
After hearing the instructions, Chen Xiongmin nodded quickly.

He turned around and urged his wife to go forward and chat with Meimei.

Although Chen Xiongmin's wife is already over forty, she has become accustomed to being pampered over the years.

It was really awkward to do something like this to please others, but she also knew how much this matter meant to 14k. She immediately smiled warmly and went upstairs to talk to Mei Mei. stand up

"Ah Xiong, don’t be so formal, just sit down and talk!"

At this time, Zhong Xuan returned to the sofa, pointed to the wicker chair next to him, smiled and said:"Actually, what happened today can only be said to be a misunderstanding, so don't take it too seriously."

Hearing this, Chen Xiongmin sat upright, put his hands on his knees, and waited for Zhong Xuan's next words.

Because he knew that Zhong Xuan, who had broken Gao Lao into dozens of bones so ruthlessly, would never be amicable. Let's settle this matter.

Sure enough, Zhong Xuan paused for a moment before continuing:"But the 14k brothers crossed the line in Lychee Bay and broke the rules of the world again."

"Fei Biao, the person who spoke about Lychee Bay just now, and Detective He Yu from the police station both expressed their dissatisfaction with this matter."

"Moreover, you don’t know why Li Caifa died, right?"

If in normal times, someone dared to question him so arrogantly in front of his subordinates and bring shame on him, then Chen Xiongmin would have asked someone to chop him into ten or eight pieces.

Then he would put a sack on him and throw it into the sea to feed the sharks. But now, after Zhong Xuan said these words, he didn't even dare to move, and even some cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He thought that he just offended Zhong Xuan, and as long as he kept his posture low enough, the other party would definitely do it. Don't care.

But now it involves the local community in Hong Kong and the detective of Lai Chiwan Police Station. Although these two are not big shots, there is no way to compare with their 14k.

But it's different.

Once word spreads, it will definitely create some resistance to the expansion of 14k's territory.

"Mr. Zhong, I……"

Chen Xiongmin couldn't help but stood up and was about to explain.

But just as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhong Xuan:"Okay, you don't need to explain this to me. I will settle everything for you and guarantee that 14k will not be involved in this kind of thing."

At this point, Zhong Xuan Xuan took out another two thousand Hong Kong dollars and put it on the coffee table. He pushed it forward slightly and continued:"These two thousand dollars are the medical expenses I will pay for that brother. If it is not enough, send someone to me." Come and get it"

"Mr. Zhong!"

These words were extremely polite, but Chen Xiongmin almost fell to the bottom.

He knew very well what Zhong Xuan meant, that is, he would no longer pursue this matter.

But the territory that 14k wanted to expand was also impossible.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiongmin gritted his teeth, took a cloth bag, opened it, and then pushed it in front of Zhong Xuan and said:"Sir, I have offended you so much today. Just a small gift is not respectful.""

"I hope you can take this matter for my sake and bear with me!"

Zhong Xuan looked down and saw four gold bars weighing eighty taels.

According to the current calculation of sixteen taels per catty in Hong Kong, these four gold bars weighed two catties.

These two catties of gold, even if you can find them casually, A banker or gold shop can get tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars in exchange for the lowest price, which is considered a sign of sincerity for Chen Xiongmin.

"I made a heavy move and destroyed Gao Laocheng. Do you blame me?"

Zhong Xuan didn't even look at the gold bars in front of him. Instead, he leaned over slightly and asked lightly.

"Most of my 14k members are Qing members!"

Chen Xiongmin gritted his teeth and said with an awe-inspiring look:"According to the rules of the Qinggang, you are not allowed to rely on gang power or bully others."

"Not to mention being violent and seeking hegemony, you must stay safe and keep your own rules. If you disobey, you will be killed by ten thousand swords."

"Gao Laocheng crossed the line and violated the gang's rules. I would also like to thank Mr. Zhong for teaching him how to be a good man. How can I dare to blame him in my heart?"

Although most of the so-called gang rules now are hung in the ancestral hall for future generations to pay their respects.

Almost no one handles their disciples according to those rules.

But Chen Xiongmin, as a disciple of the Youth Gang in the early years and now the leader of the 14k gang, has already implemented these rules He memorized it.

Now he spoke, and he just found a crime and placed it on Gao Laocheng, just to let Zhong Xuan see his sincerity.

In fact, this was helpless, if he didn't find a high-sounding reason to deal with Gao Laocheng. Success.

The brothers in that gang will blame him for disregarding the lives of his brothers for the sake of outsiders and ruining the word loyalty.

······flowers 0·····

Now put this hat of breaking the rules on Gao Laocheng.

Even if some people are dissatisfied, it cannot threaten his prestige.

"You thank me? But I still want to blame you!"

Zhong Xuan raised his head, pushed the gold bars on the table to the side, and said calmly:"If what happened today had not happened, I would have been prepared to tell you."

"Lei Luo will soon serve as the detective of the Sham Shui Po Police Station. At that time, three areas will be divided for 14k management."

"But you're out of luck. I won't pursue this matter and I won't do you any good."

"When your wife comes down in a while, take the gold bars and your men and leave my place!"

After saying these words, Zhong Xuan did not miss the gold bars on the table at all, but stood up and made a move to leave......00

"Mr. Zhong, I am willing to give you ten more gold bars for 14k to make some jewelry for your wife. Please be kind to me!"

Chen Xiongmin almost said this through gritted teeth. At this time, he was already forced into a corner.

It is true that he came from the Longtou Pavilion with 14k, but after all, the club is not his alone.

Not to mention that he always supported him with money behind his back. His rich man in the city would not be satisfied if he spent so much money to please outsiders, but

Zhong Xuan's words really made him feel a little excited.

Obtaining the land in the prosperous urban area of Kowloon is the most important step for 14k to expand outward. Should he just watch it disappear?

As long as he can get the land in Sham Shui Wad, he can earn back any amount of gold bars.

As long as the club survives and no one of his subordinates offends Zhong Xuan, the most important thing is for Chen Xiongmin. How much is a human life worth?

"That Gao Laocheng whose bones I broke, where is he now?"

Zhong Xuan sat back on the sofa again, lit a cigarette for himself, and instead of answering his words, he asked lightly.

"Bring it up!"

Chen Xiongmin gave the order.

A 49-year-old boy wearing shorts ran in and reported to Chen Xiongmin:"Boss, Gao Laocheng can't hold on anymore despite the cold wind outside!".........

【PS: Keep coding and continue to explode today! 8】_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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