Chapter 153 Johnny Wang had to die; the fallen hero

"" We just caught Johnny Wang so easily?"

Richard asked Wilde dully, and the latter was also confused.

This was Johnny Wang, the Johnny Wang who slaughtered the garrison base.

He was caught so easily?

In their opinion, shouldn't they lose a number of police officers and fight with the Johnny Wang Group before they can catch him?

Why is it so easy?

Richard and Wilde couldn't figure it out at all.

Yuan Haoyun couldn't figure it out either.

He scratched his head, this was completely different from what he imagined.

Shouldn't Johnny Wang be slaughtered after a hail of bullets?

What is it now?

He was caught so easily?

Shen Yan looked at them strangely:

"It's just a simple trap!"

"Look at you all."

He shook his head. He was very disapproving.

"It's just a deliberate plan, nothing surprising"

"We are the police, not the robbers."

"We must learn to use our brains"

"Although shooting is fun, it may cause accidental injuries to innocent people and may also result in casualties."

"Don't shoot when you can avoid it."

"Once you fire a gun, don't remember the knowledge taught in the police academy."

Richard couldn't help but ask:

"Knowledge taught in the police academy?"

Yang Jinrong pushed up his glasses and said:

"When the instructors taught us to shoot, they said"

"We are the police. Once we open fire, the most important thing is to shoot the legs first. This will make it easier to catch the criminal."

"If there is no good opportunity to shoot, don't shoot at the head, heart or other fatal parts.

Richard was speechless.

Shen Yan was very serious:

"Let the bullshit orders go to hell"

"Once you are shooting at someone, you must first protect yourself and aim at the vital points!"

"Otherwise, it would be irresponsible for one's own life!"

Everyone responded in unison.

Shen Yan said to Richard:

"Superintendent Richard, once we have completed the procedures here, you can take Johnny Wang and Xiao Han away."

Richard looked at Shen Yan with a complicated expression:

"Thank you Sir!"

He was afraid!

It was too easy for the West Kowloon Police Department's Serious Crime Unit to arrest Johnny Wang.

Shen Yan ordered Yuan Haoyun:

"You take Team B to take out the base of St. Valentine Hospital."

"Let Team C and Richard interrogate these two people."

The two naturally agreed.

Richard raised his hand and said:

"Sir, can I tell my brother the good news?"

Shen Yan nodded and agreed:

"Richard, I suggest you report back tomorrow morning."

"It's half past two now."

"Are you sure that Brother Yi won't scold you when he receives the news?"

Richard choked to death. It was indeed because he was too eager for quick success and was not thoughtful enough.

Shen Yan clapped his hands and said:

""Do it!"

So the detectives of the West Kowloon Police Station's Major Crime Unit worked overtime tonight.

What surprised Richard was that they took down the base without even alerting the hospital.

Shen Yan used Johnny Wang and Xiao Han's phone to call the people at Johnny Wang's base, and directly tricked everyone into the basement and captured them!

Wilde whispered to Richard,

"Sir, let's agree on a secret code."

Richard said puzzledly:

"What's the code?"

Wilde said with a wry smile:

"From now on I won’t dare to believe whether the person on the other end of the phone is a real person!"

"Johnny Wang's horrible home ended up being ruined by two fake phone calls"

"How can it not be surprising?"

Richard comforted:

"Apart from Mr. Shen, I have not seen anyone else with such a miraculous ability."

"There is no need to be afraid."

Wilde was about to say something but stopped.

But then Richard got scared!

Johnny Wang was very cooperative and he explained one thing:

"Qian Fu told me that there is a huge force behind him"

"This force is composed of elites from all walks of life."

"They not only have huge wealth, but also have abilities in all aspects.々々 "

"As long as I behave well, I can enter."

Johnny Wang looked at Richard with a smile.

Richard was in a state of panic.

He was afraid that Johnny Wang would give him away.

However, Johnny Wang just smiled and said nothing.

He blinked at him before leaving.

Richard was almost scared to death!

He understood what this guy meant - help me!

Richard tried his best to calm himself down.

It seemed that he needed to do something!

The next morning, Richard reported the arrest of Johnny Wang to Huang Bingyao and Yi Ge.

The two bosses were very happy.

Huang Bingyao came over to take a look and confirmed that the interrogation was over. He simply signed and asked Richard to take him back to the Political Department.

He patted Shen Yan on the shoulder and said:

"Ah Yan, good job."

"You guys definitely deserve the credit for this time."

Shen Yan shrugged.

"It's good if you have any merits, but if you don't have any merits... we won't force you to do anything, just don't cause trouble."

Mr. Huang quickly comforted him:

"Ah Yan, there is no way around it."

"You know, I handed Johnny Wang over to the Political Department early on."

"If it wasn't in our jurisdiction, we might not be allowed to take over the interrogation."

Shen Yan thought, what does this have to do with anything?

He thought for a moment, then whispered:

"Can Johnny Wang return to the Political Department alive?"

Boss Huang was suddenly shocked:

"He has an accomplice?"

Shen Yan was stunned:

"Why do you think so?"

Mr. Huang didn't think it was strange:

"Otherwise, how could he not return to the Political Department?"

Shen Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head, pulling Mr. Huang back to his office, and then said:

"Boss, do you think the gay community will let Johnny Wang stand trial?"

Boss Huang said puzzledly:

"Why not?"

Shen Yan said calmly:

"The bloody incident of the garrison troops has attracted worldwide attention"

"I think everyone outside wants a normal trial."

Mr. Huang���Slightly wrinkled head:

"Yes, isn't this a good opportunity to boost the morale of the citizens?"

Shen Yan spread his hands:

"The citizens outside don’t know the cause of the bloody incident involving the garrison troops, but how could we not know?"

"Do we have to ask Johnny Wang to reveal his dealings with the garrison base and Qian Fu in the courtroom?"

Boss Huang was startled again, and then he said in surprise:

"The Sixth Department does not allow them to appear in court?"

"In other words... they can't get to the Political Department?"

"Death is inevitable?"

Shen Yan nodded slightly:


Mr. Huang laughed and turned away.

The British country is so damn dirty!

Shen Yan looked at Mr. Huang and thought,

"Johnny Wang was personally approached by Richard to join the Gold Club."

"Even without the order from the Sixth Bureau, Richard would not have spared him."

"He's dead!"

On the other side, Johnny Wang laughed wildly:

"The police never imagined that we are good friends!"

"Superintendent Richard, thank you very much!"

Richard said lightly:

"If I knew you were involved in such a big thing, I would never want to pull you into the Gold Club."

Johnny Wang disagreed:

"This is fate!"

Richard agreed:

"This is indeed fate."

"Wilde, if you don't press me, you'll dirty my car."

Johnny Wang was confused about what this meant.


A bloody hole appeared on the forehead of both him and Xiaohan!


"The garrison murder case was solved, and Johnny Wang was brought to justice!"

Song Zijie pouted.

"What about Johnny Wang being executed?"

"It was obvious that he was killed by Richard from the Political Department!"

"The corrupt Chinese people really don't want the inside story of the bloody case to be made public"

"Richard really got the credit for nothing."

"This is clearly the work of Brother Yan and his team from the West Kowloon Police Station’s Serious Crime Unit!"

"However, Brother Yan didn’t lose out either!"

"A police superintendent who is less than 30 years old... a monster!"

Song Zijie knew Shen Yan was powerful.

He knew it when he was in Wong Chuk Hang.

He had never seen any guy who could get along well with students in the same class.

Well, not all of them.

Shen Yan couldn't get along well with some people.

However, the few who were exposed now were all undercovers sent by Han Chen.


Johnny Wang has been executed for a week.

The UK and Hong Kong reported it one after another.

The headlines in the newspapers were different.

After Richard killed Johnny Wang, he reported to the police that Johnny Wang and Xiaohan were both They actually tried to jump out of the car and run away, so he and Wilde had to shoot and kill the two.

Ordinarily, this was a mistake.

However, Big Brother praised his actions, and even promoted his rank of Senior Superintendent to Chief Superintendent.

Wilde also benefited from it and became Senior Superintendent.

The Sixth Bureau secretly sent a commendation order, praising him for his good work.

Johnny Wang's death really made the British and Hong Kong countries breathe a sigh of relief.

The West Kowloon Police Department's Serious Crime Unit also won great merit.

Shen Yan was promoted one level, from Chief Inspector to Superintendent, which completely established his position as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the West Kowloon Police Department.���title.

All members of Group B were rewarded.

But to advance... that's impossible.

After all, they are not Shen Yan.

Song Zijie really wants to make Shen Yan happy.

In school, he was blinded by hatred, and he didn't get along well with his classmates.

Only Shen Yan and Yang Jinrong would chat with him.

Song Zijie was originally a handsome guy, but because of things at home, he became a little depressed, and even his beautiful girlfriend couldn't make him smile easily. He was only happy when he communicated with Shen Yan and the others.

After a year of getting along, Shen Yan actually knocked out most of Song Zijie's depression, which made Song Zijie's girlfriend personally grateful.

But Shen Yan also made it clear that Song Zijie had a heart disease, and he would never be able to return to his cheerful self until the knot in his heart was untied.

More than two years passed like this until the two met again.

"Xiao Ma, Li Mark?"

Song Zijie, holding a cigarette in his mouth, drove to the outside of a disco, and stared at the parking boy in a daze.

The boy was middle-aged, with a scraggly beard and a lame leg.

Song Zijie stared at him blankly. If Shen Yan hadn't mentioned it, he really wouldn't have thought that the parking boy in front of him was his benefactor. He was indeed a benefactor.

When Song Zijie was admitted to the police academy, he told his brother.

His brother blessed him with shock and joy.

His brother had something to do in Yiwan, and told him to support the family in the future.

His father was shot and killed in front of him, and the reason was actually his brother's underworld enemy!

The brother he admired since childhood turned out to be a gangster boss!!

What's more, What made Song Zijie want to cry but not cry was that his dad’s last words before he died were to ask him to forgive his eldest brother!

How is this possible?!

He would never forgive him.

If he hadn’t been in gangs, would his dad have been shot?

What about not letting the family suffer? Bullshit!

These people are inhumane.

Originally, his eldest brother Song Zihao was his idol.

Whenever he was mentioned, Song Zijie would laugh heartily.

After his father died, Song Zijie never laughed like that again.

Even the mention of his eldest brother’s name and identity would make him furious.

Fortunately, he met Shen Yan and Yang Jinrong, otherwise Song Zijie would never be able to get out of the cell he set for himself.

But even if In this case, he will not forgive his brother.


Where is the brother?

There is only that person!

If there is a chance, he must go back to Yiwan and kill his enemy!

Let him be punished by law.

This is what Song Zijie must say in his heart every time he goes to his father's grave. It was not until he met Shen Yan that he realized that all the words he said in front of his father had been fulfilled!

The person who killed the enemy is the current Li Mark.

He also has another name, Xiao Ma!

Regarding his enemies, Song Zijie immediately flew to Yiwan and spent some time to check the Fenglin Pavilion archives of that year.

Just one glance, and his pupils shrank sharply.

That day, Yiwan The Plum Blossom Gang, one of the three major gangs, held a banquet at the Maple Forest Pavilion.

Xiao Ma went straight into the Maple Forest Pavilion alone.

With two guns in (Li Li's) hands, he wrote a song praising the killer.

He slaughtered all the high-ranking members of the Plum Blossom Gang who set up Song Zihao by himself! If he had not been careless after killing everyone, he would not have been bitten by a seriously injured Plum Blossom Gang cadre.

Even so, he escaped easily.

Song Zijie's mood was complicated. It was his obsession to catch his enemies with his own hands and let them be severely punished by the law.

He never expected that this obsession had been fulfilled by someone long ago.

Song Zijie looked down on the short mules who were mixed in the society.

Those guys..."` 々The word"loyalty" is always on one's lips, but how many people can actually do it?

It's just to gain reputation in the name of"loyalty"!

No one expected that Xiao Ma was really loyal.

When he learned about Song Zihao's situation, he didn't say anything and directly avenged Song Zihao alone.

Even though he became lame after the revenge, he didn't say anything.

He didn't show off, nor did he ask for a favor.

It was as if this was what he should do.

There was such a person in the society.

Song Zijie couldn't believe it for a while!

However, there was a fire in his heart, that was the hatred of iron not steel:

"You are so loyal, why don't you be a policeman?"

"Why are you in a club?"

Song Zijie just stared at Xiao Ma blankly.

His mind was full of thoughts.

He didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't know what he wanted to do.

After a long time, he came to his senses.

"I should say thank you to him!"

Song Zijie was about to get off the car when his pupils suddenly shrank.

His benefactor, the chivalrous Xiao Ma, was thrown a handful of silver paper in the face by a man in black:

"You dead cripple, these are for you."

The man in black laughed wildly, and with the flattery of"Brother Cheng", he got on his Mercedes and drove away.

Xiao Ma picked up the silver paper discarded by the man in black one by one with an expressionless face.

Song Zijie suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

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