250 square meters.

In a few minutes.

Li Xin'er walked out of the bedroom and changed her original clothes into pajamas.

The pink gauze pajamas, worn on Li Xin'er, not only sexy, but also a little naughty, forming a bright contrast with the original intellectuality.

The contrast between the two is very different. Now it looks very charming and tempting.

Li Xiner also felt Lu Feng's gaze, but she was not embarrassed. She even deliberately showed her curves.

The two did what they should and shouldn't do, not to mention just a few glances!!!

As a psychologist, some problems are very clear.

Li Xiner took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and poured two glasses.

One of the glasses was handed to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng took the wine glass and took Li Xiner in his arms.

The two walked to the French window, looked at the night view outside, and tasted the red wine and felt the warmth!!

Especially Li Xiner, this feeling in her heart was even deeper.

Since the house was bought, Lu Feng is the first man to enter here.

Compared with the loneliness of being alone when I came back from get off work in the evening, today's home seems to be more lively than before.

Stood in front of the French window for a long time.

" to the bedroom!!"

It was late at night, and with Li Xin'er in his arms, she was still very attractive to Lu Feng, so he started to move his hands.

"No, I think it's good here. Not only can I exercise, but I can also enjoy the night view!!"

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