Chapter 150: The police and the criminals all breathed a sigh of relief.

West Kowloon Police Station Crime Squad.

Shen Yan's Office

"Superintendent Richard, has Brother Yi given authorization for Qian Fu's case?"

"Sorry, Mr. Shen, the higher-ups asked us to suppress it for now."

Shen Yan smiled and nodded, not disappointed at all.

This was within his expectations, so Shen Yan directly gave Qian Fu to Shi Bao.

Richard was afraid that Shen Yan would be upset:

"Mr. Shen, you also know that the bloody incident of the garrison is already serious enough."

"The eyes of the world are on us"

"If another case is triggered……"

"Our already bad situation has become even worse.

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"Of course I understand."

He glanced at Yuan Haoyun and Yang Jinrong, who looked worried.

"I know you have opinions, but we are a disciplined force. You can raise opinions, but we must follow orders."

Yuan Haoyun and Yang Jinrong stood up immediately:


Shen Yan waved his hand:

"Don't be so formal"

"Superintendent Richard can understand.

Richard said quickly:

"Yes, yes, I can understand."

"I also want Qian Fu to be brought to justice as soon as possible."

Wilde nodded vigorously in agreement.

Shen Yan sighed:

"Unfortunately, catching Qian Fu will not be something we can do in the future."

Everyone was shocked.

Richard laughed dryly:

"Mr. Shen, we are part of the Hong Kong police force. No matter which agency arrests Qian Fu, it is an honor for our police force."

He thought Shen Yan was talking about the credit for arresting Qian Fu, so he hurried to comfort him.

Shen Yan's face changed slightly:

"Superintendent Richard, you underestimate me."

He said bluntly,

"I don't need too much honor at my age, what I need is precipitation"

"What do you think?"

Richard was speechless.

No one in the entire police force or even in Hong Kong would deny that Shen Yan did not have a bright future.

A 23-year-old senior inspector, even if he was promoted step by step, would definitely enter the constitutional committee level at Richard's age, or even higher.

Therefore, Shen Yan was really right. What he wanted was not honor, but precipitation.

What if the merits he made were too great?

What if there was no more room for promotion?

Leaving the grassroots too early is not a good thing!

Wilde quickly rescued his boss:

"Mr. Shen, what do you mean?"

Shen Yan said bluntly:

"This is actually our best chance to capture Qian Fu."

"Qian Fu's position is very sensitive. He is the deputy director of the Security Bureau who directly manages the police force."

"Any movement in the police force would not be hidden from his eyes."

"We can keep it secret for a day or two"

"It is basically impossible to keep it secret continuously!"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"Maybe Qian Fu has escaped now."

Richard was horrified.

He was particularly wary of Shen Yan's sensitivity.

The other party was too sharp. No wonder he could become the chief inspector so quickly.

"Therefore, if we want to capture Qian Fu, that is not our mission."

"It is likely to be a mission by Interpol."

Richard was more and more frightened as he listened.

He couldn't help but reflect on whether he had been noticed by anyone when he went to the Golden Club yesterday to persuade Qian Fu to flee as soon as possible under the order of the knight?

In other words, was he monitored by the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Unit?

Johnny Wang's lair was found, and the conversations between Qian Fu and Johnny Wang could be recorded.

Even the meeting between the two could be clearly filmed.

The monitoring methods of the West Kowloon Police Station's Serious Crime Unit shocked Richard!


Everyone was startled by the sudden ring.

Shen Yan hung up the phone with a strange look on his face:

"Everyone, I have some bad news."

Everyone looked at each other.

"I just received a report from the ICAC that Qian Fu is gone!"


Richard couldn't help but ask:

"How did the ICAC know about Qian Fu?"

Yuan Haoyun looked at him strangely:

"Although our relationship with the ICAC is not good, we still need to report the news that needs to be reported."

"We can't investigate Qian Fu's case, but the ICAC can still investigate"

"We just reported a clue - the source of Qian Fu's wealth is unknown, and there is evidence that it is related to Johnny Wang's arms trade - that's all!"

Richard was stunned:

"Did they believe it?"

Yuan Haoyun was even more puzzled:

"Why don't you believe it?"

Richard said with a wry smile:

"I thought your West Kowloon Police Station’s Crime Squad had a bad relationship with the ICAC!"

Shen Yan laughed:

"Are you trying to tell me about me storming into the ICAC building and taking away Commissioner Luo?"

Richard could only laugh dryly.

In his opinion, the ICAC may have a good relationship with any police station, but it is impossible for it to have any intersection with Shen Yan.

Commissioner Luo was taken away by Shen Yan who broke in. Legend has it that Shen Yan not only used his hands, but also used a gun. Do you think the ICAC has no face?

A complete enemy! No matter how tolerant the ICAC is, they will not just laugh it off with Shen Yan, right? Who would have thought that people would get to know each other after fighting!

Richard felt that he didn't know Shen Yan at all. His social skills were many times better than his own!

Yang Jinrong frowned and said:

"Brother Yan, what did the ICAC say?"

Shen Yan shrugged:

"The Chief Investigation Officer of the ICAC led a team to the Security Bureau and wanted to invite Qian Fu back for tea."

"But when I went to the ICAC, I found out that Qian Fu had never gone to work."

"Not only that, his phone was also unreachable."

"The ICAC realized something was wrong"

"When they used technology to monitor the situation, they found that Qian Fu's phone had been turned off since last night."

"But I went to all the places where Qian Fu often went."

"The Security Bureau also confirmed to the ICAC that Qian Fu had no cases in the past two days."


Richard was shocked:

"He ran away?"

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

��That should be it!"

Richard was shocked! It was all thanks to Qian Fu's speed.

If he was a little slower, wouldn't he have surrendered?

If he was arrested by the police, there would still be a chance for him to turn things around.

But it was the ICAC that did it, which was troublesome!

Unless you are Shen Yan, it's better not to confront the ICAC head-on!

Richard was very grateful.

Fortunately, he reminded him in time!

If it weren't for his repeated urging, Qian Fu would definitely not be able to run away.

Qian Fu is a core figure at the top three giants of the Gold Club.

If he was arrested, everyone in the Gold Club would have trouble sleeping.

Richard was really shocked and scared when he suddenly got the news!

Wilde looked at Shen Yan with a very different look:

"Mr. Shen, you have a sharp eye."

Shen Yan waved his hand:

"It's just hindsight!"

"Okay, let’s not talk about anything else."

"Is there anyone in the St. Vadin Hospital background who has any connection with Johnny Wang?"

Yuan Haoyun said with a wry smile:

"According to our investigation, the hub between St. Vadin Hospital and Johnny Wang is Qianfu"

"Now that he has disappeared, all clues are gone."

Shen Yan nodded slightly


Sir Li's residence on the back hill of Taiping Mountain.

Sir Li smiled and held the tea:

"Qian Fu's matter is over."

"The Hong Kong government breathed a sigh of relief"

"Richard did a good job.

Richard was a little confused:

"Sir, I don't understand."

He regarded Sir Li as his teacher, so he asked directly if he didn't understand.

"Qian Fu is an important member of our Gold Club. His successful escape has indeed eliminated a hidden danger for us."

"I don’t understand why the Hong Kong government also breathed a sigh of relief."

Sir Lee chuckled and said:

"You have two happy events and two sad events, how would you report it to others?"

Richard asked puzzled:

"Just report directly, right?"

Sir Li shook his head:

"You won't get any reward."

"If there are two happy events, then report one today and the other tomorrow."

"If it is two sad things, remember to report them together"

"Happy things should be continued"

"It’s enough to feel sad once!

Richard suddenly said:

"Scandal too?"

Sir Lee clapped his hands.

"The garrison bloodbath was a huge scandal"

"If possible, the UK and Hong Kong governments would even want to block the world's media, so that no one can talk about them."

"This is simply impossible."

"What should I do then?

Richard thought for a moment and said:

"Cold treatment!"

Sir Li praised:

"That's right"

"No one discussed it, the lights were on quietly, time passed, the heat died down, and things naturally calmed down."

"If at this time, the police suddenly said that Qian Fu, the deputy director of the Security Bureau, was also involved in the base murder……"

Richard smiled bitterly:

"Qian Fu was not involved in that matter. He and the garrison were both behind-the-scenes bosses of Johnny Wang."

Sir Li laughed and said:

"No, in the eyes of those media, Qian Fu was also involved in the murder."

"This is their style of throwing"

"If you were the Hong Kong government, what would you do?"

Richard thought about it, but he couldn't figure out what to do for a moment.

"Of course I want to cool it down."


"Johnny Wang's case is under investigation"

"The West Kowloon Police Station's Crime Squad is the elite among the elites."

0 ···Request flowers· ····

"Johnny Wang will be arrested sooner or later"

"These two days I have been working with the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Station. Their work is very meticulous."

"Johnny Wang is already a bird in a cage, don't think about escaping"

"I don't think Johnny Wang has any chance of survival. As long as the Crime Unit of West Kowloon Police Station wants to arrest him, Johnny Wang will have no way to escape."

"The West Kowloon Police Station's Crime Squad is now digging into the background of St. Valentine's Hospital."

"They want to know how deeply the hospital's board of directors is connected to Johnny Wang!"

After a moment of silence, Richard continued,

"Once the West Kowloon Police Department's Crime Squad brings Johnny Wang to justice, Qian Fu, the boss behind the scenes, will no longer be able to hide his true identity."


"It's troublesome to handle this coldly."

"But at the same time, arresting Qian Fu first would be even worse, as it would definitely cause an uproar."

Sir Li smiled:

"Now that Qian Fu has run away, we are all relieved."

Richard's eyes lit up:

"It’s true!"

"The Hong Kong government does not need to worry about the arrest of Qian Fu causing enough bad influence"

"Qian Fu ran away?"

"Who said he ran away?"

"Maybe he went on a secret mission!"

Sir Li clapped his hands and said:

"That's it!"

"Qian Fu is a smart man. He knows that as long as he stays out of the public eye, his family will be fine."

"Even if Johnny Wang gave out Qian Fu, so what?"

"The Hong Kong government and police will suppress this news."

"They don't allow anyone to mention the garrison bloodbath anymore"

...... 0...

"Everyone is happy."

Richard was full of admiration:

"You are really clear-sighted."

An idea suddenly occurred to him.

Was he really the only one who persuaded Qian Fu to leave yesterday?

Was there anyone else?

It seemed that the Hong Kong government also had reasons to reveal it.

This idea took root in his mind like a weed and could not be shaken off!

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was!

Richard sighed:

"Qian Fu's departure has left the Golden Club without a great player."

Sir Li shrugged:

"Life is like a bus with no end"

"People get on or off the bus at every stop."

"It's normal to come and go."

His face was calm.

Richard was particularly impressed.

Sir Lee smiled and said:

"Why, do you want to recommend me new members of the Gold Club?"

Richard thought for a moment.

"Sir, what do you think of Chief Inspector Shen Yan of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department?"

"If he could join the Golden Club, he would definitely become the second leader after you."

Sir Li looked at him in astonishment:

"Shen Yan?"

Richard said seriously:

"We need the police force after all."

"Given Shen Yan's age and his talent, he definitely has a chance to become the top boss in the future, or even above the Security Bureau."

Sir Li was speechless:

"Do you know Shen Yan's specific information?"

Richard was about to speak,

"I don't want the public and common stuff, I want the most detailed information."

Richard immediately shook his head and apologized sincerely.

"Sir, I was too careless.

Sir Li smiled bitterly and said:

"If you can get him into the Gold Club, what does it matter if I give up my position now?"

"Our gold club leaders value silver paper"

"As long as I can lead everyone to get rich, what else is there to say?"

Richard was stunned:

"Sir, is there something I don't know?

Sir Lee sighed:

"In the whole of Hong Kong, anyone you pull in, even the Governor of Hong Kong, may be able to join our Golden Club."

"Only Shen Yan, you can't pull it!"

Richard said in surprise:


Sir Lee asked:

"Do you know who is the richest man in Hong Kong?"

Richard said blankly:

"Of course it's Li Bancheng!"

Sir Li sneered:

"Li Bancheng? No, there is no Li Bancheng now!"

"The richest man has already been replaced."

Richard gasped:

"Change of person?"


"Are those media blind?"

Sir Li said calmly:

"Someone blocked the message."

"Let me tell you, the richest man now is named Shen!"

Richard started thinking frantically:

"The surname is Shen? Mr. Shen from HSBC?"

"That definitely isn’t the case, right?"

"And that rich man's surname is Shen?"

Sir Li shook his head.

"Shen Yan's Shen Sir.

Richard suddenly looked at Sir Li:

" are not kidding?"

"The current richest man is Shen Yan?"

"I work with the richest man every day?" Bu.

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