Chapter 169: The God was a little confused: The election is out of my control?

The so-called love at first sight is nothing but lust.

This sentence is actually correct.

You have only met once, and you have developed love for someone... bullshit!

At most, you have a good impression, like, or lust for someone's body.

The so-called love over time is nothing but weighing the pros and cons.

This is bullshit.

If love can be thought of rationally, is it still called love?

The unfortunate thing is that weighing the pros and cons is all thought of rationally, and the result of thinking is just making do.

Love, there is no such thing.

It must take time for two people to develop real feelings.

Otherwise, such a thing is impossible.

Shen Yan and Le Huizhen fell in love at first sight.

You lust for my body, I lust for your body, it can be said that it is a two-way rush.

On the way back, the two were already holding hands.

Li Jie was stunned. He didn't expect the two to progress so quickly.

It was obviously the first time they met, and it had already reached this point.

Shen Yan took them to the Stock God Fund.

By the way, I found Chen Taotao:

"Taotao, this is the bodyguard I recruited for our foundation"

"He lived and ate with the foundation."

"You arrange a house for him in Repulse Bay, and give him a monthly salary starting from 100,000 yuan."

Li Jie said hurriedly:

"Sir Shen...Brother Yan, you don't need so much."

Shen Yan patted his shoulder.

"I won't treat my brothers unfairly."

Qian Taotao will naturally make arrangements.

Shen Yan called Luo Zhiming again:

"Ah Luo, I hired a bodyguard for the Gushen Fund. Please arrange a security bond and gun license for him through the Xinliansheng channel."

"In addition, your security company can ask him to give you some guidance."

"This great man is Li Jie. He used to be a special police officer and a well-known bomb disposal expert in the police force.

Shen Yan gave Li Jie his phone number and handed him a check.

"Brother Jie, you can work here without any worries."

"If there is anything that is not going well, tell me."

Li Jie thought for a moment and said:

"I have to go back and say goodbye to Long Wei"

"I tracked down the doctor, and it was Long Wei's father who took me in."

"Now that I have changed jobs, I have to tell them about it."

Shen Yan nodded slightly:

"That's true."

Chen Taotao said:

"I will arrange a car for you right away."

Why would he need to arrange it?

Xin Liansheng's bodyguards were naturally arranged.

Chen Taotao looked at Le Huizhen 967 and asked with a smile:

"Brother Yan, is this my sister-in-law?"

Shen Yan smiled and said:

"This is Le Huizhen, she is a journalist by profession and my girlfriend by now."

Chen Taotao said quickly:

"Sister-in-law, I am Chen Taotao.

He said to Shen Yan,

"Tingting used to work as a reporter, but I hired her as my assistant."

"I think they have something in common."

Le Huizhen hadn't said anything until Shen Yan introduced her. Then she was surprised and said:

"Ah Yan, you still have this method?"

Shen Yan was puzzled:

"What way?"

Le Huizhen was quite excited:

"The God of Stock Fund!"

"I work in the media industry, and now everyone in the industry is going crazy, trying to find ways to buy some quotas from the Stock God Fund, but unfortunately these ways are controlled by others."

Shen Yan asked in astonishment:

"Our route has been controlled by someone?"

Chen Taotao was confused:


Le Huizhen shouted:

"How not?"

"Uncle Six can't buy shares of the Stock God Fund"

"It is said that there is no way!"

Shen Yan and Chen Taotao looked at each other and laughed.

Le Huizhen said curiously:

"Did I say something wrong?"

Chen Taotao explained:

"Our stock god fund has a rule that it is a private placement."

"Basically, it's all divided up."

"Brother Yan stipulated the shares, and we raised enough money, so we didn't sell any at all."

Le Huizhen found the key point:

"What does this magical fund have to do with Ah Yan?"

Chen Taotao held back his laughter:

"Sister-in-law, the Stock God Fund was founded by Brother Yan."

Le Huizhen covered her mouth in surprise:


"A Yan, you also created the Stock God Fund?"

"Isn't it said that the Stock God Fund was created by the Stock God?"

Shen Yan shrugged:

"It seems that others also call me the stock god."


Le Huizhen looked at him in disbelief.

Chen Taotao immediately said:

"Sister-in-law, I just work for Brother Yan"

"By the way, I will learn from Brother Yan."

Le Huizhen was surprised:

"My vision……"

She thought to herself,

I just coveted your body, but I didn't expect to catch a rich husband?

Shen Yan smiled and ordered:

"Taotao, give her a credit line"

"Just two million."

Le Huizhen said quickly:"No need, haven't you made all the plans?"

Shen Yan waved his hand slightly:

"These rules are for outsiders, they don't apply to us."

"That's all."

Shen Yan said again:

"Give Ah Zhen another million yuan"

"Let her do the favor later."

Chen Taotao was about to agree when Le Huizhen suddenly jumped up:


"This kind of favor quota cannot be opened"

"We can't let others take advantage of our family."

Le Huizhen was like a kitten protecting its food, baring its teeth and claws.

Shen Yan David was satisfied with Le Huizhen's attitude.

She could distinguish what was hers and what was someone else's.

Very good!

Shen Yan gently stroked her back and said:

"If you want to work, you will inevitably have to interact with others."

"We don't lack anything"

"Whatever makes you happy"

"Why not spend some money to settle something?"

"The most important thing is that we don't give them money, but they give us money."

"Selling favors and making money"

"How great!"

Le Huizhen was confused by Shen Yan's words. It seemed that something was wrong.

It took her a long time to react and she quickly said:

"That's not what I said."

"There is a huge threshold to be able to purchase the amount of the stock god fund"

"This represents your recognition of others."

"This two million yuan amount represents the approval of the stock god."

She asked cautiously,

"Who bought all the quotas of the Stock God Fund?"

Chen Taotao said with a smile:

"Below the Governor, there are the three departments and thirteen bureaus, the police, and the merchants we cooperate with."


Le Huizhen sighed:

"This is too expensive!"

Shen Yan said with a smile.

"I have to go back to work, you can play here for a while, I will pick you up later."

Le Huizhen said quickly:

"You go ahead and do your work!"

Shen Yan waved goodbye. As soon as he arrived at the office, Yang Jinrong came up to him:

"Brother Yan, Ah Xiang sent me a message that the election with Xingsheng will begin soon.

Shen Yan shrugged:

"and the flourishing ancestral temples in the New Territories"

"I'll say hello to Mr. Lu, and let Xingsheng have a good meeting."

Yang Jinrong said with a smile:

"I heard from Axiang that Han Bin has solved the problem.

Shen Yan nodded with satisfaction:

"I like those who love doing business. As for Han Bin, I can talk to him."


New Territory and Xingsheng Family Temple.

The biennial election is currently underway.

The gods led everyone to worship solemnly.

First came the three elder gods, Bai Tou Weng, and Gao Lao Zhong.

Then came the three big bottoms Han Bin, Huo Shi, and Ah B.

Following closely were the younger generation, Chen Fengxiang, Pangolin, and others.

There was a full sense of ritual.

Chen Fengxiang's worship was quite magical.

If he hadn't met his classmates, today would have been the day he would return to the police force.

However, Shen Yan told him about Luo Zhiming, which quickly shook Chen Fengxiang.

Before this, he believed that the society was inexhaustible.

What's the point of letting a boss go to jail?

Are there other bosses!

The society is like a weed, a fire is lit, and it looks like it has been burned clean.

What about the second year?

Wildfires cannot be extinguished, and spring breeze blows and grows again!

He never thought that the society could really be completely clean.

Then he heard about Luo Zhiming and New Liansheng.

Chen Fengxiang was stunned!

Can this still be done?

Luo Zhiming took New Liansheng to clean up.

A full 50,000 gangsters became decent workers.

That's 50,000 people!

The number of gangsters in Hong Kong has been reduced by more than one tenth.

If it happens a few more times, who dares to say that the gangs can't be completely eliminated?

It will definitely be possible!

"God Guan bless me and let me take the lead in Hexingsheng. I want to reorganize Hexingsheng like Luo did!"

Chen Fengxiang prayed silently.

Luo Zhiming's operation opened a new door for Chen Fengxiang.

It made him more determined to be an undercover agent.

After the incense was finished, everyone sat down.

The god said on the high platform:

"May Guan Erye bless you all,"

"During the two years I have been in charge, the weather has been good and there have been no disasters."

"Today is the day to elect a speaker."

"We have three outstanding fellow students"

"But I heard that Ah B is not running for election?"

Ah B, with a fierce face, looks very much like Hongxing's Big B, but his words are much gentler:

"God, family members know their own business."

"The prince and the fire shit, neither of them can compare to me"

"I withdraw"

"However, no matter who is elected, I will definitely support him 100%."

Shen Ye nodded solemnly:

"A harmonious family brings prosperity"

"Ah B is now aware of this!"

Huoshi sighed.

"Ah B, are you so useless? Just choose what you should choose.

Ah B has a good temper:

"Do our family members know our own business? I don't have the ability to be the boss."

"I will applaud you from behind."

Shen Ye smiled.

He liked it best when the two sides disagreed.

If the two sides were united, it would be troublesome.

No matter who was the boss of Hexingsheng, everyone in the martial arts world knew that there was only one person in charge of Hexingsheng, and that was Shen Ye!


Didn't Bai Tou Weng and Gao Lao Zhong both serve as the boss?


With the strength of Bai Tou Weng and Gao Lao Zhong, if Shen Ye hadn't pushed them from behind, would they be able to take the position of the boss?

It's impossible!

Shen Ye smiled and said:

"Actually, what Ah B said is not wrong."

"In the past few days, the prince and Huoshi have taken over a lot of Zhongqing Society's territory."

"It adds power to us and our prosperity"

"This year, no one is more outstanding than you two."

"Well, let's not waste time."

"Let's start canvassing for votes now?"

Huoshi immediately raised his hand.

The God was very pleased with Huoshi's actions:

"Huoshit comes first."

The God really likes this kind of young man.

He is so easy to control!

Think about it, this guy has been fighting hard in the martial arts world for a false name. He is in his forties or fifties, and he should be an uncle. But

Huoshit is still fighting on the front line.

Is there anyone better than him?

The God has made a plan. This term, Huoshit will be the boss, and the next term will be Han Bin.

This way, he will have two more loyal thugs.

Huoshit said to everyone:

"I started hanging out in clubs when I was thirteen."

"I was always bullied at that time."

"Fortunately, He Xingsheng took me in."

"I am now forty-five years old."

"Now think about it, it's been thirty years."

""You're not dead, you're really lucky!"

Everyone nodded.

After more than 30 years in the underworld, you're still alive, isn't that the case?

Huo Shi said again:

"I have experienced the glory days of our club, and I have also experienced the downfall days."

"When Laohei was in power, we were at our peak."

"Even Lei Luo and Bo Hao were friendly to us."

Shen Ye's face darkened.

Shen Ye's father had been the boss, and he had also been the boss.

But unfortunately, the two of them had done nothing wrong as the bosses. They had only gotten to their current positions by virtue of their seniority.

It could be said that Huo Shi was slapping him in the face.

Shen Ye felt something was wrong.

However, he could not get angry.

There were not many people who could compare to Lao Hei in the entire He Xing Sheng.

He was the hero who pulled He Xing Sheng back from bankruptcy.

"After Laohei died, we and Xingsheng became ordinary people."

"Look at the people who have been in charge of our affairs."

Huo Shit said to the God,

"God, I'm not saying you're wrong."

"But look at this recent speaker."

"Basically, you three take turns doing it."

"How old are you all?"

"Lord Shen, you are sixty years old, right? Bai Tou Weng, you are also over sixty, right? And Gao Lao Zhong, you are not young anymore, right?"

"In other societies, who is older than you?"

The God said with a dark face:

"Huoshit, are you blaming us?"

Huoshit said in a deep voice:

"No, I'm stating a fact."

"We and Xingsheng won't even let people tell the truth?"

The God has no way to punish him.

Yes, Huoshi said the truth.

Huoshi stood up and said:

"I joined the club when I was thirteen. In terms of seniority, there are not many people here who are taller than me."

"But when I was thirty, the elders said I was too old to be elected."

"It's okay. I'll listen to my uncle."

"I chose from the age of thirty-five to forty-five"

"Ten years, and I can't even get a hair."

"I asked myself if I had given everything to the community."

"I ask myself whether my ability is worse than others."

"Why haven't I been a person in charge until now?"

"You three, are you more experienced than me? Or younger than me? Or better at fighting than me?"

Shen Ye was completely confused.

Bai Tou Weng and Gao Lao Zhong were also confused.

No, it was clearly a meeting for candidates to canvass for votes, how did it suddenly become a meeting for them to criticize?

Ah B stood aside with a table.

He wanted to applaud Huo

Shi. What a good thing!

Do you really think others don't know the tricks you three are playing?

Good scolding!

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