"Hahaha!" Zhou Wenjun looked around with a bright smile,

These subordinates, whether they are a few brothers of Tianshengsheng or Tony and his brothers, are all with a sharp look, and they simply don't let him be too satisfied!

Zhou Wenjun nodded in satisfaction and said,

"Good! That's nice! "

The faces of the little brothers at the scene did not change, and Zhou Wenjun's smile became brighter and brighter!

Tianyangyi, Tianyangzhi and other brothers will not say much,

Although the combat effectiveness is not as strong as the natural health, it is not too far behind,

Especially Tianyangzhi and Tianyangsi, they still belong to the kind of brave and resourceful subordinates, who can handle many details and do things very safely,

Directly let Zhou Wenjun be like a tiger with wings~!

As for the Tony three brothers, even more - needless to say,

Tony's combat effectiveness is undoubted, fierce and fierce, and one punch can kill people.

With so many people at the scene, I'm afraid that only Tian Yangsheng and Zhou Wenjun can crush him, and the others are really not enough to see!

Brother Zai, originally from Yuenan, has a perverse and brutal personality, is extremely intelligent, acts cheerfully, does everything he says and does, and never drags mud and water.

Ah Hu, the eldest of the three brothers, is completely a puppet who is under the orders of the two brothers, a bloodthirsty maniac!

These three brothers, the combination of one text and two martial arts, is simply not too strong!

Zhou Wenjun waved his hand,

A group of new junior brothers got up and looked at Zhou Wenjun with respect,

Zhou Wenjun said with a smile,

"Welcome to my team!"

"Write the new rules of the port with me!"

"Yes! Top dog! "

The uniform answer sounded again, and the momentum was even stronger!

Don't look at Zhou Wenjun's smile at this time, in fact, he has already begun to calculate in his heart, who to let go to kill Chen Mei!

Just now, since he had already turned his face with Chen Mei, he naturally would not show mercy to his subordinates and give Chen Mei a chance to deal with himself!

So when the new force joined, Zhou Wenjun was the first to calculate to kill Chen Mei!

Just when Zhou Wenjun was thinking about who should be arranged to do the work of Chen Mei


A little brother hurriedly rushed into the room and hurriedly said,

"Boss, there's trouble!"

The little brother's report interrupted Zhou Wenjun's train of thought,

Zhou Wenjun subconsciously asked,

"What's wrong?"

The little brother swallowed his spit and said in a low voice,

"Just received the news, Hung Xing boss B came to Mong Kok with the words of Hong Xing dragon head Jiang Tiansheng,"

"Summoning all of Hung Hung's little brothers in Mong Kok"

"It seems to be coming at us!"

Zhou Wenjun frowned,

"Big Guy B is here?!"

The little brother nodded hurriedly and replied immediately after,

"We may be in trouble!"

Zhou Wenjun pondered for a moment, feeling that the little brother was right,

But he knows that the relationship between Big Guy B and Liangkun is not harmonious, and he usually does not come to Liangkun's territory,

And now is a very sensitive time, so there is no doubt that Big Guy B must have come to Mong Kok to make trouble, but nine times out of ten, the purpose is to deal with him!

Immediately, Zhou Wenjun decisively decided to put down Chen Mei for the time being, and muttered,

"Shoot the head bird!"

"Since Big Guy B is coming to find trouble, I don't mind wanting to start with him!"

As soon as Zhou Wenjun's words came out, the brothers of Tianyang Health and Tony at the scene all showed excited looks,

It should not be said, this time Zhou Wenjun just burst out of the good gong system with so many fierce manpower, just missing a whetstone,

Although the appearance of Big Guy B was a bit unexpected, after Zhou Wenjun calculated a little, he didn't mind taking this opportunity to directly occupy all of Hongxing's territory in Mong Kok.

In fact, this itself is in the middle of Zhou Wenjun's plan,

Liangkun is no longer wasted, and now he can't move, sooner or later, Zhou Wenjun will have to attack Hong Xingwangjiao's hall,

Originally, he planned to solve the trouble of Chen Mei first, but now that Big Guy B suddenly appeared, Zhou Wenjun didn't mind adjusting the order of his actions!

Anyway, the result is the same, naturally how to come easily!

Immediately, Zhou Wenjun showed a smile, looking at the eyes of the Tiansheng brothers and the Tony brothers in front of him, and couldn't help but grin,

"This seems to be getting more fun!"

Immediately, with Zhou Wenjun's several orders, the ancient confused boys of the entire Connaught Street began to prepare!

At the same time, while Zhou Wenjun made arrangements here,

Connaught Street Junction,

The number one thug under Big Guy B, a big head who is not good at words but has extraordinary skills, appeared with Chen Haonan, Mountain Rooster, Da Tian Er, Pop Skin, Rubber Skin and other brothers,

Behind them, there were many horse boys who hurriedly arrived from Ciyun Mountain, and at a cursory glance, there were also five or six hundred people,

This is naturally not all the horses under Big Guy B, but being able to lend so many people to the Big Head and Chen Haonan brothers can also be seen that Big Guy B is also very attentive to the errand of killing Zhou Wenjun and taking Kangle Street this time.

Of course, to be precise, these are the horse boys of Big Guy B, and they are only lent to them for the time being.

Although the brothers Datou and Chen Haonan are in the same camp, it is not difficult to see from the nervous eyes of the two sides that they are also secretly competing with each other!

Shan Ji and Chen Haonan looked at each other and exchanged glances, the meaning is self-evident!

However, just when the big head raised his hand and was about to give orders, a dissatisfied voice suddenly came from behind,

"Ciyun Mountain's, don't want to eat alone!"

"This is our Mong Kok, Zhou Wenjun, we can handle it ourselves, don't worry about it!"

"Fuck off! Don't get in Lao Tzu's way! "

"Look at what the special code, although they are all Hongxing's people, but if you are not happy, I will still flatten you!"

The big head and Chen Haonan brothers subconsciously looked back,

Immediately saw Silly Qiang and Xiyang Boy each anxiously following with a group of people,

The meanest pheasant couldn't help but mock,

"Since it is said that Mong Kok is your territory, but the speed of your gathering of junior brothers, don't be too slow!"

Silly Qiang's face turned dark, and he couldn't help but scold,

"Pounce on the street!"

The pheasant's face turned dark,

"Idiot, who are you scolding?"

Silly Qiang continued to speak, but at this moment, the Western boy said lightly,

"Stop making trouble!"

"Before I started doing things, my own people fought first, is this a joke to show Zhou Wenjun?"

Silly Qiang: "Hmph! "

Pheasant: "Humph! "

After the Western Boy glanced at Datou and Chen Haonan, he slowly spoke,

"Don't talk nonsense,"

"Brother B has already conveyed Jiang Sheng's meaning very clearly,"

"As for who can take Kangle Street and who can kill Zhou Wenjun, everyone will rely on their own skills!"

In fact, it is not difficult to see from the tone of the Western-style boy and Datou, Chen Haonan and others that they have not put Zhou Wenjun in their eyes from beginning to end,

Even in their mouths, Zhou Wenjun is an ant that can be pinched to death at will!

I don't know if Zhou Wenjun is really so simple, how could Hua Fu and Xian Shi of the United Society die so miserably!

Big Head and Chen Haonan looked at each other, nodded and acquiesced to the words of the Western Boy,


After 10 minutes,

Hongxing's departments were vaguely divided into four teams,

Rushed into Connaught Street.

Although Big Guy B said very clearly, whether it is to grab Connaught Street or kill Zhou Wenjun, there is a chance to take charge of Mong Kok,

But everyone still chose the latter,

After all, Connaught Street is not small, what if only half of the land is robbed?

Therefore, killing Zhou Wenjun has undoubtedly become the best choice in everyone's hearts!

In this way, the four parties with their own thoughts, Datou, Chen Haonan, Xiyangzai, Silly Qiang and others, rushed to the gate of Zhou Wenjun Hall at the same time,

Zhou Wenjun, who received the news, was already waiting here,

Immediately, the nearby hundreds of meters of blocked water could not be drained,

Datou, Chen Haonan, Xiyangzai, Silly Qiang and others stepped forward at the same time and looked at Zhou Wenjun, who was smiling at them.

It's not difficult to recognize Zhou Wenjun,

After all, Zhou Wenjun's characteristics are obvious,

I can't find a more handsome one in the whole street!

Datou, Chen Haonan, Xiyangzai, Silly Qiang and others had serious expressions, looking Zhou Wenjun up and down.

And Zhou Wenjun was not idle, his eyes swept over several people and looked back, this time the manpower sent by Hongxing has exceeded a thousand, it can be said that it is huge!

And Zhou Wenjun also clearly saw the shortcomings of these parties' faces and discord,

But that's not important

With the addition of new blood, even if they work together, the result will not change in any way, not to mention that they are not together!

Zhou Wenjun's disdain was simply overflowing, and he habitually took out a cigarette,

At this time, from inside the gate behind him,

Tianyangsheng, Tianyangyi, Tianyangzhi, and Tianyangsheng, brothers and sisters took the lead and walked out and stood on Zhou Wenjun's left hand side,

Tony with a cannibalistic sneer, stood on the right side of Zhou Wenjun with Brother Scum, Ah Hu and others,

Confrontation between the two sides! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Silly Qiang was the first to yell at Zhou Wenjun angrily,

"Pounce on the street Zhou Wenjun! We are here to avenge my boss Liangkun! "

The Western-Boy said with a grim expression,

"Zhou Wenjun, just go with us yourself, don't do useless work, your little brothers can't protect you!"

The big head said coldly,

"Kill you! I'm the boss of Hong Hing Wong Kok! "

Not to be outdone, Chen Haonan followed and said,

"Zhou Wenjun, I have already promised Brother B to take you back to Hongxing"

The four of Hong Xing spoke one after another, looking imposing, and they didn't put Zhou Wenjun in their eyes, which was somewhat arrogant.

However, in the face of the gaze of thousands of people in all directions,

After Zhou Wenjun looked around, he suddenly grinned,


This laughter made Hong Xing feel inexplicable!

"What are you laughing at?" Silly Qiang questioned with a dark face,

In front of everyone, Zhou Wenjun stretched out his little finger and pulled out his ear, and his smile gradually became arrogant,


"What about Big Guy B? Didn't he come to trouble me? "

"Why didn't you see Big Guy B appear, only a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs will shout here?!"

"Didn't your mother tell you?"

"If there is rain in the sky, will there be a curse to the madness?"

Big Head, Chen Haonan, Xiyang Boy, Silly Qiang and others:""

I never expected that their number would crush Zhou Wenjun's side, but Zhou Wenjun dared to be so arrogant!

0 ask for flowers

This Nima didn't put them in his eyes somewhat!


Everyone's faces turned dark, and a touch of anger emerged,

The big head and the stupid strong have even begun to think about how to concoct Zhou Wenjun later!

Chen Haonan said coldly,

"Good! Crazy enough! I hope you can still be so arrogant later! "

"Shh" Zhou Wenjun unabashedly let out a huge boo, mocking directly full, facing everyone,

"This year, what kind of cat and dog can really jump out and be arrogant!"

"Pounce on the street! You'll be miserable later! "

I have to say that Datou, Chen Haonan, Xiyangzi, Silly Qiang and others are still very capable,

But this is only relatively!

In the face of Zhou Wenjun, they are really a lot worse!

Although Zhou Wenjun's subordinates only have more than 400 people, most of them are still the younger brothers that Zhou Wenjun has only received in the past two days, and the combat effectiveness is not easy to say,

But don't forget, Zhou Wenjun is famous!

It's right that Hongxing people can fight a lot,

But Zhou Wenjun is willing to spend money!

The little brothers' God of Wealth, this is not for nothing!

Before, Zhou Wenjunhao's throwing of five million is still talked about by the rivers and lakes, and we all know that Zhou Wenjun, the boss, is very generous, very good to the little brother, and very generous!

So his horseboys are actually fierce too!

Having money can make ghosts push and grind, not to mention let these little brothers desperately,

Hong Xing can fight, and Zhou Wenjun's subordinates dare to spare their lives, so it's really hard to say if they win or lose if they fight!

After all, barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes!

Therefore, although the number of people is small, but with Zhou Wenjun present, the momentum of his side is simply not weak compared to Hong Xing!

Just a natural health care has a record of picking five hundred,

Now there are 6 brothers and three Tony brothers... These fierce generals.

It is true that Hong Xing horse boy can fight, but in front of these fierce generals, there is still not enough to see in front of them!

Today's battle is undoubtedly won!

"It's too arrogant!"

"Find death!"

Zhou Wenjun's arrogant appearance made Hong Xing a little unbearable,

Chen Haonan's face turned dark, and he immediately raised his hand to signal his junior brothers to prepare to move,

And the Westernboy and the stupid strong were not to be outdone, and at the same time raised their hands to signal,

Just when the atmosphere is incomparably tense,

"Zhou Wenjun, our Mr. Jiang has ordered you to die today!"

Zhou Wenjun smiled disdainfully, took out a lighter and lit the Marlboro in his mouth!

However, at the moment when the lighter was lit!

The seven brothers of Tianyangsheng, Tony, Ah Hu, and Brother Scumbag, a few fierce people immediately rushed out with a large group of people and horses,

The momentum is fierce, and he rushes towards Hongxing and everyone in an indomitable manner!

Here, Western-Westerners, Big Head and others did not expect that Zhou Wenjun, who was obviously at a disadvantage, dared to make a move first,

And Zhou Wenjun didn't even mean to run away at all, which stirred up the anger of everyone in Hongxing,

Hong Xing's sentence of beating the boy is not false,

Datou, Chen Haonan, Xiyangzai, Silly Qiang and others saw this scene without the slightest, followed by waving their hands!

And Chen Haonan, who had been preparing for a long time on Hongxing's side, took the lead, and rushed to the front with the pheasant and Da Tianer,

His purpose is clear!

He wants to grab the lead!

He wants to take Zhou Wenjun's head and exchange it for his brilliant future!

And next to him, the big head, the Western boy, the stupid strong and others were not to be outdone, and hurriedly rushed out,



The two sides were separated by tens of meters, but they collided together in the blink of an eye,


"Hack this bunch of scraps!"

"Hongtai's group pounced on the street and killed them!"

Almost instantly!

The densely packed little brothers on both sides collided together like two torrents, making a muffled sound,

Almost at the moment before the collision between the two sides,

Chen Haonan, who wanted to take the lead, had already encountered the speeding Tiansheng!

"you, pounce on the street!" Chen Haonan's face was cold, and the machete in his hand waved mercilessly towards Tianyangsheng,

At this moment, Chen Haonan's mind flashed with his brilliant future!

He not only wants to kill Zhou Wenjun, but also trample the fierce man of Tianyangsheng, under his feet,

He wants to be Hongxing's red stick!

However, just when Chen Haonan waved the machete with a confident face, subconsciously thinking that the machete would seriously injure the heavenly health,

Suddenly, I saw a hint of mockery and disdain flash at the corner of Tianyangsheng's mouth,

Chen Haonan's heart tightened,

And yet, at this very moment,

Suddenly, the speed of Tianyang Sheng burst out violently, not retreating, but advancing in time, and rushed to Chen Haonan before Chen Haonan's machete fell,

It's fast!

Lightning suddenly!

In Chen Haonan's eyes, it was almost a blink of an eye, and Tianyang Sheng came to Chen Haonan at a speed far beyond his attack,

The machete in Chen Haonan's hand was only half brandished,

There was no time to react at all!

Then Chen Haonan's pupils suddenly dilated!

I saw Tian Yangsheng sneering and rushing to Chen Haonan, jerked up his legs, and kicked him towards his chest! .

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