Chapter 129 I Specialize in Scaring Others

"You are such a monster."

Shen Yan and Shi Bao were sitting by the sea, drinking beer together.

Shi Bao was madly complaining.

"How did you train to be so skilled at such a young age?"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"I studied in the police academy before, I am just good at learning from others' strengths to make up for my weaknesses."

"I have a characteristic. The more I compete with experts, the greater my improvement will be."

"Just like playing chess"

"Playing chess with a bad chess player will only make you worse".

"Playing chess with a master will improve your skills very quickly."

Shi Bao still couldn’t understand:

"Your combat ability has improved too quickly, hasn't it?"

Shen Yan thought for a moment and said:

"I am probably like Qiao Feng, I can learn something quickly, become proficient in it, and then achieve perfection."

He explained for himself.

"I've always said that I'm the one who scares people."

"I am a genius!"

Shi Bao was speechless:

"You are clearly a monster!"

Shen Yan shrugged:

"In fact, it's not just fighting, I can learn other things very quickly."

Shi Bao sighed:

"There is always someone better than you, I feel it"

"Luckily, you are your own"

"Otherwise, I would not be able to sleep or eat well with you as my opponent."

Shen Yan disagreed:

"No matter how powerful a single individual is, he or she cannot affect the overall situation."

"There are more than one billion people in my hometown, so I shouldn't be afraid of someone."

Shi Bao smiled and shook his head.

Shen Yan asked:

"Captain Shi, why did you want to come here?"

Shi Bao corrected:

"I am the big circle leopard, or you can call me Leopard Brother"

"What is the stone team?"

"You are the Chief Inspector of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department. No one dares to do anything to you, but I am in trouble."

He explained,

"I was ordered by the office to investigate the gun smuggling and the situation of the Xiangjiang Society."

Shen Yan looked a little strange:

"A lot of guns have appeared here recently. Some time ago, there was even a gangster openly engaging in a gunfight with the police."

"Some people suspect that the guns came from the north."

The two were silent for a moment.

Shi Bao frowned and said:

"Is this someone trying to make both sides suspicious of each other?"

Shen Yan confirmed:

"There is no doubt about it"

"After all, both sides are controlling guns, not banning them."

Before 1996, China did not ban guns, but controlled them. 1943

Decades ago, in order to prevent world wars or other regional wars that endanger national security, China distributed a large number of guns.

The goal was to hide soldiers among the people.

Almost every city, factory, street, and village had its own militia.

The guns were real guns.

The grenades were real grenades.

In addition, mortars and mountain cannons were distributed.

Before 1996, the fight between two villages in a certain area of China was no less than a small war with real swords and live ammunition!

It is reasonable for Xiangjiang to suspect that the guns that appeared on the streets came from his hometown.

Shibao's focus is on another aspect.

For a long time, China's weapons have actually been lagging behind the mainstream world.

During the Laoshan Self-Defense Counterattack, the Chinese soldiers looked at the monkeys on the opposite side with all AK47 automatic rifles and their eyes turned red - envious and jealous!

The weapons that reached the civilian population were all outdated and obsolete during World War II.

But the weapons circulating in the black market recently are completely different, and they are extremely advanced.

Naturally, there is no way to supply such advanced weapons in the country. There is only one answer, smuggling!

It is reasonable for Xiangjiang to suspect China, and for China to suspect Xiangjiang.

The two exchanged the situation and felt something was wrong at the same time.

"Someone is trying to sow discord!"

Shi Bao frowned and said:

"I smell a strong smell of conspiracy."

Shen Yan then said:

"Mr. Huang asked me to see you because he wanted to tell you something. Coincidentally, it was an arms case."

Shi Bao didn't understand:

"It is your police force's job to solve cases. I have no power to enforce the law here."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have sneaked in as a big circle leopard."

Shen Yan said calmly:

"We found a group of arms dealers that have emerged in the past two years."

"These people are cruel and cunning, and they always trade with people in the downtown area."

Shi Bao frowned:

"How cruel! They are taking the citizens as hostages!"

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"It means that even if the police discovered their transaction in a busy city, they would not take action due to the large number of citizens."

"Otherwise, it will mean a lot of casualties."

"The police cannot bear this responsibility."

Shi Bao clenched his fists:

"What did you find?"

Shen Yan then said:

"We found their boss."

"Xiangjiang garrison!"

Shi Bao opened his mouth wide, not daring to believe Shen Yan's words. After a while, he asked:

"you sure?"

"The boss behind that group of arms dealers is the Hong Kong garrison?"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"Through the weapons sold by the Johnny Wang Group, the group of arms dealers, it is inferred that the source is the garrison."

"This is absolutely true!"

Shi Bao felt very uncomfortable.

"What does the garrison want to do?"

Shen Yan said pointedly:

"Make money!" he asked.

"How strong are the garrisons?

Shi Bao said disdainfully:

"I can take care of them all with just one class!"

Shen Yan snapped his fingers:

"That’s right!"

"The current garrison strength is so low"

"They are not soldiers from the British country, they are mercenaries from the third world."

Shi Bao said disdainfully:

"Even the British soldiers are like that."

Shen Yan laughed:

"That's right, no one can fight against our army!" Shi Bao had a strange feeling in his heart. He could feel that

Shen Yan's tone was sincere.

"���When he said"we", it was natural and not at all artificial.

The pride and pride in his tone were almost overflowing.

He is worthy of being a leading figure of the local faction of the police force.

Shen Yan changed the subject.

"The garrison's combat power is not very good, and the significance they represent is still a headache."

Shi Bao sighed,

"After all, Hong Kong is now under the rule of the British country."

Shen Yan looked at Shi Bao,

"I took the ICAC Commissioner back to the police station in the ICAC. Did you know about this?"

Shi Bao gave a thumbs up:


Shen Yan said calmly:

"Two days ago, Commissioner Luo was sentenced to twelve months in prison and was directly deported."

"In other words, he didn't get any punishment at all.

Shi Bao suddenly felt something was wrong.

"What are you going to do?"

Shen Yan did not hide anything:

"I'm not happy!"

"I originally wanted to let the media write some articles, but knowing that Johnny Wang was backed by the garrison, I had an idea."

"There is a lack of an executor."

Shi Bao asked cautiously:

"Can you tell me about this plan?"

Shen Yan laughed:

"Of course, without you, my plan wouldn’t be very successful!"


After most of the day, Shibao Mantou's cold sweat

"Sir Shen, is this really a good idea for us to do?"

Shi Bao is the captain of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Guangdong Provincial Security Department. He has been to the battlefield and has countless blood on his hands. He is a true soldier king.

His heart is as hard as a rock.

Even so, after hearing Shen Yan's plan, he still broke out in a cold sweat.

Shen Yan frowned and looked at him,

"Let me ask you, is Hong Kong’s current situation aggrieved?"

"It was rented out by the corrupt countrymen for 99 years."

"How many Hong Kong people died without waiting for the day of returning to the motherland?"

"Do you understand this kind of pain?"

Shi Bao's face was sweating more.

This smell is wrong!

It was as if the person in front of him was not the chief inspector of the serious crime team of the West Kowloon General Administration, but the political commissar of the Guangdong Provincial Security Department.

It was really a ghost!

"After 90 years away from home, the British have been promoting Hong Kong citizens year after year and day after day"

"Do you know how they portray your hometown?"

"Do you know who the motherland is in the hearts of the younger generation?"

"You have to understand one thing. If you continue to promote it like this, you will be so influenced by the European troublemakers that you won't know who your ancestors are."

"Do you know what it means to forget your roots?"

"If we don't do something and let the foreigners in the UK arrange things at will, there will be countless people who forget their roots and ancestors in the future!"

"Do you know Commissioner Luo?"

"He was just sentenced to twelve months in prison. I caught him from the ICAC building, and it was only twelve months."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

"He is equivalent to being acquitted"

"The foreigners didn't do anything at all. They just used the tactic of procrastination to easily calm the discontent of the Hong Kong people."

"Now if you ask Hong Kong citizens about Commissioner Luo, how many of them can remember him?"

"If you don't carry out this plan, you will bear the consequences in the future!"

Shi Bao was shocked:

"Why do I have to carry it?!"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"I have told you the seriousness of the matter, but you don't take it seriously."

"Then, the instigator of this consequence is not me, but you!"

The instigator has come out?!

Shi Bao wiped the cold sweat from his head and spat fiercely:

"You are right, you are here to scare people."

Shen Yan raised his eyebrows:

"Am I scary?"

"I am just stating the facts!"

Shi Bao cursed:

"The truth is the most terrifying!"

The chief criminal investigator of the Guangdong Provincial Police Department is not an ignorant person, nor is he someone who can be frightened by a few words.

Shi Bao can distinguish between good and evil, and can easily distinguish whether Shen Yan's words are true or false.

After careful consideration, he came to the conclusion that Shen Yan's words are all true!

This is troublesome!

If we don't respond quickly, the trouble in front of us will be unbearable.

Stamping his feet and making up his mind, Shi Bao gritted his teeth and said:

"I did it!"

Shen Yan's face was full of smiles:

"What are you nervous about?"

"I'm not asking you to use your real identity to do things."

"You are a big circle leopard!"

Shi Bao's face was full of solemnity:

"Do you really want to work with me?"

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"You're still a little lonely by yourself. I can't let you face it alone."

"With me by your side, at least you won't have any problems surviving."

Shi Bao's face was full of complex expressions:

"you sure?"

"You are the Chief Inspector of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department!"

Shen Yan curled his lips.

"I am the Chief Inspector and you are the Chief of Criminal Investigation!"

"Your rank is higher than mine!"

Shi Bao relaxed.:

"You are richer than me!"

Shen Yan said bluntly:

"That was just for fun. One day I want to learn how to trade stocks. I will learn it by watching. It is not difficult."

Shi Bao was speechless!

He wanted to say that Shen Yan was showing off, but according to the investigation, he had never been involved in finance before, but he improved his skills to such a level in a very short time.

Shi Bao did not believe it before, but after fighting with Shen Yan and seeing his learning ability, it was hard for him not to believe it.

However, he thought about it and frowned:

"No, I'll do this plan."

"You can't do it"

"It’s too dangerous!"

Shen Yan asked back:

"Aren't you in danger?"

Shi Bao told the truth:

"I've been on the battlefield."

Shen Yan said calmly:

"I know Hong Kong better than you do."

"We are together, once the plan is launched, we can easily get away"

"Otherwise, why don't you go back and ask your superiors for instructions?"

Shi Bao completely relaxed:

"Okay, give me three days."

Shen Yan's eyes widened:

"Where can I find three days to give you?"

"Johnny Wang's lair is in the morgue of St. Walter's Hospital"

"These guys are holding the entire hospital hostage."

"A day and a half!"

"If you don't take action, I'll do it myself."

"I will not allow such a person to threaten the stability of Hong Kong."

Shi Bao turned around and ran to the car without saying a word, and drove away in a flash.

He found that Chief Inspector Shen Yan of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon General Office was not only a monster, but also a madman! A rational madman!

Who would make such a crazy plan?

Shi Bao absolutely believed that even if he did not participate, he would execute that crazy plan.

He did not doubt Shen Yan's execution ability at all. He was the Chief Inspector and a favorite of Mr. Huang. What he said to Mr. Huang in the West Kowloon General Office meant the same thing.

Who could stop him?

Half a day later, Shi Bao contacted his superior:

"Chief Inspector Shen Yan of the Crime Squad of Kowloon West has a crazy plan……"

He didn't even take a sip of water before he started to report non-stop.

The director frowned and listened without interrupting.

When Shi Bao finished his report, he asked:

"Is Shen Yan a reliable person?"

Shi Bao immediately said:

"Reliable, an absolute patriot, a simple materialist fighter!"

The director looked at him puzzled.

Shi Bao smiled bitterly and said:

"The way that guy spoke to me made me wonder if he had ever studied in our team."

"The starting point of the similar to yours!"

The director raised his eyebrows:

"Shen Yan's level is very high?"

Shi Bao nodded solemnly:

"It's about the same level as yours."

The director thought for a moment and said solemnly:

"The missing gun case seriously threatens the lives and safety of citizens, and also creates a gap between our two places."

"Since Shen Yan has made this plan, you should cooperate to complete it."

"Attention - protect Shen Yan's safety at all costs!".

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