Many people died inexplicably, and some looked more like accidents.

So at this moment.

Police cars with flashing lights can be seen on all roads in various districts of Hong Kong Island, shuttling back and forth constantly, looking very anxious.

Sir Chen, who was a little overwhelmed by the killers, was sitting in his own office.

He really didn't expect that because of his one move, the security of Hong Kong Island would be so chaotic.

So many killers suddenly stationed in Hong Kong Island, which is also a great danger to the safety of ordinary people in Hong Kong Island.


Sir Chen did not regret all this, because some people deserved to die and had to die.


The phone in his pocket rang.

Sir Chen took it out and saw a message on his phone. He didn't think much and opened it to read.

When he saw the content of the message, his expression suddenly changed.

He picked up the car keys beside him and walked out of the office quickly.

"Sir Chen, what's wrong? Is there any news?!"

Seeing Sir Chen in such a hurry, his men hurriedly asked.

Sir Chen waved his hand.

"You continue to look for clues. I have something to do over there. I'll go out first!!!"

Tsukamoto Building.

This is the Tsukamoto family's property in Hong Kong Island, and it is also the place where Ichiro Tsukamoto was killed.

In an office on the top floor.

Hideo Tsukamoto knelt on the tatami. In front of him was a low table with an urn and a samurai sword on it.

There were two bodyguards, one male and one female, near Tsukamoto Eiji. The female was wearing a kimono and stood respectfully not far away.

The male had a mustache and was very tall, at least 1.9 meters or more. Perhaps because he was European and American, he didn't pay much attention to the rules of the island country and acted very lazy.

Tsukamoto Eiji picked up the samurai sword, slowly pulled it out, and picked up a piece of white cloth beside him, wiping the blade very carefully.

"Mr. Eiji, the mastermind behind the assassination of Mr. Tsukamoto has been confirmed dead, and the killer has escaped. We have contacted the local community in Hong Kong Island. I believe that the person will be found in the shortest time."

A little Japanese soldier dressed like a ninja suddenly came over, knelt beside Tsukamoto Eiji, and reported respectfully.

Tsukamoto Eiji didn't even raise his head and continued to wipe the samurai sword in his hand.


A minute later, Tsukamoto Eiji stopped his movements, slowly stood up from the tatami, grabbed the handle of the samurai sword with sharp eyes, and took an offensive posture.

"Swish, swish, swish!!!"

Tsukamoto Eiji took a step forward fiercely, and the samurai sword in his hand chopped down directly, and then stabbed or slashed, each move seemed very sharp.

This shows that.

Tsukamoto Eiji has a good level of swordsmanship.

When performing the last move, the blade in Tsukamoto Eiji's hand just fell on the neck of the ninja kneeling over there. The ninja did not move at all in the face of the blade.

Tsukamoto Eiji showed a satisfied look, slowly put away the knife, and put it back into the scabbard.

The woman in kimono took small steps and handed over a towel.

Tsukamoto Eiji took it and wiped his hands, and said to the ninja kneeling on the ground.

"Go down. If you fail again, you won't have to come back!!!"


"Eiji, Eiji, the foundation's law coin is here, what are you still doing here!"

Just as the ninja left, a man in his forties wearing a kimono came over.

Seeing Tsukamoto Eiji kneeling on the ground, the man walked up and patted his shoulder.

Tsukamoto Eiji glanced over, his eyes full of disdain.

Feeling Tsukamoto Eiji's gaze, the man said unhappily.

"Eiji, what's that look in your eyes."

Tsukamoto Eiji retracted his gaze, looked at the urn in front of him, and said in a flat tone. .

"I was just asking my grandfather in heaven, how could I have such an incompetent father like you."

The man was angry at Tsukamoto Eiji's attitude, especially in an island country that values ​​respect and inferiority.

For a son to speak to his father like this is simply "two-seven-three" and is a great treason.

"This is how you treat your father."

Tsukamoto Eiji did not answer

rhetorical question.

"Your father, my grandfather was assassinated. As a son, have you never thought of avenging him?"

Facing his son's questioning, the man became even more angry. Judging from his expression, it looked more like he was angry with embarrassment.

As the head of the Tsukamoto family, Ichiro Tsukamoto has been in control of the Tsukamoto family for decades. Now he was assassinated. Although it is a loss for the Tsukamoto family, it is also an opportunity for some people.

For example, the man in front of me, after the death of Ichiro Tsukamoto, as the second-generation eldest son, he is now the helmsman of the Tsukamoto family.

But no matter what, the sudden death of Ichiro Tsukamoto still caused a certain amount of chaos for the Tsukamoto family. The most important task now is to stabilize the Tsukamoto family.

Faced with the question, the man could only say.

"With a revenge fund of 100 million US dollars, someone will avenge your grandfather's revenge, and the person who killed him will not live long."

Hear the words.

Eiji Tsukamoto sneered.

"You are just a coward. You cannot control the Tsukamoto family that grandpa left behind."

Speaking of which.

Tsukamoto Eiji's eyes became sharp, he turned his palm into a knife, and under the man's stunned gaze, he slashed directly at the white porcelain jar with the ashes in front of him.

The white porcelain jar shattered with the sound, revealing the ashes inside.

When the man saw Tsukamoto Eiji's behavior, he took a step back in fright.

This is simply treasonous behavior.

The man's eyes looked shocked and frightened.

Tsukamoto Eiji stretched out his hand, grabbed a handful of ashes from the white porcelain jar, turned around and looked at the man contemptuously.

"What are you doing, Eiji, what do you want to do!!"

The man asked in a stern voice as he backed away.

Tsukamoto Eiji said calmly.

"As the second generation of the Tsukamoto family, do you have your grandfather's soul in your body?"


Tsukamoto Eiji raised his head, swallowed the ashes into his mouth, and looked at the man saying with a nervous expression.

"I want my grandfather's soul to be reborn in my body!"


The man was so frightened that he couldn't even speak.

Downstairs of Tsukamoto Building, in a shadowed area, there was a van parked.

There were 6 people in the van.

Feng Jiu took a box from the co-pilot and opened it in front of everyone.

There are some weapons inside.

Knives, daggers, sabers, and several pistols with silencers.

Feng Jiu focused on looking at Xiao Fu sitting in the back.

"I heard from the young master that if you want to make money as a killer, tonight is your chance. After the mission is completed, you will not only get a lot of money, but also get rid of the people who are chasing you."

Xiao Fu didn't say anything, he just lowered his head and looked for a convenient weapon.

He was originally hiding in the villa with Yue Lu. Today, someone suddenly came to the villa to look for him. After the visitor told him something about the situation, Xiao Fu followed him without hesitation.

These six people, except Feng Jiu and Xiao Fu, Chen Shi, Wu Liu, Zheng Qi, who rarely appeared in public, and Ba Wang all came.

In fact, according to Lu Feng's previous ranking, the Overlord's name should be Wang Ba.

But the bastard is just an insult, and who would call him that name?

So Lu Feng simply reversed his name and called him Eight Kings.

He screamed and became a bully.

It sounds quite domineering.


Feng Jiu was in charge of this operation.

Feng Jiu gave an order and the van opened. Six people got out of the van one after another, wearing knitted hats on their heads.

Pulling it down, it just blocks half of the face, only revealing a pair of eyes...

It's getting late now, and this area is all office buildings, and there are basically no pedestrians around.

"Who are you? Stop right now!!!"

Listening to the awkward Cantonese, Feng Jiu, who was walking at the front, without saying a word, threw out two flying knives and nailed them directly to the neck of the person who spoke.

Feng Jiu suddenly accelerated and rushed into the building. When he passed by the two people who were nailed to death by flying knives, he bent down slightly, stretched out his hand and fished it out, and the two flying knives fell back into his hands.

The five people following behind also followed quickly.

"Young Master, someone broke in!!"

The woman in kimono walked behind Tsukamoto Eiji and said.

Seeing the respectful look on the woman's face, one could tell that this person should be a servant of the Tsukamoto family.

According to the ancient saying in the Dragon Kingdom, a child belongs to the family.

Tsukamoto Eiji didn't panic at all, he just glanced at the woman, and the woman understood what he meant.

He walked out of the room with small steps.


Seven or eight

Minutes later.

With a bang, a body hit the door heavily, and was kicked in front of Tsukamoto Eiji from outside.

The person kicked in was a woman in kimono who had just gone out.

Seeing this, the bodyguard who had been very lazy in the corner, his eyes became cold, and he stood up slowly.

Tsukamoto Eiji was still kneeling there, holding up the teacup and sipping the tea in the cup.

He looked very cool.

In their eyes, Xiaofu and Feng Jiu walked in slowly.

As for the others, they were still in various places in the building.

Before the action today, Lu Feng gave them the order that all the Japanese in the building, as long as they were aggressive, should be killed.

This is why they chose to act at night.

Because it is not working hours now, those who can stay here are basically not ordinary people, most of them are from the Tsukamoto family who came from the island country.


The woman in kimono covered her chest and slowly got up from the ground. The expression on her face became fierce. She wiped her hand at the position of her calf, and a short knife appeared in her hand.

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