At this time, within the island country.

The home of a high-ranking official.

“Damn, these bastards, so obviously trapped, don’t they know?”

“This is to kill our country from the cultural point of view!”

“It’s clear that they have reached such a perilous moment, they still don’t know anything, what a damn!”


High-ranking officials constantly roared loudly, cursed and swore words, and from time to time there was the sound of porcelain shattering.

A group of subordinates, standing on the sidelines trembling, did not dare to speak, let alone move.

They don’t understand why one or two novels would cause such an uproar.

Moreover, these two books obviously have no problems…

It’s puzzling.

At this time, the phone of the high-ranking official’s house rang.

He huffed and grabbed it.

“Hey! Who is it? ”

“Shanmu, are you still angry about this?”

On the other side of the phone, a deep voice came.

“Minister, the seriousness of this matter is absolutely beyond your imagination! In any case, we must not surrender the position of cultural propaganda to others! ”

“Especially, the other party is still Hua Guo! This is even more intolerable! ”


With one mouth, he chattered.

Expand what seems to be a small thing, and seriously exacerbate its impact.

In the eyes of others, this is naturally a bit of an overreaction.

Fortunately, the man he called the minister was a kinder man who reacted slightly slower than others.

At this time, after he patiently listened to Shanmu’s words, it was already five minutes later.

Finally, Sugi said everything he wanted to say.

In his heart, the feeling was much faster.

And the minister’s ability to listen patiently to him all the time also eased the anger in Shanmu’s heart a little.

“Are you finished, Firki?”

The minister’s voice finally sounded again.

“Yes, Minister. I’ve told you all I want to say. ”

“Good, I see. Thank you for always thinking so much about our country, Sugi-kun. ”

The minister’s words made Sugi frown slightly when he heard it.

This opening statement doesn’t sound like a good thing.

He opened his mouth and wanted to continue saying something.

But this time, the other party did not give Sugi another chance to continue speaking.

“Given your resolute attitude, you have no intention of de-escalating the situation… Originally, I planned to protect you, at least not to watch you and them break the net and burn the jade. ”

“But now, I’m going to change my mind, Sugi-kun.”

The minister’s words are getting worse and worse.

Shanmu’s brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

“So be it!”

“I’ve heard that Hokkaido’s scenery is quite good, and whether it’s spring or winter, you can always see a different view than other places.”

“Moreover, it is not only beautiful in scenery, but also quite suitable for the elderly~’.”

“I want to go there and spend the New Year, but now that I’m busy with official business, I can’t go there in person.”

“So I hope you can replace me and go to Hokkaido to see and walk around.” If it’s true that the climate over there is like what people say, I’ll retire after a while. ”

The minister’s words have thoroughly made this matter clear.

After hearing these words, Shanmu’s heart completely fell into the ice cellar.

“Minister, no!”

“You can’t do this!”

“These statements of mine are absolutely correct, there is no problem!”


However, the Minister no longer wanted to listen.

On the other side of the phone, there was a busy beep.

“Minister? Hey, Minister? Damn it! ”

The anger in Shanmu’s heart erupted again, and this time he even threw the phone out violently.

This time, the entire room was completely destroyed.

Everything was destroyed by him.

It took more than half an hour to vent before Shan Mu slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

“This thing… It can’t just be taken so lightly! ”

“Minister, this old antique, he is so confused that he will believe the rumors of those guys!”

“Nope! It seems that it can only be up to me personally… Let’s see, you damn guys, I’ll definitely find you to settle it well!” ”


“Did I understand what I told you?”

Shan Mu sat in the position of the head of the family, looking solemnly at these gray-clothed dead men kneeling in front of him.

“The order of the head of the household, we have already understood.”

“Please rest assured that we will do our best to complete the task.”

Fir nodded slightly.

“This is a very important matter, and it concerns the cultural confidence and cultural independence of our entire country for at least the next two decades.”

“Therefore, you can only succeed, you can never fail! Did you all hear clearly? ”


All the gray-clad dead shouted in unison.

“Let’s go!”

Next second.

These gray-clad dead men all disappeared in place.

Sugi let out a long sigh.

He looked at the empty hall of the head of the house and muttered to himself.

“I hope there are no more accidents… We have come all the way in this country, and it has not been easy. ”

“There are tigers and wolves around at any time, and they can only be broken and self-reliant… Alas! ”

He slowly closed his eyes.

On the empty street, a group of gray shadows are moving quickly.

They are the dead soldiers who originally belonged to the Sugi family.

These people are beings with a long history. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It can even be traced back to the Sengoku period, when the Sugi family, as subordinates of Uesugigoe, were fierce generals who defended the side.

It is also quite natural for this kind of fierce general’s home to keep some dead soldiers in captivity.

And this system of dead men has continued.

Even after experiencing the arrival of the black ship, 100 million jade shattereds, and Li Mei’s barbecue, it was still not cut off.

Now, it is the critical moment for the dead soldiers of the Shanmu family to assassinate after many years.

The so-called raising soldiers for thousands of days was used for a while, and the Shanmu family raised these dead families for decades.

After generations of experience, it finally comes in handy.

Their target was the current president of the Great Qin Empire Co., Ltd., Mr. Qin Fei from Xiangjiang.

These people have all seen Qin Fei’s photos, so this time the attack is absolutely impossible to see the wrong target!

“Remember, our time is quite limited, and we must strive to be able to kill with one hit in the shortest possible time!”

The gray-clothed dead man in the lead said to everyone in a deep voice.

“Later, you fire team, go and be responsible for creating chaos, it is best to find a few flammable places to set fires.”

“Lin Group, you are responsible for receiving the fire group and preventing them from extinguishing the fire!”

“Wind group! After setting the fire in a while, you immediately sneak in and go on an assassination mission! ”

“Mountain group, responsible for mediating strategy, when any group encounters trouble, you will support!”

Wind, forest, fire, mountain, the tasks of the four groups have all been confirmed.

Everyone, tensed up, did what they were told.

“Then now, the mission begins!”

With an order, everyone rushed out.

Next second.

Shouts of killing rage.

Flames also began to spread around.

But what makes this leader feel a little wrong is that the other party’s reaction seems to be a little… It was beyond expectations.

Yes, this is very abnormal!

It stands to reason that at this time, they should run out in a panic, like headless flies.

But at this time, not only did no one run around, but even the door was closed and there was no response.

There’s something wrong with that!

Suddenly, the leader had the idea of retreating in his heart.

But this time the assassination, if you retreat, then the next time you want to successfully assassinate Qin Fei, I am afraid that the difficulty will skyrocket.

A bit of a hassle.

Moreover, now the fire group has successfully lit two fire points.

As long as you hold on for another minute or two, the fire will spread rapidly, and even if someone senses that something is wrong and wants to put out the fire, it will be difficult.

Then wait!

The leader secretly made up his mind in his heart.

He didn’t know that it was his decision that caused the entire team to fall into extreme passivity and trouble.


He heard a sharp cracking sound.

What is that?

Before he could react, the leader felt a slight pain in his heart, and then his limbs immediately lost consciousness.

His eyes darkened for a while.

Next second.

The leader fell to the ground and completely lost his breath.

Everyone, didn’t have time to react!

This change is too surprising.

The dead man closest to the leader was the first to recover from his shock.

He opened his mouth wide and shouted: “.. Enemy attack! ”


As soon as the words were shouted, a bang was heard.

On his forehead, an extra blood hole appeared out of thin air.

Following the leader, he also fell to the ground.

Two people died in a row, and if everyone couldn’t react to this, then they couldn’t say it.

Yes, these dead men reacted.

But their reaction was very surprising!

It stands to reason that this is the right time to retreat.

However, as soon as the leader died, as a dead soldier, the thought of “rather jade broken than complete” began to work.

Even the leader is dead, they don’t want to live alone!

I just hope that before I die, I can complete the task.

So, one by one, they all pulled out their weapons and rushed forward with a shout.

They were greeted by a sound of gunshots.

Guns equipped with silencers showed their value at this time.

After a round of rapid fire and killing everyone, the neighbors did not even notice it, and they were still slumbering.

As for the flames ignited by the fire group, they were just two small flames.

Throughout the yard, flame-retardant materials are laid to fly.

It is quite difficult to burn.

These two small flames are also flammable substances carried by the fire group itself.

Thereupon…… It seemed like a huge assassination, but in the end, it ended hastily without even putting a fart.

Qin Fei pouted, with a look of disdain: “That’s it?” “。

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