Chapter 165 A sudden gunfight

Li Jie sent Long Wei back and drove back to the Long Family Squad.

Passing a red light, he stopped and waited.

A guy driving a sports car next to him was on the phone. Li Jie had no intention of eavesdropping on the conversation, so he turned his head.

Suddenly, he heard the man say:

"People must rely on themselves!"


Li Jie was shocked.

The memories sealed in his heart suddenly awakened.

Five years ago, he was not a member of the Cheng family team. He was a bomb disposal expert.

However, one day, he suddenly received an alarm while working and had to go to the crime scene to dismantle a bomb.

Who would have thought that it was his wife and son who were trapped in the car bomb.

Later, he learned that the elementary school where his son was studying was hijacked by gangsters led by a"doctor".

The other party used the children to demand a ransom.

It was thought that they would release the people after getting the ransom, but who would have thought that these guys were so vicious that they took the money and didn't let them go.

The other children were fine, but his wife and son were trapped in the car.

Li Jie is an outstanding A bomb disposal expert.

He has dismantled countless bombs.

He has dismantled all kinds of bombs.

When it comes to making a decision, he has never hesitated.

But at that time, he hesitated!


The car exploded!

Li Jie watched his beloved wife and son die in the sea of fire.

From then on, he resigned and left the place that made him sad, and settled in the Long Family Class.

This is not an escape.

His job is a bomb disposal expert, and he must stay at his post at all times.

This conflicts with his idea of tracking down criminals all the time.

He has never forgotten to track down the doctor and his gang.

He doesn't know what the doctor's real name is.

He also doesn't know what the doctor's real face looks like.

The only thing Li Jie remembers is one sentence:

"People must rely on themselves!"

He will remember this sentence for the rest of his life!

However, he just heard that voice and that sentence again.

Li Jie was slightly dazed and looked over hurriedly. Where was there anyone at this time?

He secretly hated himself for not looking twice more.

Li Jie followed the direction of the car and unexpectedly came to the Jinlong Building!

He hurriedly said to the security guard of the Jinlong Building:

"I am Long Wei's bodyguard. Just now, a brutal criminal named Doctor entered the Jinlong Building.

The security guard at the door politely declined:

"Sir, are you mistaken?"

"The guests we invited are all real names, all of them are celebrities in Hong Kong."

The security guard was polite on the surface, but in fact he thought Li Jie was a liar.

Who in Hong Kong doesn't know the superstar Long Wei?

Who doesn't know that Long Wei never used a stunt double when he jumped off a building in a kung fu movie?

And Long Wei's bodyguard?

Is Li Jie protecting Long Wei or the other way around?

It's funny!

However, his good professional ethics made him not laugh at others.

Otherwise, he would lose his job. Li Jie was anxious and helpless. When he was anxious, someone suddenly asked:

""Sir, what do you want?"

It was Shen Yan.

Shen Yan was brought here by Inspector Chen.

After Inspector Chen received Shen Yan's warning, he quickly sent someone to take charge.

But after much investigation, he could not find any clues.

Inspector Chen simply invited Shen Yan to the banquet.

Li Jie immediately told the story.

Inspector Chen was shocked:

"Are there really gangsters?"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"When did I lie to you?"

"Call for help!"

Superintendent Chen was stunned:

"Are you calling for help now?"

Shen Yan asked puzzledly:

"If you don’t call for help now, when will you call for help?"

Superintendent Chen frowned and said:

"Shouldn't we shout when we see the robbers?"

Shen Yan was speechless:

"Bro, you are the deputy commander of the Hong Kong Island Department."

"Are you going to shoot at the bandits?"

Shen Yan introduced to Li Jie:

"This is Senior Inspector Chen Xinjian of the Hong Kong Island Crime Squad. I am Superintendent Shen Yan of the Crime Squad of the West Kowloon Police Headquarters."

"Sir, what did you do before?"

Li Jie was very nagging and told his past experiences.

Shen Yan looked towards the hall and shook his head slightly:

"Brother, call someone!"

"Ajie and I will kill the guy in the hall first."

Superintendent Chen was a little confused:

"What do you mean?"

Shen Yan casually took out two pistols and threw one to Li Jie:

"Can't you see?"

"The people in the hall are not security personnel, they are gangsters!"

Superintendent Chen was shocked and hurried downstairs to call for help.

Shen Yan asked Li Jie:

"In the days of being in the Long Family Class, have you ever forgotten to shoot?"

Li Jie immediately replied:

"Until I catch the doctor, I won't relax."

"In the Long Family Class, I am training my muscles"

"Sir Shen, how do you know that the people in the hall are gangsters?"

Shen Yan said calmly:

"I just saw their eyes, they were very fierce"

"Besides, I have a good nose, I smelled blood... It's human!"

Li Jie's pupils shrank.

Shen Yan said calmly:

"You are a policeman, you know where to hit them, right?"

Li Jie nodded:

"I know, hit their limbs."

Shen Yan was quite disappointed:


"They are armed gangsters, if they want to fight, they must hit the vital parts."

"Head or heart"

"Limbs are a last resort"

"Since this is a gang of violent criminals, what else can we say?"

Li Jie nodded fiercely:

"Got it, sir!"

Shen Yan made a gesture, three, two, one!

The two rushed in together.

One of the gangsters just shouted:

"Who is it?"

Shen Yan's gun went off.


The gangster who was speaking was shot in the middle of his eyebrows and fell to the ground.

This was like attracting a hornet's nest.

The gangsters on the first floor drew their guns and rushed out.




Shen Yan shot at the target calmly, one kid at a time.

Li Jie had a completely different style.

Bang bang bang bang! He would never aim at other people until the magazine was empty.

Shen Yan killed eight people before he killed one.

Shen Yan ignored Li Jie.

He understood Li Jie's feelings very well.

The other party had been tracking down the doctor's criminal gang for five years. Once they found them, they would definitely kill them.

Anyway, the criminals in the doctor's criminal gang were full of evil, so of course they deserved to be killed!

The two of them fired in the hall.

Superintendent Chen was shocked and called Mr. Luo of the Hong Kong Island General Administration directly.】

"Sir Chen, are you kidding?"

"I made arrangements immediately after I received your warning."

"Mike in military uniform told me that the Golden Dragon Hotel has not been open for business and there is no one there.……"

Chen Xinjian said unhappily:"Boss, listen carefully to the sounds around me, you can always tell the sound of gunfire, right?"

"I'm in the Golden Dragon Building"

"Forget Mike, there's not even a patrolman."

"Boss, there are a lot of people coming and going. I think some citizens will call the police soon."

"Maybe the reporters will arrive soon."

"If they come first……"

Mr. Luo yelled:

"I'll arrange it right away!"


The gunshots in the hall stopped.

Superintendent Chen quickly checked with his gun, and saw that Shen Yan and Li Jie had dealt with all the people.

He ran in:

"How is it?"

Li Jie was particularly impressed:

"Sir Shen is so awesome!"

"He killed 18 of the more than 20 terrorists!"

Shen Yan knew what Superintendent Chen was worried about, so he stepped forward and pushed open the screen:


Superintendent Chen's pupils suddenly shrank - there were corpses everywhere.

These people were waiters and security guards.

The security guard who was talking to the three people at the door and survived was terrified.

Fortunately, he met Li Jie and answered Li Jie's words kindly. Otherwise

, wouldn't it be the end?

I really can't imagine it.

Superintendent Chen breathed a sigh of relief:

"Let's go up."

Shen Yan shook his head:

"We are in big trouble!"

Superintendent Chen was puzzled:

"Isn't the problem solved?"

Shen Yan pointed at the camera above, and the camera stared straight at them.

"The doctor gang has taken control of the monitoring room of the entire building."

"Security, is your monitoring room above ground or underground?"

The security guard quickly replied:

"In the basement garage."

Shen Yan sighed:

"That's a problem. I bet the door to the basement is blocked."

"If you don't believe me, when the Flying Tigers arrive, you can ask them to go and have a look."

Superintendent Chen smiled bitterly.

"You are a detective, you are always right"

"That must be the case.

He felt quite embarrassed.

"Doesn't that mean that they can see everything we do in this building?"

Shen Yan shrugged.

"It's very simple, just destroy one when you see one."

"If so, it's hide and seek."

"I don't recommend doing that."

Superintendent Chen asked:


Shen Yan shrugged:

"We are the police!"

"We want to ensure the safety of all personnel"


At the same time, we must ensure that all criminals are captured.

"But, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, what should we do?"

Shen Yan was confident:

"Don't worry, I don't think the doctor will be able to do it so quickly."

Li Jie couldn't help but said:

"Sir Shen, why do you make such a judgment?"

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Shen Yan asked back:

"If you can succeed quickly, do you need to bring so many people to seal off the basement, or even arrange so many waiters to pass off fake goods as real ones?"

Li Jie shook his head.

"Wouldn't that leave enough loopholes for people to catch?"


Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"Like robbers robbing a gold shop"

"Except for some brainless gangsters"

"The guy who robbed the gold shop would definitely scout the place again."

"They also need to know what officers are patrolling."

"They must know how long it will take to fully rob, and at the same time, the traffic conditions on the road and the preparations for the evacuation vehicles must be well prepared."

Superintendent Chen was stunned:

"Mr. Shen, are we thinking that doctors are too smart?"

"Your well-planned robbery method,"

"Even I can't think of it."

Shen Yan's expression was very serious:

"Caution is a must!"

"Doctors don't just appear on the first day."

"As far as I know, the doctor criminal gang has committed countless crimes over the years."

"He was able to get away with it for so long, is it because our colleagues are not dedicated enough?"

Superintendent Chen shook his head decisively.

Shen Yan raised his finger:

"The answer is obvious"

"The doctors are very organized and they don't reveal anything."

"Their plans are very practical and have strong execution capabilities."

"Sir Chen, I need detailed information about the exhibition hall on the top floor."

Superintendent Chen said immediately:

"Don't worry, I'll get it for you soon."

Li Jie said with a wry smile:

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"Mr. Shen, if it were you who was in charge of solving the doctor's case five years ago, it would have been great."

Shen Yan sighed:

"Five years ago, I wasn’t even a policeman.

Li Jie was stunned:

"Aren't you the superintendent of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Department?"

Shen Yan nodded:

"Yes, it is true."

"However, I started working three years ago.

Li Jie was speechless:

"Are you... kidding me?"

You were promoted to superintendent in just three years. You must be kidding me!"

Superintendent Chen patted Li Jie on the shoulder:

"Ah Yan is right."

"Why do you think he was promoted to superintendent in three years?"

"Of course, it is through outstanding achievements!"

"With Ah Yan here, the doctor can't run away!"

Soon, the sirens sounded.

The head of the Hong Kong Island General Administration suddenly rushed in:

"Chen Xinjian, what's going on?"

Inspector Chen explained the situation and pointed out the dead body to him. Without saying anything,

Chief Luo asked the Flying Tigers to check the underground garage, and soon got a response - the door of the underground garage was blocked.

The expressions of all the police officers were not good.

The most basic common sense is that the door of the underground garage will basically not be locked except for some natural disasters.

Even if it is to be locked, it must be locked after the entire building is closed.

But how can it be locked at this time?

Chief Luo cursed the uniformed police superintendent Mike in his heart.

Fortunately, Chief Chen is here, otherwise, the Hong Kong Island General Office will be waiting for the headlines tomorrow!

Chief Luo asked:

"What should I do?"

Chen Xinjian thought:

"You are the commander-in-chief on the scene, why are you asking me?"

He naturally turned his gaze to Shen Yan.

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"Mr. Luo, I am enforcing the law here, so I am not crossing the line, right?"

Mr. Luo immediately said:

"Of course not!"

Other police officers in the Hong Kong Police Department may not know Shen Yan, but this does not include Mr. Luo.

Mr. Luo is also one of the local faction, so he naturally knows who the leader of the local faction is.

What's more, he also has a certain amount of money in the Stock God Fund, so he naturally has to give Shen Yan the greatest respect.

Shen Yan clapped his hands and said:

"Don't worry, the doctor gang won't succeed anytime soon."

"Otherwise, they wouldn't have deployed such a large force."

"As long as we block the ground and the garage, no matter how they mess around, they will ask us to negotiate."

Boss Luo was startled:


Shen Yan nodded slightly:


"The Tsar Jewelry Exhibition attracted 100 of Hong Kong's top celebrities"

"Among them were two pairs of foreign ministers"

"If the doctor wants to escape, he will definitely take them as hostages."

"Then the boss can come up with an excuse to delay."

Boss Luo was surprised:

"Mr. Shen, do you want……?"

Shen Yan stretched out his arms and said:

"Me, I want to go up and take a look!"

He showed an inexplicable smile.

"When I was in the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Station, all the cases were solved by my colleagues, and I had no chance to take action myself."

"Now that I finally got the chance, please don't stop me!"

"Ajie, let's go up and meet this doctor!"

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