The film was shot in the dark, and the film was shot in the dark.

"Mr. Lu, my script is tailor-made for Miss Monica, and she is the heroine of this play."

Lu Feng glanced at the script in front of him, especially the name on the script.

"The Beautiful Legend of Xili!!!".

Lu Feng remembered that this film was a box office failure in the previous life.

Lu Feng didn't even read the script and spoke directly.

"How much investment is needed!"

Lu Feng's straightforwardness made Giuseppe a little stunned, but he quickly reacted and couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

"Five million, I only need five million."

Lu Feng was silent for a while, tapping the table with his fingers.

The scene suddenly fell into tension again.

After a moment.

Lu Feng raised his head and looked at Giuseppe and said.

"I can invest 5 million in you, but there is a request."

"Mr. Lu, please tell me. If I can do it, I will definitely agree to it."

Giuseppe has been devastated by the funds. Now someone is finally going to invest in his movie, and he can't wait.

"I hope you can sign a contract with my film company. I have set up a film company in Hollywood and need a lot of talents. I value your persistence in movies very much and hope you can join my company."

The reason why Lu Feng said this is because he remembered something about the director named Giuseppe in front of him.

Giuseppe is good at making art films, especially his Homecoming trilogy.

Although The Beautiful Legend of Sicily flopped at the box office, it was highly praised.

The other two films in the Homecoming trilogy had good box office, especially the Cinema Paradiso, which Lu Feng had also seen in his previous life.

Moreover, Qilin Investment under Lu Feng did set up a film and television company, whose main function is to focus on the development of these two film and television universes after acquiring Marvel and DC.

However, except for the most important departments, this company can only be regarded as a shell company, and even the heads of those departments are basically people recruited by Lu Feng from the system.


Giuseppe hesitated.

Lu Feng didn't care. Although he hoped that Giuseppe could join the company, he didn't force it.

As long as there is money, he believes that he can recruit people here quickly in this piece of land.

"You don't have to refuse in a hurry. I can give you time to think about it slowly. Even if you don't want to join my company, I will invest in this film for you."

As he said, Lu Feng took out a business card from his pocket and pushed it in front of Giuseppe.

"Call me when you think it over."

Then he turned around and smiled at Monica.

"Ms. Monica, I wonder if I have the honor to ask you to dance with me!!"

There was light music playing at the party, and someone was dancing in the middle of the dance floor.

"Of course."

Monica stretched out her slender hand, and Lu Feng gently grasped it. The two walked into the dance floor hand in hand.

In the distance, Belfort saw that there was a beautiful woman next to his boss, and a lewd smile appeared on his face.

It must be said that Monica is really not short. Even compared with Lu Feng, she is only half a head shorter. Among women, she is tall.

Especially now that she is wearing a slim long skirt, she looks even taller.

"Mr. Lu, I didn't expect you to dance so well."

Feeling the strong masculine breath coming from Lu Feng, Monica couldn't help but look a little dazed.

"Ms. Monica dances very well too."

The two of them just danced and chatted about random topics, all of which were polite words.

After the dance, when the two returned to their seats, Giuseppe had already left.

"Ms. Monica, I don't like the environment here. Are you interested in going out with me?"

Lu Feng couldn't stand pretending to be a gentleman here, and when he was dancing just now, Lu Feng felt the domineering of the ball flower at close range, which made Lu Feng even more angry.

"That's what I meant!!"

Monica knew very well what it meant to accept Lu Feng's invitation, but she didn't refuse and agreed very readily.

So the two stood up and walked out of the cocktail party side by side.

When Lu Feng arrived at the door of the hotel, Xiaomei had already been waiting at the door in her car.

Lu Feng opened the back seat and let Monica sit in first, and then he followed

and got in.

"Find a quiet place!"

Lu Feng told Xiaomei.

He said this in Cantonese, and Monica didn't understand.

Xiaomei nodded in response and drove into the traffic.

It was just two or three minutes.

Seeing a place similar to a park, Xiaomei turned the steering wheel and came to a relatively secluded place, stopped the car, opened the door of the cab, walked out, and looked around vigilantly.

As Xiaomei got out of the car, the car, which was originally parked quietly in a secluded place, began to vibrate regularly.

More than an hour later.

Everything returned to calm.

The next day.

Lu Feng woke up from his sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he felt something tied around his neck. Turning his head, Lu Feng saw a picture of a begonia sleeping in spring.

Last night.

After leaving the cocktail party, Lu Feng did more than an hour of ball-holding training. In the end, he felt that the training intensity was not enough. After returning to the hotel, he did another two hours of intensive training.

Although the quality of the NBA training ball is good, it can't withstand Lu Feng's repeated attacks.

"Monica, have you signed a contract with other entertainment companies?"

Lu Feng asked Monica, who was sitting opposite him, while eating steak.

Monica took a sip of red wine, and her face turned red.

"You are such a greedy man. Do you want to occupy me all the time?"

Last night, Monica clearly felt Lu Feng's domineering.

Lu Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Do you accept it!!!"

"That depends on your performance!"

Lu Feng put down his knife and fork, walked to Monica's side, pulled her up, sat on the chair himself, and after he sat down, he pulled Monica to sit on his lap.

After sitting down, Monica made a voice that made people want to imagine.

Monica turned her head and rolled her eyes at Lu Feng.


That's because it hit the bull's eye!!!

Monica was very surprised. The man behind her was very different from the Asian men she knew.

Isn't it said that Asian men have a short time?

Why not this man?

Anyway, Monica and Lu Feng never left the hotel room that day.

Monica leaned on Lu Feng's arms, while Lu Feng held the ball and thought about the problem.

Originally, he wanted to stay for two days and then leave, but he had so much fun in the past two days that Lu Feng was a little reluctant to leave.

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