Chapter 139 People scare people, scare people to death

David's affair was exposed?!

Richard's face turned red, like a cooked prawn.

This is really amazing!

Richard thought of his previous words and wanted to slap himself several times.

He came to the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon General Police Department to ask for help, but he spoke in a condescending manner.

He thought about how he wanted to increase his mystery with the mysterious words"Dongxing broke the rules". He never thought that they would catch David's handle!


Super shame!.

Richard wished he had never been here.

However, he also knew that it was useless.

If he hadn't come here today, Shen Yan would have informed him of this matter through channels.

David's case is not big or small.

This is a real black policeman who was caught, and he is a fucking corrupt Chinese.

Richard regretted it whenever he remembered what he said,"Dongxing offended the dignity of the British Empire."

If what Dongxing did was considered an offense to the dignity of the Sun Rolling Empire, then what was David's behavior?

Was it treason?!

Richard took a deep breath:

"How did you find this thing?"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"My brothers found it when they raided a video studio."

"They even put up posters."

Richard's face turned purple, and he felt more and more uneasy:

"What poster?"

Shen Yan casually opened the file, found a photo and threw it to the other party:

"It's really eye-catching, just look for yourself!"

Richard took a deep breath, picked up the photo tremblingly, and took a closer look. He almost fainted from anger.

"The current Senior Inspector of the Administrative Secretary's first album after going to the adult entertainment industry, a passionate fencing match between one person and two hunks……"

Who else could the guy in the center of the photo be if not David, whom he saw every day?

Shen Yan said calmly,

"Superintendent Richard, if this is your so-called bullshit excuse, our West Kowloon Police Station Crime Squad has a lot of cases to deal with and our police force is limited."

"I won't waste time and energy to avenge you."

"You can take this file and document with you, but you must keep a receipt."

"If there is nothing else, you can go back."

Richard stood there in shock.

He looked at Shen Yan in disbelief.

He had the order from Brother Yi.

He had the power to mobilize all police forces in Hong Kong - only to deal with the East Star Society - and you dared to let me go?

Shen Yan frowned and looked at him:

"Am I not clear?"

Richard said immediately:

"Inspector Shen Yan, I hope you can understand your position……"

Shen Yan interrupted him rudely:

"Richard, please be aware of your identity"

"This is the West Kowloon Headquarters. I am the Deputy Commander."

"May I ask what level of commander you are?"

Richard was speechless!

Generally speaking, the police rank of the Hong Kong Police Force can only be a level, but it definitely does not include affiliation.

It does not mean that a superintendent must obey the orders of a senior superintendent, and an inspector must obey the orders of a senior inspector.

This is nonsense.

In fact, the commander and deputy commander of a region command all the police officers in the region.

No matter what the commander or deputy commander is, the police officers under his command must obey his orders.

If the commander of another region comes and wants to command the police officers, he has no right.

Unfortunately, although Richard is a senior superintendent, he belongs to the Political Department, which is one of the most unpopular departments in the police force.

He can only command a dozen people in the Political Department!

As for other police officers, let alone the regional police station, he can't even think of commanding the branch police station. If others give you face, you are a senior superintendent.

If others don't give you face, who are you?

Richard felt aggrieved again.

This time is different from Xinliansheng. This is brought to him by his colleagues in the police system.

Shen Yan said coldly:

"Just a reminder, don't show your arrogant expression in front of my colleagues"

"who do you think You Are?"

"You'd better leave quickly. I can't guarantee that my colleagues can tolerate your appearance of 2.58 million."

"If I get hurt, I will have to apologize to my elder brother!"

Richard's face was like a dyeing shop, with all kinds of colors.

After a long time, he suppressed the anger in his heart and said sincerely:

"Sir Shen, this is a misunderstanding!"

Shen Yan looked at him with amusement:

"Do you want me to call Brother Yi and inform him about David's situation?"

"You must have reported this matter, but you probably didn't report the specific details, right?"

Richard frowned and said,

"Mr. Shen, don't talk about other things."

"I have to tell you one thing."

"This matter is supervised by Brother Yi. If you don’t believe me, you can call him and ask him.

Shen Yan said with a smile:

"Is it?"

"I guess Brother Yi doesn't know that David takes white powder from the Political Department every month and sells it to Dongxing at half the price?"

"Your political department is not a drug-busting team, where did the white powder come from?"

"Or every month!"

"If I tell this to my brother, what do you think he will do?"


Richard stood up suddenly in shock, sweating profusely, no longer arrogant as before.

A huge wave of turmoil rose in his heart.

How dare that little bastard David lie to him?!

How much white powder did this bastard take from the political department to sell?


What the hell was I thinking?

It's happened!

The political department's reselling of white powder has happened!

This time it's in trouble!

Richard calmed down and looked at Shen Yan in surprise.

How much does this Sir Shen in front of him know?

Does he only know what David has done, or does he know everything?

If he knows everything, how can he shut up?

Shen Yan looked at Richard with interest,

"You seem to be thinking about something bad.

Richard suddenly woke up:

"Sir Shen is joking!"

Shen Yan showed a charming smile:

"I forgot to tell you, I am a master of micro expressions……"

"You look so uneducated, you don’t even know this, right?"

"Micro-expression identification is a criminal investigation discipline"

"The micro-expression master can easily determine whether the other person is lying."

"I just spent so much time communicating with you just now, just to collect your expressions when you are telling the truth and when you are lying."

Richard was particularly angry:

"What do you mean? Are you treating me as a prisoner?"

Shen Yan curled his lips:

"I'm so busy with my own things, you brought this upon yourself."


"You should know that trained agents can fool polygraphs."

"I am sorry to tell you that,"

"Micro-expression identification is much more accurate than a lie detector"

"Of course, his restrictions are also severe."

Shen Yan showed a hint of sarcasm,

"Unfortunately, you don't have any of these restrictions."

"Now, let’s talk about this in detail.!"


Richard just wanted to turn around and run.

Are you a devil?

Do you really think I don't know the micro-expression identification technique?

It is said that it is an interrogation technique that has just been developed by colleagues in the United States.

I never thought that Shen Yan could even do this.

What kind of master is he!

Then what was his performance just now?

Did he deliberately come to get beaten?

Richard couldn't run, and said with a dry laugh:

"Mr. Shen, you really love to joke."

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"I'm not kidding"

"You just wanted to kill me"

"You, a senior superintendent of the Special Branch, actually had the intention to kill me just now. This is incredible."

"It seems that your Political Department is hiding a lot of secrets!"


Richard gasped.

How could he really know?

Just a moment ago, Richard really had the idea of silencing him.

The affairs of the Political Department must not be leaked.

Once leaked, he would inevitably be expelled from the Political Department, or he would never be able to touch white powder again.

If so, his voice in the Golden Club would be greatly reduced.

This was something Richard could not accept.

In this case, silencing him was a good choice.

However, the murderous intent was only for a moment, and he put it away.

Is Shen Yan so easy to kill? He is the Chief Inspector of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon General Police Department, and the Deputy Commander of the West Kowloon General Police Department. If his police rank was not high enough, he would be a veritable constitutional committee leader.

Even so, who in the entire Hong Kong police force doesn't know West Kowloon Shen Yan?

If something happened to him, it would be no less than an enlarged version of the garrison base.

Richard had to admit that in Hong Kong, even if the garrison had a bloody case, the emotions of the Hong Kong citizens were very stable.

But when Shen Yan got into trouble, Hong Kong was turned upside down.

Richard could never have thought that the murderous intent in such a moment was actually captured by Shen Yan.

It's simply perverted!

"Mr. Shen, you are joking. I am a police officer and you are the deputy commander of the region."

"How could I want to kill you?"

"This joke is not funny."

Shen Yan said with a smile:

"Really? Maybe I saw it wrong."

Richard lowered his posture very low, a perfect example of being arrogant at first and respectful later:

"David kept this from me."

"Mr. Shen, I promise you that I will teach him a lesson when I return."

"I apologize for my words and attitude just now."

"You can feel my respect"

"But, I really followed Brother Yi's order to clear Dongxing"

"Dongxing exposed the bloody incident of the garrison, which caused a very bad impact internationally, and the pressure on the eldest brother was very great."

"The order he gave me was to make Dongxing disappear."

Richard admitted his mistake decisively, no matter how much he tried.

He tried his best to control his heart and not let any distracting thoughts arise in his heart.

The young deputy commander said that he could identify micro-expressions!

What a scary young man.

Shen Yan smiled slightly, it seemed that he had done a good job of beating.

He did not want to arrest Richard, that was meaningless.

Richard was a good leader, and through his own pressure, he could force Richard to keep looking for new clubs.

Seeing that he was almost scared, Shen Yan got to the point:

"Brother Yi wants Dongxing to disappear?"

Richard nodded quickly:


Shen Yan shook his head gently:

"What do you want to do?"

Richard was puzzled:

"Send out the police force to wipe out Dongxing."

Shen Yan sneered and mocked.

"Should I first call a team of Flying Tigers for you, and get the East Star's underwater roster, and we will arrest people one by one according to the list?"

Richard immediately sensed Shen Yan's displeasure, and he asked cautiously:

"Sir Shen, is there anything wrong with this?"

Shen Yan asked calmly:

"How many people are there in Dongxing?"

Richard asked without hesitation:


Shen Yan asked again:

"How many people can be held in Xiangjiang Prison?"

Richard understood and said with a wry smile:

"Thirty thousand!"

Shen Yan asked again:

"Can you empty the prisons?

Richard shook his head and offered a suggestion.

"Or we can just arrest the core members of Dongxing, such as the elders, the masters, and the hall masters."

Shen Yan mocked:


"They can elect a new leader the next day, and Dongxing will still exist."

"How are you going to explain this to Brother Yi?"

Richard was speechless.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Otherwise, use the Flying Tigers to seize the East Star's underwater roster and wipe out the society's top leaders and their minions."

"Then spread the word that whoever dares to use the name of Dongxing will be arrested."

Shen Yan shrugged.

"Not to mention the manpower and material resources you have mobilized for this."

"Not to mention the time and energy spent"

"We don't care whether we can succeed according to the plan."

"I just want to ask you one question."

"What are you going to do with the remaining 20,000 people?"

Richard was startled.

"What do you mean 20,000 people?"

Shen Yan looked at him with caring eyes:

"Twenty thousand brothers from Dongxing!"

Richard said disapprovingly:

"What else is there to say?"

"Our mission is to make Dongxing disappear. Those 20,000 little brothers can go wherever they want."

"We don't need to worry about this, right?"

Shen Yan looked at him mockingly.

"Then, when the operation is over, you will be dismissed. If you have strong connections, you may not be forced to sit in the cold palace."

"As for me, I will never participate in your actions."

"You can find whichever region you want, we at the West Kowloon Headquarters will not get involved in this matter."

Richard was anxious:

""Sir Shen, what does this mean?"

Shen Yan looked at him in surprise:

"You really don't understand?"

Richard shook his head vigorously. He was stunned by the result Shen Yan said.

He was not pretending, he really didn't understand.

Shen Yan looked at him with pity:

"According to your plan, you will wipe out all the middle and high-level executives of Dongxing, right?"

Richard nodded.

He didn't understand where he was wrong. Isn't this a good plan?

Shen Yan sneered:

"Do you know who has the most people in the club?"

He didn't wait for the other party to answer and gave the answer directly.

"Red Lantern and Blue Lantern"

"These are the base of any gang, far above the middle and upper levels"

"These guys are all gangsters. They were originally under strong constraints. They could still behave themselves."

"You wiped out all the top leaders of Dongxing in one fell swoop. It seems that you have destroyed Dongxing, but in fact you have created even greater chaos."

"What do you think will happen when these 20,000 unrestrained gangsters enter the underworld without the constraints of rules?"

"The most obvious thing is that fights and brawls are happening one after another, and social security is deteriorating sharply."

"The police will definitely find out the source in the end."

Shen Yan pointed at Richard, who looked pale.

"What do you think will happen to you?!"

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