Chapter 126: Inhumane Base

"Johnny Wang, please complete the tasks assigned by the adults as soon as possible."

"The adults at the Gold Club have a big plan to make"

"You know the consequences of delaying the affairs of the adults."

Richard raised his hands high as he looked at Johnny Wang, who was furious.

"I don't mean to offend you."

"I'm just a contact person".

"You have been to the Gold Club, so you know the power of adults."

"If you don't want to join the Gold Club, then I'll turn around and leave!"

Richard's tone was quite gentle.

Ever since he suffered a loss at Xin Liansheng, he changed his style and no longer used his identity and police rank to pressure others as before.

Whenever Richard thought about it, he felt that he was really lucky to be alive until now!

What on earth was he thinking before? How dare he give orders to these ferocious criminals so brazenly?

One Xin Liansheng could make him hide away, and if there were a few more Xin Lianshengs, he would be dead.���It's only three feet high.

Richard hated Luo Zhiming's threat of drawing life and death lots at any time.

It's terrible!

People are willing to go to jail for seven or eight years in exchange for their own lives. Everyone is afraid of it!

In Hong Kong, if you kill someone with a knife, you will be sentenced to seven years in jail; if you kill someone with a gun, it will be twenty years.

If you have a better lawyer, you may have to go to jail for more time.

It is not difficult for a large society like Xin Liansheng to support a few idle people for a lifetime.

They themselves will give a certain amount of pension to the elders every month.

Excluding those with a short history, which family does not have a few old predecessors of the society who have been in the society until they die?

They are all supported by the society.

This is the case for all societies, not to mention arms dealers. When

Chad, the"Seventy-nine-three" saw Johnny Wang's face change, he naturally admitted his mistake.

Richard benefited a lot from Sir Li's words.

The society is destined to work for them, so the atmosphere of getting along must be better.

Johnny Wang said coldly:

"The masters of the Gold Club are really powerful."

"Compared to them, we are nothing."

"But don't forget"

"I am willing to sacrifice my life to bring down the emperor!"

""The barefoot are not afraid of the ones wearing shoes!"

Richard secretly thought that he was lucky.

Fortunately, he retreated quickly, otherwise, if he met someone like Johnny Wang, he would be in big trouble.

He doesn't care if you are a senior superintendent of the Special Branch, he really dares to shoot.

Johnny Wang is not without a backer, and the boss behind him is also the reason why Richard is so friendly.

Richard said seriously:

"Johnny Wang, I'm just making an invitation for the adults."

"The arms business is lucrative, but short-lived and full of dangers."

"Even if the deal fails, the righteousness remains"

"There's no need to fight like this"

"I brought you the news."

"If you are interested in joining this family,"

"Then, we'll do our job well."

"If you are not interested, how about just pretending that I never said this?"

Johnny Wang crossed his arms and thought for a while.

"Give me three days to think about it.

Richard stood up and said with a smile:

"OK, then I'll wait for you for three days."

"I hope to get good news in three days!"

He bowed to Johnny Wang, treating him as an equal, took the initiative to pay the bill, and then left.

Xiaohan beside Johnny Wang asked:

"Brother, do you really want to cooperate with them?"

Johnny Wang frowned and thought for a long time before saying:

"We can talk about it."

Xiaohan said puzzledly:

"We do things on our own, we are free to do whatever we want"

"If I were with them, I would definitely be greatly restricted."

Johnny Wang smiled bitterly:

"Aren’t we restricted in what we do now?"

"Don't forget where the boss behind you came from."

Xiaohan disagreed:

"The boss is only responsible for providing arms, and we are the ones who handle the shipment."

"So what if we fail to complete the boss’s task?"

"Can they still fight us to death?"

Xiao Han had no confidence in the fighting power of the boss behind the scenes.

Faced with such rebellious words, Johnny Wang just glared at him.

"Can this kind of thing be brought up on the table?"

"Let’s talk about it when we get back."

Xiaohan nodded quickly.

Johnny Wang said to Xiaohan:

"My concern now is Uncle Hai."

Xiaohan disagreed:

"Uncle Hai is just an old man, he is no match for us."

Johnny Wang looked at him dissatisfied.

"I am worried about Uncle Hai? I am worried about Alang!"

"In the past two years, if Jiang Lang hadn't supported him, Uncle Hai would have been finished."

"Uncle Hai is really old. Jiang Lang is such a powerful man, but he is just making things worse."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to gain the upper hand in the competition with Uncle Hai!"

Xiaohan was silent for a while.

"Brother, you seem to admire Jiang Lang very much."

Johnny Wang nodded:


"This is an opponent who can stand on equal footing with me."

Xiao Han was quite unwilling.

"Brother, I will kill him sooner or later!"

Johnny Wang glanced at him indifferently.

"Your mind is full of fighting and killing, and you won't think of anything else."

"You are just a warrior!"

"Only by using your brain can you go far"

"Can you rely on fighting and killing for your whole life?"

Xiao Han said with a smile:

"I will follow my elder brother for the rest of my life!"

Johnny Wang shook his head and said nothing. He told Xiao Han about his plan:

"Try to see if you can make an appointment with Alang in the next two days."

"I want to talk to him."

Xiao Han asked:

"What are you talking about?"

Johnny Wang's eyes sparkled:

"How about pulling Alang over here?"

Xiaohan said in astonishment:

"Pull it over?"

Johnny Wang laughed:

"I plan to let Alang be my leader��"

Xiaohan feels aggrieved:

"Brother, he is your top horse, what should I do?"

Johnny Wang wanted to give him a blow on the head.

"Use your brain!"

"Think about it carefully"

"If I can pull Alang over here, who in Kowloon can be our enemy?"

Xiaohan was not convinced:

"But isn't it the same if we defeat his mother?"

Johnny Wang was almost mad to death.

"Can the result be the same after all the effort?"

"Uncle Hai is only supported by A Lang. As long as A Lang can come over, Uncle Hai will collapse on his own without us fighting."

"The former enemy became my subordinate"

"Just think about it, how cool would that be?"

"This is called defeating the enemy without fighting!"

Xiaohan suddenly realized and looked at Johnny Wang with special admiration:

"Boss, you are so insidious!"

Johnny Wang didn't want to talk to him anymore, but he couldn't help but explain to himself:

"This is what I call smart!"

"Don't be so naughty here, go and do something!"

Xiaohan said goodbye to Johnny Wang happily and went out to inquire.


"This hospital is very normal!" Jiang Lang sat in the corridor outside the emergency room and exchanged information with Yuan Haoyun.

"I checked the whole hospital and it's completely normal."

"I didn't go to some places that were not allowed to enter, but I went to explore all the other places."

Yuan Haoyun asked:

"Which places did you not enter?"

Jiang Lang replied:

"Gynecology、ICU、Operating Room……"

Yuan Haoyun immediately gave up the idea of going to find out.

"I carefully checked the office area, especially the pharmacy and the doctor's office, and found nothing unusual.

Jiang Lang answered affirmatively:

"This is a public hospital. It is not as quiet as a private hospital."

"There are people coming and going every day"

"After 10 o'clock, no outsiders are allowed to enter."

"A considerable part of Johnny Wang and his men's actions took place at night."

He suddenly remembered a place.

"Have you checked the basement?"

Yuan Haoyun replied:


"Of course I went. My mission is much easier than yours. Of course I went to check the basement."

"There is nothing outstanding in the basement except the surveillance center."

"There are only cars and more cars."

Land is very valuable in Hong Kong, so every inch of land is used to the utmost.

Basements and rooftops can all be used as parking lots.

The basement of St. Valentine's Hospital is a large parking lot.

The two looked at each other in surprise.

Yuan Haoyun was puzzled:

"Could it be that Brother Yan made a mistake in his calculations?"

Jiang Lang did not answer him, but instead asked curiously:

"Brother Yun, you are obviously older than Brother Yan, why do you call him Brother Yan?"

Yuan Haoyun disagreed:


"Brother Yan is indeed much younger than me."

"It's just that our police are different from other professions."

"Very professional"

"One case can tell who has what ability."

"I think I'm good at solving cases, but I'm still a little behind Brother Yan."


There's nothing wrong with calling him brother!���road,

"I call him Brother Yan, and he calls me Brother Yun. This is respect."

Jiang Lang nodded gently:

"When I was in the police academy, I noticed Brother Yan"

"We were young at that time and wanted everyone to notice us.... "

"Use all your skills"

"Brother Yan is different. He has ten abilities but he only uses three. But you feel that three is very powerful."

"When I went undercover, many people didn't know"

"Brother Yan saw it at a glance"

"Before leaving, he told me that if I felt the situation was dangerous, I could call him."

"His phone number has never changed!"

"I believe him."

Yuan Haoyun smiled and said:

"When I was chatting with the members of Group C, I seemed to hear Chen Yongren also say something like this"

"But what he told Chen Yongren was that if Chen Yongren's boss was not a human being, he could just call him."

"He would help no matter what."

Yuan Haoyun was thinking about the matter of Lin Kuangtian in Group A.

If Shen Yan hadn't made a move, how could Lin Kuangtian's group get away so easily?

Now that Lin Kuangtian has retired, tainted personnel such as Zeizi Ming, Toupi, and Ahua have only been transferred and are still working as police officers.

Abang has been highly valued by Shen Yan and is one of the deputy team leaders of Group C.

And then he has his own wallet.

To be honest, Yuan Haoyun really never thought that one day he would have so much money in his pocket. It is said that only people from the upper class are eligible to buy shares of the Stock God Fund.

But as far as Yuan Haoyun knows, Shen Yan has given the police a large quota.

If it were someone else, he would definitely use this quota to win over senior officials and would not give any to his colleagues.

Shen Yan is worthy of the title of"Big Brother" in both his life and work!

Jiang Lang said firmly:

"I believe him!"

Yuan Haoyun chuckled:

"I believe him too!"

The two looked at each other and said in unison:

"There must be a place we haven't thought of!"

But they searched everywhere, both above and below the ground, and even on the rooftop, but couldn't find it.

The two racked their brains to think about what they hadn't thought of.

Suddenly, an ambulance stopped outside, and someone shouted:

"Doctor, car accident!"

Everyone hurriedly separated, not daring to stand in front of the medical staff.

After a while, the doctor sighed and said,"Please accept my condolences."

Suddenly, there was a wailing sound in the hall.

Yuan Haoyun stared at the sad family in a daze, motionless.

Jiang Lang felt very strange. He was about to speak, but suddenly he was also stunned.

After a while, the two of them raised their feet together.

Yuan Haoyun said in a deep voice:

"I know where we missed something."

Jiang Lang smiled bitterly.

"I searched everywhere, but there was one place I didn't search, because I subconsciously thought they couldn't be there!"

"It's dark under the lamp!"

Yuan Haoyun's face was gloomy:

"If Brother Yan is right, then Johnny Wang's most likely hiding place is... the morgue!!"

The two quickened their pace and walked quickly towards the morgue.

Both of them looked unhappy. First, they were all elite police officers, but they ignored the morgue.

Second, Johnny Wang was hiding in such a place, disturbing the rest of the dead.

The Chinese people's habitual thoughts are that death is the greatest.

Disturbing the rest of the dead is immoral and sinful.

This also shows that the gang really has no reverence at all.

The two came to the morgue and saw rows of refrigerators.

Jiang Lang picked up the record and soon found something strange. He quickly flipped through it and said to Yuan Haoyun:

"Found it!"

Yuan Haoyun hurried over.

Jiang Lang said in a deep voice:

"Look at this freezer, from K1 to K6, a full six rows, and there has never been a record of them being used."

Yuan Haoyun looked at the label and immediately became furious:

"This arrangement... is big enough for one person to walk!"

The two of them fumbled around and found the mechanism. When they opened it, they saw that it was a door!

They never thought that these guys would put their base here!

Yuan Haoyun thought about it and closed the door with difficulty.

Jiang Lang looked at his expression and felt particularly uncomfortable:

"Brother Yun, what happened to you?"

Yuan Haoyun did not hide it from him.

"If it were my usual temper, I would definitely pull out my gun and do it to the end."

Jiang Lang immediately said:

"You are not alone, I will go with you!"

Yuan Haoyun was speechless.

"I'm known as a hard-boiled detective, but I didn't expect you to be just as good."

"We will definitely become friends!"

"If the situation is extremely urgent, we might have to rush forward."

"This time, I followed Brother Yan's order to gather intelligence with you."

"Now that we have the intelligence, what are we waiting for?"

"Let's go back and report."

"This is a hospital!"

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