When Lu Feng returned home, dinner was already prepared.

Sometimes Sister Qin was not at home, and it was boring to eat alone.

So at Lu Feng's request, the two sisters of the Fang family and Long Jiu would eat with him.

As for Luo Huiling, Sister Hu, and Fang Fang, because of their status, they were always unwilling to eat at the same table with Lu Feng.

Lu Feng did not force it.

"How is your new school? Is there anyone bullying you in school?"

Lu Feng picked up a chopstick of stir-fried beef with green peppers and asked the three people.

Knowing that Lu Feng likes to eat inland dishes, the normal diet at home is mainly Chinese food, and occasionally a Western meal is served as a change. .

"The teachers in school take good care of us. Sometimes when we can't keep up with the homework, they will help us with tutoring."

Fang Ting answered.

"How are the relationships with classmates?"

"It's okay, but there were a few bad boys who wanted to pick us up, and I beat them up."

This is what Long Jiu said.

This girl is still impetuous.

This is also related to her previous living environment. After all, the war in the South has not been over for a long time.

Lu Feng smiled.

"Well, if anyone bullies you, you beat them back. If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility for you."

After Lu Feng finished speaking, Fang Ting, who was still eating, raised her head and looked at Long Jiu, and seemed to be hesitant to speak.

The change in Fang Ting's face was seen by Lu Feng.

"Xiaoting, just say whatever you want to say. You are not an outsider here."

Being called by Lu Feng, Fang Ting lowered her head embarrassedly, but still spoke.

"Brother Feng, our teacher said that he wants to visit our home when he has time."

When Lu Feng heard this, he thought it was something else, so he said it casually.

"You can tell your teacher the address here. The teacher is welcome to visit our home at any time."

"Is this... is this not very convenient!!"

"What's the inconvenience? It's decided!!"

Fang Ting opened her mouth but didn't continue.

She was embarrassed to tell Lu Feng that the reason why the teacher in the school came to visit the home was because Long Jiu beat up a classmate in school.

They ate and talked like this, and soon the dishes on the table were eaten clean.

Although he is rich now, Lu Feng is still not used to extravagance. Generally, there are a few dishes for a few people, and at most one more dish than the number of people eating.

Lu Feng just put down his bowl and chopsticks and took the teacup brought by Sister Hu, and a bodyguard walked in.

"Master, there is a Mr. Fang outside who said he is here to visit you. He said he is the brother of several Miss Fangs, and he has made an appointment with you a long time ago."

Lu Feng paused while holding the teacup, and silently calculated in his heart that it has been almost a week.

"Go and bring him in."

"Yes, Master."

Lu Feng did not go into the study this time, but went directly to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

The three sisters of the Fang family were very happy to hear that it was their eldest brother who came, but they did not dare to be too presumptuous in front of Lu Feng.

Lu Feng glanced at them and did not let them leave.

Soon, led by the bodyguard, Fang Zhanbo walked into the living room.

Fang Zhanbo now looks no longer as depressed as he was a few days ago, and even has some high spirits.

"Big brother."

"Big sister, second sister, third sister, sister Ling"

Fang Zhanbo greeted his three sisters and Luo Huiling first. Because he didn't know the others, he nodded to Sister Hu and Long Jiu as a greeting.

Then he walked respectfully to Lu Feng.

"Mr. Lu."

Lu Feng pointed casually at the opposite side.

"Sit down and talk."

Fang Zhanbo sat opposite Lu Feng as he was told.

After sitting down, Fang Zhanbo took out a check from his pocket and handed it to Lu Feng respectfully.

"Mr. Lu, I have fulfilled the agreement between us. Here is a total of 3.74 million."

Lu Feng just glanced at the check lightly, looked at Fang Zhanbo sitting opposite and said with a smile.

"Not bad, you have exceeded the task I assigned to you, and I keep my word. The last matter will be written off."

Hearing Lu Feng's words, Fang Zhanbo also breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had passed this level.

Then Lu Feng said again.

"You have such a talent, have you ever thought about what to do next?"

Fang Zhanbo relaxed, no longer nervous, scratched his head, and said embarrassedly

"I haven't thought about this question yet. I want to continue studying and make some money first, and then see what happens when I have capital."

Lu Feng nodded.

"This is a good idea. Although I don't know much about the stock market, I also know that the stock market is unpredictable. If you don't want to become a leek, you can't rush into it.

I have a suggestion here. I wonder if you are willing to listen to it."

"Mr. Lu, please speak."

Lu Feng took another sip of tea and put the teacup away before speaking.

"I am also very interested in the stock market, but I don't have a suitable trader around me. I see that your level of awareness and other aspects are very good. I want you to work for me. I wonder if you are interested."


Fang Zhanbo hesitated.

The reason why he hesitated was that he was afraid that he would not do well and lose money at that time, and it would be difficult to explain to Lu Feng.

Now the three sisters and Sister Ling are all here with Lu Feng. He is afraid that he will not do well and affect them.

Lu Feng seemed to have seen Fang Zhanbo's concerns and spoke directly.

"Don't feel any psychological pressure. The stock market has both losses and gains. I won't let you help me manipulate large sums of money now. Even if you have the ability, I'm still worried."

As he spoke, Lu Feng took out a checkbook from his pocket in front of everyone, signed a check for 7 million, put it together with the check for more than 3 million that Fang Zhanbo had just handed him, and pushed it directly in front of Fang Zhanbo again.

"It's better to do it yourself than to watch it a thousand times. This 10 million is my tuition for you. You can use this money to operate in the stock market. I won't interfere. I don't care whether you make a profit or a loss in the end.

Of course, I am not without conditions. I need you to join my company and be responsible for stock market operations in the future.

The contract period is 10 years. You will be given half a year to learn. After half a year, you will be officially responsible for the project. If you want to quit the company halfway, you must pay a penalty of 1 billion."

At first, Fang Zhanbo was quite moved. After all, he thought he was still capable. What he lacked was a platform.

But when he heard the 1 billion penalty at the end, his heart kept beating.

Although according to what Lu Feng said just now, there would be no penalty as long as he did not leave the company within 10 years, he still couldn't help but be scared when he heard the number of 1 billion.

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