Chapter 113 Give me Duoyule!.

The setting sun was about to fall, and the last warm glow was lost in this tall building.

The disappearance of the sun is followed by the night of this city, the madness of this city, and the climax of this city.

There is no night in this city. The noise of vehicles and the boundless glare of street lights have forgotten the memories of the dark night in the countryside in the rush of time.

Looking up, the moon in the sky is roughly only half of its full size. Its dim brilliance echoes the light emitted by the yellow rainbow on the ground, telling each other the loneliness of the palace in the sky and the prosperity of the world.

Victoria Bay at night looks even more colorful against the backdrop of colorful yellow lights. The water jets from the musical fountain in the center of the square rise and fall with the rhythm of the music.

Water splashes fall in the circular pool. Starting at eight o'clock every night, a one-hour water curtain movie will be shown here.

The city listens to the deepest part of people's hearts in the wine glasses shaken in the hands of men and women. I am used to seeing blurry colors in front of me. The colors slowly flow in my memory.

Neon lights, street lights, and car lights are the elements of these 150 cities, and of course they also contain people’s endless greed and venting.

As a result, a lot of red banknotes were soaked in the light.

Chen Hua and Ma Xiaoling, who were sitting in the plane, looked at the colorful skyline in the city that was rendered colorful by lights. There were no stars or bright moon.

"Compared with this gorgeous and luxurious sky, I still miss the simple canvas-like sky in that small county town. There are no luxurious colors, but there are the cutest stars and the purest bright moon. Ma

Xiaoling said melancholy as if she was feeling something.

In fact, what she cared about most was the person who accompanied her to watch the stars at night.

Unfortunately, this sentence was not spoken, and the man nodded his head in agreement. On the other side, Kuang Fusheng looked ferocious, and the zombie's fangs slowly poked out of his lips, wandering recklessly on the street, as if looking for prey, and saw that he had spotted a house with lights on. The woman had just taken out a bottle of drink from the refrigerator.

Kuang Fusheng was lying by the window, baring his fangs, and said ferociously to the woman in the house:"Give me a drink!"


A low, threatening growl kept coming from his throat.

The woman was so frightened that she screamed and hurriedly threw the Duoyile in her hand to Kuang Fusheng out of the window, fearing that he would rush into the room the next second and tear her to pieces.

After getting the Duoyile, Kuang Fusheng roared in the sky, and suddenly he became obedient again. He opened the Duoyile and drank it all in one sip, and clicked his mouth with endless aftertaste.

Then he showed the clean drink bottle in his hand and said seriously to the air:"Have you drank today?"

"Ka, well done, come back to life and call it a day."

It turned out that Kuang Fusheng was filming a commercial. The director was very satisfied with Kuang Fusheng's performance and called it a day.

But Kuang Fusheng seemed dissatisfied with the previous performance and asked to do it again.

But the director was very satisfied and didn't want to waste any more time, so he gave up. He left without looking back, leaving only Fu Fu who said angrily:"The acting just now was a bit bad, what kind of director, he doesn't know how to film."

"Fusheng, where is your elder brother? I want to give him the notice."

The staff was sorting out the notices and asked Kuang Fusheng.

"Just give it to me."

Kang Fusheng looked like a young adult and said to the staff tactfully.

"Hey, did you forget something? Where is my salary?"

But the wages must be signed by Kuang Tianyou before he can collect them. Kuang Fusheng had no choice but to give up. He could only wait until the next time Kuang Tianyou was around to collect his wages.

"Hey, come back, have you forgotten something? What about zombie teeth?"

The staff smiled and asked Kuang Fusheng for the prop zombie teeth.

Kuang Fusheng pretended to be naughty and took the zombie teeth out of his pocket and gave them back to the staff.

After everyone left, he proudly touched the zombie in his mouth teeth,

"Huh, I have it too"

"Dear Jiajia Building, we are back!"

Jin Zhongzheng was carrying a lot of luggage and yelling excitedly. He looked at the dark-faced Uncle Gu at the front desk and said in a mean tone.

"Uncle Gu, we haven’t seen you for so long. Why are you pretending to be the third brother? Why are you so dark-faced?

Wang Zhenzhen looked at Uncle Gu who looked bad and said worriedly:"Uncle Gu, are you okay?""

At this time, Chen Hua, Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling looked solemn, aware that there was something strange in Jiajia Building.

"I won the Mark Six lottery jackpot, which was more than 30 million."

Uncle Gu replied with his trembling voice.

"Oh, it turned out that I was so happy that I cried."

Kim Zhongzheng stood on the counter with one hand and said enviously.

"It’s only right for me to cry because I buy this number in every issue, but I didn’t buy this issue. I really don’t know why I’m so unlucky."

Ma Xiaoling looked at Uncle Gu, whose Yintang turned black, with waves of evil energy escaping outwards. Then she took out a bottle of demon-killing spray and sprayed it towards Uncle Gu. The thick red spray submerged Uncle Gu in it, and only Gu could be seen. There were bursts of screams from behind Uncle Gu, and he immediately left Uncle Gu’s body.


A fat ghost wearing yellow clothes with black stripes on his shoulders appeared in front of everyone with a martial arts airs.

"Li Xiaodean’s master?"

Kim Zhongzheng pretended to be serious and said.

"Just too fat."

Ma Xiaoling had a cold look on her face and mocked mercilessly. Then she took out the Demon-Conquering Sword and killed the ghost.

The elevator door behind the fat ghost suddenly opened, and a girl walked out from behind. The fat ghost screamed randomly. Then, taking this opportunity to escape into the elevator door,

Ma Xiaoling and his apprentice could only give up when they saw the elevator that had started to go up and the girl standing in front of them.

"Consider yourself lucky. Ma

Xiaoling said angrily, her eyes fixed on the elevator display screen, remembering that this fat ghost got out of the elevator on the eighth floor, and temporarily put away the magic weapon.

"Xiaoling, are you okay?"

The mushroom-headed girl looked at Ma Xiaoling in horror and asked hurriedly

"it's okay no problem."

Jin Zhongzheng said trying to smooth things over.

In the elevator, the small space was filled with an awkward atmosphere. Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen sandwiched Chen Hua in the middle. Jin Zhongzheng hid behind and did not dare to breathe. He was afraid that Ma Xiaoling would do it because of his left foot. Get out of the elevator and deliberately tease him.

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