The old man was so angry, and the old man was so angry.

Lu Feng looked at Jordan Belfort, who was talking nonstop, with a smile on his face.

The man in front of him was the famous Wolf of Wall Street in later generations.

And this character also has a prototype in reality.

The reason why Lu Feng knew that this was a character in a film and television drama, not a real person, was because the guy in front of him looked so much like Leo.

Lu Feng knew that he was in a world of film and television integration, so before coming to the United States, he specially asked Di Ting to send someone to inquire about it, and found that this person really existed.

However, compared with Hong Kong Island, there are relatively few characters in the film and television dramas integrated in the United States, and many of them are characters that exist in reality.

Or maybe Lu Feng didn't know, because they were all American dramas and he didn't watch much.

Lu Feng put down his coffee cup, took out an envelope from his suit lining and pocket, and pushed it in front of Jordan Belfort.

"You might want to take a look at this first."

Jordan Belfort finally stopped his chattering, looked at Lu Feng, then looked at the envelope in front of him, and finally picked it up and opened it to read.

The envelope was opened, and there was a small stack of documents inside. Jordan Belfort didn't care at first, but after reading it for a while, his face turned bad.

The contents recorded in this document are all evidence that is very unfavorable to him, especially some of his illegal operations. If these things are obtained by the FBI, he will have to stay in jail for at least several years, and then all the good life he has now will be like a dream bubble, disappearing cleanly in an instant.

When Lu Feng learned that there was indeed a person named Jordan Belfort, he asked someone to investigate these materials, and now is the time to use them.

Not only in the reality of the previous life, but also in the film and television dramas, although this guy made a lot of money on Wall Street, he was finally imprisoned for fraud.

"Sir, what do you mean by this?"

Lu Feng glanced at Belfort indifferently.

"Belfort, I admire your experience, so I want you to work for me."

Hearing this, Belfort shook his head and refused without thinking.

"No, this is impossible. I have my career, my company, and my partners. I can't abandon them."

Lu Feng didn't believe a word of what Belfort said.

"Belfort, don't you think your rejection of me is a good idea? If these materials appear in the FBI office, I don't know what the result will be for you."

"Oh, God, you are threatening me, you can't do this."

"Really, why can't I do this."

Lu Feng said indifferently.

As if he thought of something, he continued.

"I have investigated you. Your company has only 30 million USD capital at most. As long as you nod, I have 300 million USD waiting for you to operate. I believe nothing is more attractive than this. Oh, by the way, if you agree to work for me, I can give you 2 million USD as your salary every year. If you are not satisfied with such benefits, I can also give you 0.5% of the annual profit. You can choose one of the two. What is your choice now?". Speaking of tangible benefits, Jordan Belfort completely lost his excitement just now. Belfort, the company that Lu Feng mentioned just now, has 30 million USD in funds. Strictly speaking, this money is not Belfort's, but the money of some investors. The "733" that really belongs to Belfort is not that much. After all, he has not yet developed to the top. "Really 300 million USD? Really give me such treatment?" After a pause, Belfort asked uncertainly. Lu Feng did not hesitate and nodded directly. .

"I said, choose one of the two."

Belfort asked cautiously again.

"What if I don't agree!"

Lu Feng didn't say anything, but glanced at the document he was holding tightly.

Belfort instantly understood that if he didn't agree, these materials that could send him to jail would probably appear in the FBI's office.

"Okay, you win, you'll be my boss from now on."

Although Belfort was afraid of going to jail, the reason why he

Agreeing is not simply because of fear, but because the benefits Lu Feng offers are indeed enough.

Didn't I say that!!

As long as there is 200% profit, capital can trample on all laws in the world.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!!"

After reaching a preliminary agreement, Belfort also wisely chose the second option.

0.5% profit share.

Don't underestimate this 0.5%, it won't show anything at the beginning, but when there is more money to operate in the future, it will be an astronomical figure.

Since the agreement has been reached, Lu Feng talked to Belfort about some details.

Lu Feng is going to set up an investment company called Vulture Capital. He holds 15% of the shares, Belfort holds 0.5% of the shares, and the remaining shares are in the name of other people.

The way these shares are held is to use overseas offshore companies for cross-holding.

After Lu Feng told the equity distribution method, even Belfort thought that Lu Feng was one of the main testers who was nominated.

Because the other shareholders are all Jews.

Even if someone really finds out, it will only prove that there are such people in the end.

This is also to prevent the United States from doing something disgusting.

Lu Feng is very experienced in this regard.

He has seen too many reports like this in his previous life.

"Boss, I do have a few stocks that I am optimistic about. I believe that as long as I invest, I will definitely make a lot of money."

Belford couldn't wait to start fulfilling his duties. For him, the sooner he makes money, the sooner he gets his share.

Lu Feng waved his hand.

"Don't worry about this matter. Your first priority now is to clean up your beginning and end. I don't want to visit you in prison before we have cooperated for a long time, and I don't want to lose my investment because of you."


Jordan Belfort was choked. In fact, he knew very well how dangerous his previous behavior was, but he was blinded by the profit.

"Okay, the boss is God, I will follow God's instructions."

Two days later.

Belfort came to the hotel where Lu Feng was staying.

"Boss, everything has been dealt with."

Lu Feng nodded.

He had known about this matter before Belfort came. Although Lu Feng believed in this guy's ability, he was not convinced of his character.

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