Chapter 325

Su Yu walked towards the truck step by step, and then got under the truck.

Su Yu saw that the bomb had been demolished by Zhang Zaishan for the first two floors and was stuck on the third floor.

“Try it.”

Su Yu is ready to try his extreme danger perception.

If it is feasible, then this bomb, for Su Yu, will not be in any danger.

Conversely, Su Yu would not bet on this bomb regardless of his own life.

When Su Yu’s finger touched the first white line, there was no response.


If not, is it because there is no danger? Or is the perception of danger ineffective?

To be on the safe side, Su Yu tried again with two other white wires.

Immediately, frantic warning signs rose from Su Yu’s heart.

“Sure enough, extreme danger perception will not lie to me.”

After that, Su Yu cut the first white thread with scissors without even thinking about it.

“Chapter Sir, Su Sir has done it.”

Zhang Zaishan and his assistant A Bin saw all Su Yu’s operations outside.

“Don’t worry, take your time to observe.” Zhang Zaishan looked in his eyes, anxious in his heart.

Are you sure to cut the thread so soon? Is it too risky.

Zhang Zaishan knew that even if he was anxious, he couldn’t disturb Su Yu.

When dismantling bombs, it is most taboo that others say something next to them, which will interrupt the other’s thinking.

“hope everything is fine.”

Zhang Zaishan puts his hands together, he who does not believe in the gods and Buddha at this moment can not help but pray to the gods and Buddhas to bless Su Yu.

“Zhang Sir, it’s safe. Su Sir has really cut the line.” A Bin on the side shouted in surprise in front of Zhang Sir.

However, Bin was afraid that his voice would disturb Su Yu, so he spoke very quietly.

“It’s good if it’s right, it’s good if it’s right.” Zhang Zaishan relaxed slightly, and then said to Abin: “Don’t make a sound, so as not to disturb Su Sir, understand?”

“Yes, Zhang Sir.”

A Bin said with a serious expression.

In fact, the two people are now psychologically acting, they are at least fifty meters away from Su Yu.

At such a distance, Su Yu couldn’t hear it a little louder, let alone two people communicate in a low voice.

However, they were afraid that they would make a sound and disturb Su Yu.

Zhang Zaishan’s mind just relaxed, and as Su Yu picked up the scissors again to cut the thread, he lifted it up again.

So fast?

Isn’t it a bet? just in case……(Read more @

Zhang Zaishan saw it in his eyes, and was anxious in his heart.


Su Yu himself, this is not anxious at all, the whole person seems to move smoothly, cutting the thread calmly.

As everyone knows, he is not in a hurry, it seems to outsiders that the speed is too fast.

It has been cut five times in less than three minutes.

Soon, Su Yu cut the first nine layers of 100 million, and then from the tenth layer, from three white lines to six red lines.

“Hong Jipeng is really good at bombing.”

Su Yu also had to admire Hong Jipeng.

If it weren’t for Su Yu’s system cheats, don’t expect to be able to dismantle the bomb.

However, fortunately, Hong Jipeng was very confident in his own methods, and he didn’t even ambush false lines or double lines. Otherwise, Su Yu would be blind.

It’s like the double-thread bomb used by the doctor last time. Two of the three threads must be cut together. Otherwise, the bomb will explode directly.

If Hong Jipeng did the same, the dangerous difficulty would increase even more.

In fact, to put it plainly, the design of the bomb relies on imagination and talent.

If the doctor is asked to communicate with Hong Jipeng, the two bomb geniuses will surely create a bomb that is incomprehensible to the world.

It’s a pity that now the doctor is dead, and Hong Jipeng has also been arrested, waiting for the rest of his life to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Starting from the ninth floor, Su Yu gradually accelerated a little.

With the six red threads, Su Yu tried them one by one, and found a safe one and clicked the scissors to the end.

Open the next layer, and then do the same thing.

In this way, Su Yu quickly demolished the eighteenth floor, and after the cut was cut, the first eighteen floors were all breached by Su Yu.

Starting from the nineteenth floor, it has become a yellow line with nine lines.

Visually, the nine and the yellow thread are entangled together, and it is basically difficult to separate which one is that one.

Unless you hit the head one by one, you can be sure.

I have to say that Hong Jipeng even considered the visual aspect when designing the bomb.

However, this can stump others, but it can’t stump Su Yu.

Following the method just now, Su Yu cut straight down, and the nineteenth floor was directly attacked by Su Yu.

Speaking of, the difficulty of this bomb, for Su Yu, is not as difficult as a double-line bomb.

Of course, if it is for others, both are so difficult, but the most difficult one is definitely Hong Jipeng’s bomb.

Just five minutes later, Su Yu went straight to the last floor, which is the twenty-seventh floor.

There are a total of 27 lines on this layer.

And these twenty-seven threads are all colorful, yellow, light yellow, dark yellow, red, pink, red, black, dark blue, blue, white, gray…………

There are a total of 27 different colors, which directly make people’s vision begin to be confused. Compared with nine and the yellow line, it is even harder to detect.

However, no matter how difficult it is, for Su Yu, it is just a matter of touching a few more threads.

One minute later, Su Yu cut the cut and the timer stopped at the same time.


Su Yu put on the scissors, got out from under the truck, and patted the ashes on his hands.

Get it done! ! !


When Su Yu came out, it turned out that both Zhang Zaishan and his assistant A Bin, as well as other police officers and colleagues from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Section, all looked at Su Yu with a blank stare.

In the daze, crazy worship was also revealed.

Ten minutes, just ten minutes, the bomb that seemed almost unsolvable to them, has been dismantled by Su Yu.

What kind of fairy efficiency is this?

“Su Sir, you, you are so amazing.” Zhang stepped forward on the mountain, looking at Su Yu excitedly, and stammered.

No way, Zhang Zaishan was so excited. Just now, Zhang Zaishan watched Zhang Zaishan all the time. Every time Su Yu cut the scissors, Zhang Zaishan was worried.

But then, after proving that Su Yu had cut it correctly, he was relieved.

This kind of roller coaster mood, if the heart is weaker, it may be a direct heart attack.

This bomb is rare, everyone in the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Section knows, everyone has seen it, but in the end they are not sure.

And Su Yu, Superintendent Su, only relied on himself to dismantle such a perfectly unsolvable bomb.

“Okay, this is done, let’s drive the car away.” Su Yu looked at Zhang Zaishan with a smile on his face.

After he dismantled the next bomb, he would have to see how Hong Jipeng still relied on it.

As long as Hong Jipeng recruits, Yan Xiang will not be able to run away. Even Su Yu can imagine how crazy Xiangjiang’s fishing boats will be after the details of the case are exposed by the police. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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