Chapter 124: Representatives of New Societies; Playing the Long Game

"Boss, I remember what you said. Shen Yan smiled and said,"If that day comes, don't admit it."

"To tell you the truth, even when I was in the police academy, I wanted to be the Lei Luo of the new era one day."

Boss Huang gave a thumbs up:

"A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a policeman who doesn't want to be a boss is not a good policeman.".

"Young people should have the vigor of youth"

"Sometimes I wonder how old you are. You are so bold and aggressive, yet so careful."

Shen Yan said with a smile:

"I can even handcuff the Commissioner of the ICAC and take him out of the ICAC building, and you still think I am flawless?"

"Boss, this is a bit too much!"

Boss Huang sneered:

"What's this?"

"Anyway, I don't think there is anything wrong with you!"

The two smiled at each other.

Mr. Huang was completely relaxed:

"What do you want to do here?"

Shen Yan patted his forehead lightly.

"I was confused by Commissioner Luo's matter."

"I am here to report Sir Li's case."

Mr. Huang immediately said:

"This is a big case."

"A bigger case than Commissioner Luo's!"

Commissioner Luo is not a civil servant, he is the head of a special agency directly responsible to the Governor of Hong Kong.

The ICAC is not a civil servant either, they are all specially hired by the ICAC from the society.

An ICAC really can't affect a big matter.

Sir Li's case is different. It involves politics, business, police, corruption and gangs. It is an absolute super big case.

Almost everyone in the Golden Club is familiar with it.

President Huang attaches great importance to it. Shen Yan's extremely cheap investigation power that exceeds the standard is specially issued for Sir Li's criminal group.

Shen Yan immediately got into the role:

"After the failure of its last stock market layout, the Gold Club quickly regrouped."

"Richard from the Political Department has identified three new targets"

"Johnny Wang's Arms Group, the East Star Society, and the Zhongqing Society!"

Boss Huang's brows were visibly furrowed:

"This bastard wants to poison us Hong Kong again?"

"Dongxing Society is a long-established and popular society"

"Zhongqing Society has been very popular recently"

"Johnny Wang's arms group threatens the safety of Hong Kong citizens at every turn."


Mr. Huang slammed the table heavily.

"It's really lawless!"

"Ah Yan, you 417 must deal with them as soon as possible!"

He said this in a really arrogant way.

Dongxing is an old society in Hong Kong, and it has existed longer than the Ni family.

So many inspectors have been unable to do anything with Dongxing, and Huang Bingyao actually asked Shen Yan to deal with him.

Although the Zhongqing Society was established not long ago, its reputation in the underworld is not low at all.

Anyone who can create a name in Hong Kong has more or less some ability.

Not to mention the society.

After the new name appears, there will always be old-fashioned societies to suppress it.

You must resist the suppression of others to survive.

Hong Kong is a place the size of a palm, and there is only so much territory. If you occupy more, others will naturally occupy less.

This is the root. The Zhongqing Society not only withstood the suppression of others, but also became stronger day by day.

That power really needs no further explanation.

Not to mention Johnny Wang, he is in the arms business, which is more dangerous than the drug business.

If there is a disagreement, he will shoot with automatic weapons.

None of these three is easy to deal with.

President Huang’s request is not exorbitant, but fantastic.

If any of them is resolved within a few months, it will be a great achievement, and promotion and salary increase will not be a problem.

President Huang actually asked Shen Yan to solve it immediately... Any normal person would definitely fight back.

Shen Yan is not a normal person, he is a monster. He gladly accepted it.

"I came here to report."

Mr. Huang was a little unconfident:

"Ah Yan, I do hate them, but we must be calm when solving cases."

"Don't rush for success."

Shen Yan was speechless.

Mr. Huang asked:

"How much do you know about Richard's actions?"

Shen Yan snapped his fingers.

"I have it all under control," he explained.

"I have someone specially assigned to watch over Richard."

Mr. Huang was a little worried:

"Richard is a senior superintendent of the Special Branch. I asked my classmates at Scotland Yard to find out his resume."

"When he was in the UK, he also rose from the grassroots"

"A very impressive person"

"Our colleagues will follow him, be careful not to be discovered by him."

Shen Yan said softly:

"I didn’t arrange for paparazzi to follow."

Mr. Huang was puzzled.

"Then how do you know his whereabouts?"

Shen Yan said with a smile:

"I hired the best private detective in the world."


Mr. Huang was very puzzled.

Shen Yan explained:

"Richard was a senior superintendent of the Special Branch after all. His rank was too high and the Special Branch was special."

"If I send paparazzi to track him down,"

"Regardless of the possibility of leaks, Richard's power in the police force alone would make it easy for him to detect our deployment."

"This will alert the enemy"

"Private detectives are different. They can keep an eye on Richard 24 hours a day without being discovered."

"As long as the money is in place, everything is fine."

Mr. Huang smiled bitterly and said:

"This arrangement is good. Apart from being expensive, there are no other disadvantages."

Shen Yan curled his lips.

"That little bit of money is nothing!"

Boss Huang was speechless.

Can the best private detective in the world be cheap?

Definitely not!

But is money a problem for Shen Yan?

Not at all!

As long as Boss Huang thought of the dividends given by the Stock God Fund every month, he would wisely shut his mouth.

Show off your money!

"Boss, I guess Richard believes that Dongxing is a fan and Johnny Wang is smuggling arms."

"Only the Zhongqing Society has a different positioning."

Boss Huang's mind moved.

"Didn't Zhongqing Society also lose fans?"

Shen Yan shook his head slightly.

"No, they are different"

"Zhongqing Society is completely different from the old clubs"

"They have a hand in almost every business."

"Loan sharking, casinos, calligraphy and painting stalls, brothels... and traditional community businesses, they are all involved."

"In addition, they are also contaminated with powder and guns"

"They also have serious businesses such as restaurants and hotels, relying on industry and walking in the stock market"

"For this reason, Zhongqing Society registered and established Wuxie Group.

Shen Yan made a judgment.

"This should be a new era club. Maybe in a few years, all clubs will be in this form."

Mr. Huang was horrified.

"Doesn't that mean that our anti-crime mission will be even more difficult?"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"This is the truth"

"Of these three criminal gangs, I guess the Youth Society is Richard's main target."

"The Gold Club is not short-sighted, they focus on the long term."

"Among these three criminal gangs, only Zhongqing Society has the potential to operate in the long term."


Mr. Huang slammed the table hard:

"Check him!"


"Everyone, I just reported the case to the boss, and the boss is very angry."

In the meeting room of the serious crime team, Shen Yan gathered the people from the BC team together.

Under normal circumstances, the two teams are responsible for different cases, so as not to waste police force.

Sir Li's case is a super big case, so Shen Yan directly combined the two teams.

This is not a waste of police force, but a more effective unity and cooperation.

"Sir Lee's case is our top priority."

"The list of members of the Gold Club has also been sent to you."

"Do you all know each other?"

Aaron from Group B said:

"They are all regulars in the newspapers, famous people, it is hard not to know them."

Everyone completely agreed with his words

"This is where we need to pay attention"

"Everyone in the Gold Club has a prominent public status"

"If we want to convict them, we must have solid evidence, otherwise we will be in a passive position.

"I ask you one thing."

Everyone sat up straight and listened carefully to Shen Yan's order.

"I ask you all to remember this"

"The text files must be in the hands of the two team leaders"

"You must not input anything into the computer terminal until this case is resolved."

Yuan Haoyun immediately came to his senses.

"Brother Yan, are you afraid that Richard and the others will find out through the internal system?"

Shen Yan confirmed his guess.

"After all, this guy is also a senior superintendent of the police force. Although he has no affiliation with us,"

"But in the police system, his authority is higher than ours."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Shen Yan reminded everyone:

"Richard won't be arrested for a long time"

"As long as he doesn't commit suicide, I won't���Arrest him."

Yuan Haoyun stretched out his hand and asked:

"Brother Yan, why do you have to do this?"

Shen Yan said softly:

"Richard's identity caused"

"I'm not talking about the identity in the police force, I'm talking about the identity in the Gold Club"

"Richard is responsible for finding the initial source of funds for the Golden Club."

"Finding the right community"

"We can follow his footsteps and seize all the sources of wealth he finds."

Abang was puzzled:

"Brother Yan, even without Richard, we still have to crack down on the society, right?"

"Richard is a senior superintendent and poses a huge threat to us.

Shen Yan replied:

"Indeed, once Richard knew our plan, it would be very difficult to do anything."

"So I ask you to keep it secret."

He pointed to his head.

"Remember my words, try to remember things with your own brain, and give the written files to your team leader for safekeeping"

"You must not transmit textual material to the police system."

He looked at everyone and smiled, then said bluntly,

"Why can't we deal with Richard first?"

"I need the rights he gives me!"

Everyone was puzzled.

What rights could Richard give to Shen Yan?

Yang Jinrong was Shen Yan's number one fan. He pushed his glasses and explained:

"Because of this case, our West Kowloon Crime Unit has a privilege that other police stations would envy.——"

"You can enjoy the right to handle cases within the scope of Hong Kong Island."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Shen Yan nodded slightly to Yang Jinrong, thanked him for his explanation, and then said bluntly,

"As long as they can collect taxes every year, the foreigners above us don't care what Hong Kong looks like."

"They don't even deal with the clubs in the UK, let alone Hong Kong."

"You don't think these guys came across half the planet to serve the people of Hong Kong, do you?"

Everyone shook their heads.

More than a decade ago, Ge Bo proved with his actions what kind of people the foreigners are.

"I was born and raised in Hong Kong. We cherish the things that foreigners don't really do."

"I will do what the foreigners don't do!"

Shen Yan revealed his ultimate goal to his team members.

"I want to wipe out all the gangs in Hong Kong!"

Everyone was shocked.

In their minds, gangs were deeply rooted. If you knock down one, there will be another.

Just like weeds, they will grow again after the spring breeze blows.

They never expected that their boss's ambition was so big that he wanted to completely eradicate this hidden danger!

Abang was the first to stand up:

"Brother Yan, you decide what to do, I’ll listen to you!"

"As long as I can wipe out the gangs in Hong Kong, I will do anything."

Abang looked at everyone.

"We are all brothers, and we are all born and raised in Hong Kong."

"Everyone, no matter at which stage in their growth process, has more or less come into contact with the underworld."

"Before, I thought their existence was reasonable."

"Now I don't think so"

"Forty years ago, was there any gang in Jiangnan?"


"Fifty years ago, was there such an arrogant underworld in Hong Kong?"


"Why is it that once a community is established, we subconsciously believe that their existence is reasonable?"

"This kind of thinking is wrong in itself!"

Yuan Haoyun shrugged.

"The higher-ups have never thought of completely eradicating the society, so we naturally don't have such an idea."

He showed a ferocious smile,

"Brother Yan, if you want to eradicate the gangs in Hong Kong, count me in!"

Everyone shouted:

"Brother Yan, count me in!"

Shen Yan laughed:

"With your help, I am more confident!"

"Are societies scary? They are indeed scary."

"But as long as we are determined, we can eventually eradicate them."

"Just like what we just did"

"The Ni family, which had been entrenched in Tsim Sha Tsui for 20 years, was completely uprooted by us."

"New Liansheng, one of the top five Hong Kong social groups, has completely cleared its name"

"These two things alone have greatly improved the public security in West Kowloon."

Except for the people in Group C, Group B learned for the first time that the transformation of New Union Shing was actually due to the police.

Aaron slapped his head:

"No wonder the New Union Club donated money to our police force, it turns out there is such a relationship."

Shen Yan clapped his hands,

"It is not easy to completely eradicate gangs in Hong Kong"

"The good news is that I am still young and have plenty of time to do this."

"If three years is not enough, then three years will be enough. If three years is not enough, then three more years will be enough. I don’t believe that there will still be underworld in Hong Kong before I retire!"

"Are you willing to do this with me?"


Everyone stand up!

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