Chapter 219

“If it weren’t for this, I didn’t expect that Miao Zhishun would be this kind of person.” He La shook his head and sighed.

From this incident, Ho Lai can guess many things.

First of all, Miao Zhishun is definitely not a willing person. Although he is now relying on himself, he is obviously kicking his abacus.

If Miao Zhishun had won last time, he would definitely make a big announcement. By then, the entire West Kowloon would only know about Miao Zhishun of the crime team, but not his leader of the crime team He Lat.

After Miao Zhishun was promoted to superintendent, he would definitely kick himself out.

It seems that Miao Zhishun is targeting Su Yu, but in fact it is hiding more deeply to Ho La.

“Then what are you going to do?” Su Yu looked at Horat and asked.

In fact, Su Yu also had this guess, but if He Lat didn’t say it, Su Yu would naturally not talk to him.

As if he was a villain who provoked discord.

But now Ho Lai realized it by himself, it would be even better.

“Actually, before you came to O’s record, the Crime Squad was the most powerful department in the entire West Kowloon Region.” He Lat said, looking at Su Yu with pride.

“But, now I’m here.” Su Yu responded with a smile, never forgetting to hit Horat.

“Hey, you can’t make me happy for a while, I’m your brother-in-law.” He La white gave Su Yu a glance.

Really, even my own brother-in-law, can’t make myself happy for a while.

“Okay, then you continue talking.” Su Yu stretched out his hand to signal He Lat.

Isn’t it just showing off to yourself before? Su Yu doesn’t mind at all, it’s all past.

In Jianghu dialect, in the future, the handle of West Kowloon District will be O, not the crime squad.

“In the past, the crime team was so prestigious because there were two tigers in the crime team, Senior Inspector Miao Zhishun and Senior Inspector Luo Peiquan, these two guys supported the crime team.” He La said with a proud face.

However, He Lat has self-knowledge, and his own contribution is very small, mainly because he knows people and works well, and he is willing to delegate power and dare to delegate power.

“It’s just that Miao Zhishun secretly hinted that I wanted to be my confidant, so I later gave most of the power of the crime team to Miao Zhishun, and then I plan to isolate him…” There was a cold light in his eyes.

Don’t look at Ho Lao always has a smiling face, but if you really believe it, then you are stupid.

You can go from a police officer to a superintendent step by step, and then be able to control the entire crime team in West Kowloon. Do you think this kind of person would only smile on the surface?

This time, He Lat just misunderstood Miao Zhishun.

Just like just now, He Lat attributed the credit of the crime team to Miao Zhishun and Luo Peiquan.

But in fact, without him as a good leader, can there be room for the two of them to play?

Just like Huang Qifa, he didn’t understand anything, but wanted to intervene in everything, and finally messed up everything.

But He Lat is different. He knows people and is good at responsibilities. This is the most important ability as a leader.

Why can’t the superiors see this clearly, otherwise, how could he become the chief of the crime team, and his position is so stable.(Read more @

Regardless of how little He Lat did, he was particularly prestigious among the front-line personnel in the crime team.

The members of the crime team would not agree to a change of chief if the superior had rashly changed.

Su Yu has never underestimated Ho Lat. On the surface, he looks at someone who is careless and grinning, but in fact he knows everything in his heart.

If you don’t move, it’s amazing.

Miao Zhishun seems to be infinitely prestigious in the crime team, and sometimes even He Lat’s orders will be refuted.

But only a word from He Lat can make Miao Zhishun lose her position in the crime team instantly. This is He La’s ability.

It really is like this.

When Ho Lai knew what Miao Zhishun had done, he directly handed over the crime team’s case and his power to Luo Peiquan.

Will Miao Zhishun be willing? The answer is of course no.

He thought that with a word of his own, he could let the members of the crime team listen to him.

But the result was, He Lai said, Miao Zhishun was nothing in an instant.

Miao Zhishun now sits directly on the bench in the serious crime team, and the team members who followed him before were also transferred to Luo Peiquan by He Lat.

“Listen to the thunder in the silent place, and see the prosperity in the colorless place.” After listening, Su Yu applauded at He Lat, admiringly said: “The means of Superintendent He La He is really admirable.”

This sentence is definitely the most true sentence in Su Yu’s heart.

Su Yu admits that he can’t do this in Horat.

“Well, what I said to you today, don’t spread it.” He Labai gave Su Yu a glance and said.

“Don’t worry, I know.” Su Yu smiled.

Today, He Lat gave Su Yu a solid answer, and at the same time told Su Yu in a disguised form that he gave Su Yu an explanation for his handling of this matter.

Although Su Yu didn’t care, He Lat had to do it.

“. “Okay, let’s go.” He Lat said, stretched and stood up, and said casually.

“Walk slowly and don’t give it away.”

Su Yu waved his hand and looked at the back of He La who turned away in a cool manner. To be honest, Su Yu was a little envious.

Since returning to the police force, Su Yu has been busy all the time.

It’s like Ho Lat, when he is the chief of the crime squad, he has nothing to do, and he is so cool every day.

However, Su Yu and Ho Lat have different personalities.

Let Su Yu be like Ho Lat, he is not used to it.

In the same way, if Ho Lat is like Su Yu, he is not used to it. Everyone has their own personalities and characteristics, which cannot be changed.


“Su Sir.”

Ma Jun came to Su Yu’s office.

“Regarding the case of Prince De, I’ll leave it to your second team.” Su Yu said, directly handing over the file to Ma Jun.

“Yes, Su Sir.” Ma Jun saluted and said.

Because of the nonsense on the side of NB, the case of Prince De has become a lot more complicated.

However, it would be easier to deal with the case of ‘internal rape’ without it.

“Go.” Su Yu waved his hand.


After making a salute, Ma Jun left Su Yu’s office.


After Ma Jun left the office, Su Yu clicked on the communicator and told Asha outside: “When the group of people come back, let He Shangsheng come to see me alone.

“Yes, Sue Sir.”

Asha’s voice came from the communicator.

After the order was over, Su Yu hung up the phone directly.

The current situation is that Su Yu knows the details of Zhang Wenyao and Huang Wenzhan, but there is no evidence to compare.

One is the chief of the NB Narcotics Bureau, the rank of Superintendent, and the other is the deputy director of the West Kowloon Police Station, the rank of Senior Superintendent. It is not so easy to deal with. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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