The more he looked at the person, the more he was shocked.

" Uh!!!"

In just ten seconds, Big B, who had been trembling with his eyes closed, took a deep breath and suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had been revived.

Big B was still trembling as he looked at the people around him. Although the adrenaline temporarily pulled him back, he was stuffed with so much powder after all.

"You... who are you!!"

Lu Feng squatted down and looked at Big B and said.

"Listen to me, my last name is Lu, the boss behind the King of Fighters arcade, we have cooperated before, but I was not the one who negotiated at that time.

A few days ago, I sent someone to buy several shops under your name, but the price was too high and we couldn't reach an agreement.

You should know your current situation. Not to mention your knife wound, even the things stuffed into your mouth will kill you."

Lu Feng's tone was very fast.

"I'm going to talk to you about a deal now. I'll help save your wife and daughter, and you'll give me those shops and the office building in the center of Causeway Bay.

A normal person buried one or two meters underground can survive for ten to fifteen minutes at most. I just calculated that your wife and children should have been buried for almost seven minutes. There is still some time to gamble. I don't know what you will choose."

The reason why Lu Feng knew so clearly was because there were always his people around to monitor.

Lu Feng waved behind him, and his men handed him a document.

Because of the adrenaline, Big B was still very sober, and his brain even worked faster than usual.

Big B looked at the documents sent to him, and someone beside him was kindly shining a flashlight.

" are taking advantage of the situation!"

After holding it in for a long time, Big B said this.

Lu Feng did not show any reluctance.

"Remind you, eight minutes have passed. You should know that even if you don't sign, I can get it if I want it, but it's just a little troublesome.

Don't worry, I'm not that guy Liang Kun, I'm not that inhumane. When I rescue your wife and daughter, I will give them 10 million and send them abroad. You should also know who Liang Kun is.

I hope you think it through, time waits for no one."

Although the matter was too sudden, Big B could not think too much. Big B knew that even if he was deceived, there was nothing he could do. He knew that he was dead, and he could only gamble, hoping to get a glimmer of life for his wife and daughter.

Big B trembled and stretched out his hand. Someone had already handed him a pen. It took a lot of effort for Big B to sign tremblingly. Lu Feng even asked him to put his fingerprints on it.

Doing all this consumed all of Big B's strength.

Just then, someone walked up to Lu Feng and said.

"Boss, the person has been rescued, but his breathing is a little weak. He needs to be sent to the hospital."

Lu Feng actually lied to Big B just now. As early as when he arrived, Lu Feng had someone go to rescue the person.

Otherwise, there would not be enough time.

Big B, who was lying on the ground, also heard it and showed a relieved smile on his face.

Because he also saw that several people were lining up with two people, one big and one small, walking towards this side. Judging from their clothes, they were his wife and daughter, but they didn't react.

"You heard it too. I will send them to the hospital. If they are not seriously injured, I will send them out as soon as possible and they will live like ordinary people in the future."

Big B turned his head, his eyes began to blur, and gradually, Big B stopped breathing, but a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

It is said that a dying man speaks well. Before he died, Big B knew that his wife and daughter still had a chance of survival, which made him very satisfied.

Lu Feng finally sighed.

"Send them to the hospital and keep their whereabouts confidential."


"Let's go too!"

Lu Feng said to Xiaomei.

The hill returned to calm.

After more than ten minutes, several cars drove quickly towards this side.


A burst of rapid brake sounds.

Chen Haonan got out of the car quickly without even stopping the car, and saw Big B lying on the ground at a glance.

Seeing Big B's appearance at this time, Chen Haonan felt heartbroken. In Chen Haonan's heart, Big B was just like his father.

"Brother B!!"

Chen Haonan hugged Brother B's body and cried as if no one was around.

Big Tianer, Baopi was also very sad. He had lost Chaopi when he worked for the society last time. Now he had to wait for Big Brother, who had been with him for so many years, to be with him again.


"Brother Nan, this is the schoolbag and the sister-in-law's shoes."

Chen Haonan and the others also rushed here after receiving the news suddenly. Of course, they also knew that Brother B's daughter and sister-in-law were tied up.

Now only these are left, but the people are gone. They don't even need to think to know what happened.

Da Tianer took the things in Tiequan's hand and hammered the ground hard.

"+TM Liangkun, we will never stop fighting with you."

"It's all my fault. If I had insisted on sending Brother B back at that time, it would have been better."

Tiequan said annoyed.

Baopi patted his shoulder.

"It's not your fault. You also obeyed Brother B's orders."

That's what he said, but Tiequan still lowered his head in shame.

No one noticed that Tiequan's eyes covered by his hair did not have any emotions.

After crying for a while, Chen Haonan also calmed down.

"Call for help. Even if we have to turn this place upside down, we must find the person. We must find the person alive or dead."

"Okay, Brother Nan."

After a while, more than a dozen vans drove over, and more than a hundred men got off.

After seeing that almost everyone had arrived, Da Tianer began to assign tasks.

Now Chen Haonan has withdrawn from Hongxing. Although many of Da B's men still recognize Brother Nan, it is not appropriate to give orders.

The group searched for more than two hours and basically searched the whole area. They found a newly dug pit and nothing else.

"Brother Nan, do you think that my sister-in-law will be rescued by someone?"

Da Tianer asked.

Chen Haonan frowned and thought.

"When we came up, it seems that no one came down the mountain. Now that we can't see anyone, at least there is a glimmer of hope."

Chen Haonan looked at Da Tianer and the other two.

"Datianer, Baopi, and Tiequan, we should split up. Baopi, you send Brother B's body back. We will give Brother B a grand funeral in a few days.

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