The little stammerer, who was tied to the chair, also heard the shouting and killing downstairs. She was always worried and wanted to break free from the rope tied to her body, but it was too tight and she couldn't break free after struggling for a long time. .

Now seeing a man wearing a devil mask and holding a knife in his hand, the little stammerer subconsciously stepped back.

But there was a chair back behind her, so she couldn't retreat, and there was a look of fear in her eyes.

Especially when she saw the man in front of her raised the knife in his hand at her.


She couldn't help but screamed.

But after waiting for a long time, she didn't feel any pain. She carefully opened one eye and saw that the rope tied to her body had been cut off.


Just when the little stammerer was about to ask, she saw a watch on the wrist of the man in front of her. She was so familiar with that watch. She had played with it for a long time yesterday.

"Brother Feng..."

The little stammerer shouted uncertainly.

Looking at the series of actions of the little stammerer, Lu Feng smiled in his heart, but still said in a deep voice.

"What are you waiting for? Come with me."

When she heard Lu Feng's voice, the little stammerer was more certain, and she stood up with cheers, and threw herself into his arms without caring about the blood on Lu Feng's body.


Lu Feng took out a baseball cap for the little stammerer to wear, and pulled her out.

"Get lost, who is your husband? I haven't admitted that you are my woman yet."

" are so anxious to save...just me, and you still say that I am not your woman...woman."

"You are really dreaming. I came to see you just by chance."

"Husband, am I not beautiful? You tortured me...torn me hard yesterday."

"Pretty as hell, you are as thin as a rib, there are many women around me, and you are not even one of them."

"I...I don't care, you are so powerful...powerful, I will be...your woman in the future."

Little stutterer was shameless and hugged Lu Feng's arm tightly. Even if she passed by the first and second floors and saw the blood on the ground, she was not afraid at all.

Gao Jin, who was helping to clean up the battlefield, saw Lu Feng went upstairs and brought back a woman, and couldn't help but look strange.

He knew the relationship between Lu Feng and Sister Qing.

He really didn't know what would happen if the two women met.

Everyone moved very quickly. It only took a few minutes to rob the place.

Some cash and valuables were packed and taken away.

Lu Feng nodded to Kuangshi, who made a gesture, and everyone ran to the door, leaving a few people to clean up the mess.

"Let's go too!!"

Under the leadership of Lu Feng, he took Gao Jin and Xiao Jieba and walked towards the back door.

The reason why Lu Feng and Kuangshi walked separately was because they were afraid of the police raid outside.

After walking out of the back alley, Gao Jin looked at Lu Feng, and then looked at Xiao Jieba who had been relying on Lu Feng's arms, and said.

"Brother Feng, I won't go back with you. I'll take a car back by myself."

Gao Jin didn't want to be a light bulb, so he took off his coat, wrapped the knife in his hand, said hello and left directly.

Lu Feng didn't say anything, and took Xiao Jieba directly to another direction. They were all brothers, and they could talk about anything tomorrow.

At this time, the sirens of police cars and ambulances sounded at the same time.

Officer Wang led a group of people into the billiard center. When they saw the mess on the ground, Officer Wang was better, but the patrolmen who followed him turned pale.

They looked at the scene, which was like a slaughterhouse, with blood all over the ground, and they almost vomited.

Officer Wang and several other officers put away their expressions of watching the show, and their faces showed solemnity.

Especially seeing that in this chaotic scene, there were several men covered in blood, sitting aside with indifferent expressions, as if they were waiting for them to come.

When the patrolmen saw these people, they quickly took out their guns and stared at them.

Officer Wang was an old hand. Seeing this situation, he waved to the patrolmen and asked them to put away their guns.

Officer Wang knew very well that these people stayed here just to report to them.

All this was actually ordered by Lu Feng.

Although it is generally

Under normal circumstances, the police don't care much about gang fights, but since such a big commotion has been caused, they must be given an explanation.

If the police are really angry, no one will feel good at that time.

Anyway, no one has died here, and they won't be locked up for long. Anyway, Lu Feng has plenty of money, so he can hire a good lawyer when the time comes.

Officer Wang winked at the doctor who came with him. The doctor went up to check and finally concluded that the people here are basically in danger of death, except for a few who have lost too much blood and are in danger. They must be given first aid immediately.

The most serious ones are a few of them. Their tendons in their hands and feet have been cut. Even if they are rescued, they can only lie in bed in the future.

Hearing the doctor's words, Officer Wang felt a chill in his heart.

He is the regional director of this area, and he must know the senior executives of the Changle Gang.

The doctor just said that the most seriously injured people are basically the senior executives of the Changle Gang.

In other words, although no one died in the Changle Gang's fight this time, it is basically useless.

Such a situation is even more serious than being disabled.

There is no gangster who has never offended someone. If those who have a grudge against the Changle Gang know this news, then the top leaders of the Changle Gang can only wait for death.

Thinking of this, Officer Wang looked at the silent men with a serious look.

"Take them back to me and check them carefully. Even if it is the ancestors of that gang, check them out for me."

Officer Wang felt that he was indeed a little lax just now. He should have stopped the people at the beginning.

Because he knew very well that those who could be left behind were all small minions and nothing could be found.

Although the actual situation was very different from what Officer Wang guessed, there was one thing he guessed very accurately. Except for some basic situations, he would not find any confidential information from these people.


Sometimes gangsters have faster and wider information channels than the police.

The Changle Gang here had just been swept, and the gangs in the Wong Tai Sin area received the news first. .

Although the Changle Gang is not a big gang, they have been together in the same district for so many years and have known each other.

Now, a group of people suddenly appeared from nowhere and swept the Changle Gang in less than an hour.

Those big gangs that planted flags here are better, but those small gangs are a little worried, fearing that the gang will come to sweep them again.

The leaders of each gang also sent their younger brothers out to inquire about the news.

Of course.

This incident has only caused a small sensation in the Wong Tai Sin District for the time being. As for other areas, even if they heard the news, they just treated it as a story, at most to make people pay more attention.

After all, in the "863" Hong Kong Island, there are gangs rising every day, and there are gangs falling every day.

The strong are the king, and the fittest survive.

Back to the car.

Lu Feng exhaled a breath of turbid air, and the little stutterer seemed to stick to him, and the whole person leaned on his arms.

Lu Feng looked at the little babbler and spoke.

"Xixili, did you just say that you are my woman?"

" finally admitted it."

The little babbler looked up in surprise.

"If you want me to admit that you are my woman, do me a favor first."

"What...what? Just tell me."

A trace of blood flashed in Lu Feng's eyes. He put his palm behind the little babbler's head and pressed it down directly.

The little babbler also knew what Lu Feng wanted her to do. The little babbler's face turned red and he secretly glanced at Xiaomei who was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Xiaomei is one of us, don't just stand there."

More than half an hour later.

The little babbler retched for a while, and the bloodshot in Lu Feng's eyes slowly disappeared.

After all, he lived in a peaceful era in his previous life. Not to mention slashing people, even fighting was rarely encountered.

Just now, it was just because of the boiling blood that Lu Feng raised the knife and chopped.

When he got back to the car, if he hadn't been strong in self-control, he might have vomited, especially with a lot of anger in his body.

Fortunately, there was a little stutterer around him, who relieved some of his anger.

"Go back to Country Garden."

Lu Feng brought the little stutterer to Country Garden, but did not return to the original house, but came to Zhao Zhao and KK's residence upstairs.

Zhao Zhao was very happy to open the door, but when she saw Lu Feng bringing back a woman, she pouted a little angrily, but Lu Feng did not indulge her, and directly pulled her in and closed the door.

The next day.

Lu Feng opened his eyes with a hundred times more energy.

When he walked out of the bedroom, he saw the little stutterer, Zhao Zhao was still

There was KK, and the three of them were sitting around on the sofa, as if they were best friends who had been dating for many years.

Especially when listening to Little Stutter's account of what happened last night, Zhao Zhao and KK were even more shocked.

At this time.

They also understood why Lu Feng showed off his power last night.

Lu Feng walked to the sofa and sat directly between Zhao Zhao and KK, holding them in his arms one by one.

"You guys are bored at home all day long. If there is anything you want to do, you can tell me. As long as you have an idea, whether it is funds or manpower, I can help you solve it. It's all thanks to your efforts last night. award."


Faced with Lu Feng's sudden words, the three women all opened their mouths, not knowing how to answer.

Because of his relationship with his eldest brother Da Fei, Zhao Zhao has been hanging around the entertainment venue and has no ability.

She really hadn't thought about doing anything serious.

She even thinks her life is pretty good now, with a man giving her pocket money and providing her with a mansion to live in.

The only thing that made her feel shorter than Zhao Zhao was that when she met Lu Feng, he was no longer there for the first time.

But fortunately, except for her previous boyfriend, she has not had anything happen to other men.

Even when you take your little sisters out for a drink, don't just drink and don't do the things you have to do.

As for Zhao Zhao, it's almost the same, otherwise she wouldn't be a box princess at KTV.

Fortunately, Lu Feng accepted it on the first day.

As for those who stutter, they usually cheat.

The three women looked at each other.

Finally, KK said...

"Brother Feng, we don't have much culture, otherwise we wouldn't be fooling around. The only thing I'm familiar with is nightclubs. I really don't understand the rest. What about you, Zhaozhao?"

Zhao Zhao shrugged.

"We have been good sisters for such a long time. Don't you know what kind of abilities I have? If I had the ability, I wouldn't think about accompanying people for drinks. I was led by this stinky man on my last appearance. Back."

After the two women finished speaking, they looked at Little Stutter.

The little stutterer was embarrassed to be seen.

"Don't look at me like that...look at me. I'm about the same as you...not much. I only know how to steal cars."

Lu Feng looked at these three women speechlessly.

"If that's the case, then I will support you in opening a nightclub. If you want to do it, then make it the largest in Hong Kong Island. That's it. I'll leave this matter to you three."

"Brother Feng, if you ask me to bring a bunch of little sisters around, I'll be fine. But if you ask us to run a nightclub, we really don't understand."

"Don't worry, I will send someone to assist you."

Lu Feng just made a temporary decision. He didn't mind spending money to support a woman, but if he had nothing to do all day long, he would become useless in a short time.

As more and more women surround him in the future, if these women have nothing to do, it will easily lead to restlessness in the house.

Just now KK mentioned nightclubs, and Lu 4.9feng thought this was a good idea.


The nightclub that Lu Feng mentioned was different from what Zhaozhao KK and the others understood.

Or rather a clubhouse.

Lu Feng is planning to open the largest club in Hong Kong Island, and the customers he will receive will all be high-status people.

It can even be developed into a place where wealthy people from all over Hong Kong Island gather.

This will also be of great help to his future development.

In order to enhance the confidence of the three girls, Lu Feng told them some of his suggestions, which had been ruined by others in his previous life.

But for now, as long as this club is opened, it will definitely attract a large number of customers.

The more the three women listened, the more shocked they became. The more they listened, the more they felt that something was going on. They even couldn't wait to hear it.

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