Chapter 175 Qi Pa and Lian Sheng

If you were to say this, I would immediately stop being nervous!

Big D immediately said:

"As long as Mr. Shen doesn't interfere, I will definitely become the leader of Heliansheng this time."

Shen Yan looked at him mockingly:

"What is Heliansheng? Is it worth my intervention?".

Big D was about to say something back, but when he met Shen Yan's eyes, he dared not move.

He could feel that the other party really dared to kill!

Shen Yan really dared to kill a short mule.

What's more, he didn't have to do it himself.

There was no telling how many people in the world were willing to help him solve this trouble.

Shen Yan asked:

"Do you know what your election strategy is with Liansheng?"

Big D was at a loss:

"Election strategy?"

"There is a strategy for this thing?"

Shen Yan shook his head:

"If you didn't have a good wife, you would have died countless times."

"Sure enough, I was right to call my sister-in-law here."

Big D didn't feel ashamed at all.

He was proud to have a wife like Big D's sister-in-law.

Shen Yan said calmly:

"Every society has its own rules."

"The same is true for corporate elections"

"On the surface, it seems to be a fair election."

"In fact, it is very far away!"

"For example, Hongxing and Hongtai, these are family associations, where the son inherits the family business and the younger brother inherits the family business."

"Apart from their family members, no one else can take the position of the chairman."

Big D thought so.

Hongxing is a Jiang family. After Jiang Zhen died, it was Jiang Tiansheng.

Similarly, Hongtai is a Yu family.

And the Ni family before was also like this.

"Some societies are based on the ability of the people."

"Like Xinliansheng, Jin Ye, Lin Yaochang, Suanbao, Luo Zhiming; some societies are led by those in power, such as Shen Ye, Bai Tou Weng, Gao Lao Zhong of Hexingsheng"

"Do you know about your relationship with Liansheng?"

Big D shook his head honestly.

Shen Yan said calmly:

"You and Liansheng are just mediocre people!"


Big D's eyes widened:


Shen Yan looked at him indifferently.

"You can count it yourself, which of the leaders of the previous societies was the most powerful at that time?"

Big D looked at his wife in confusion, he really didn't know this.

Shen Yan was right, if it weren't for Big D's wife, Big D would have been ruined long ago.

Big D's wife nodded slightly.

Shen Yan mocked:

"Do you think you are the one who supported Chuiji to take the leading position?"

Big D was puzzled:

"Is not it?"

"I paid for the construction of his dance hall."

"I paid for his election campaign."

That's two million silver coins!

Shen Yan mocked him even more:

"If you and Liansheng's gang were so dark, you would have been wiped out countless times."

"If those elders are so old and blind, what are you afraid of them doing?"

"You might as well just reorganize Heliansheng."

Big D stuttered:

"Who said I'm afraid of them?"

He knew that he was really afraid.

It didn't matter to others, but Fatty Deng, that guy's prestige was too high.

Shen Yan chuckled and said:

"You see, those elders are not senile."

"But they chose the weakest blow chicken"

"Isn't that contradictory?"

Big D's mind was in a mess.

Big D's sister-in-law quickly asked:

"Mr. Shen, what is Liansheng's election strategy?"

Shen Yan said calmly:



Mr. and Mrs. D looked at each other in confusion.

Shen Yan explained:

"I just said that your election strategy with Liansheng is that the mediocre will win."


"Just for balance"

"The elders of Liansheng Elders Group are afraid that you are all too powerful to be removed."

"Everyone is selfish"

"The mixed club is more powerful"

"Think about it carefully, what does every leader have to do?"

"Use the power of the community to expand your territory"

"This is what all community leaders would do."

Big D was even more confused:

"Isn't that right?"

Shen Yan asked:

"You are the strongest among the nine regions. If you were allowed to be the leader for two years, do you think these nine regions combined would be your rivals?"

Big D laughed wildly:

"Can I give them a chance?"

"With my wife's help, even the nine districts combined are no match for me alone."

Shen Yan Wei Xiaodong:

"You're right, so they won't choose you!"


Big D's face was distorted:


Shen Yan shrugged:

"Why do you say that?"

"Wasn't what I just said clear?"

"The most important strategy for Heliansheng is balance"

"Your strength is too strong. If you are allowed to be the leader again, who can stop you?"

"You said it yourself, if you become a leader, nine regions will not be enough for you to conquer alone"

"Let me ask you, which boss would dare to vote for you?"

Big D was dissatisfied:

"To be a gangster, you need to have a strong backer, more money, more bosses, and more followers."

"Otherwise, you won't have the confidence to fight with others."

"If we really choose a mediocre person to succeed us, who will be willing to work for the society?"

Shen Yan glanced at Da D coldly, full of disappointment:

"You really have no brains."

"If you didn't have a good wife, you would be dead!"

Big D asked Big D's wife:

"What good does Fatty Deng get from doing this?"

Sister-in-law D was more sober than D, and she said expressionlessly:

"Can't you see?"

"Those elders made this choice just to protect their own interests!"

"Only by electing mediocre people to power can their voices be guaranteed"

"If you are chosen, you will have the most influence and you can make all the decisions on your own. You don't need the advice of the elders at all."

"But mediocre people are different"

"His power is small, and he can only use the strategy of forming alliances internally, and he must contact other sects through the elders."

"This highlights the importance of the elders."

"Let's put it bluntly"

"Bullshit balance, just to protect their rights"

"If they lose this right, they can only survive on the monthly maintenance money given by the society."

"It's not like now, my brother's offerings also include at least NT$200,000 in election expenses every two years."

"They don’t need to fight and kill, they can live well just by talking!"

Big D went crazy:

"I do not believe!"

"I want to be the leader of Heliansheng."

Shen Yan stood up and left. He said to Big D:

"Remember this, do not take any drugs or any other drugs in West Kowloon."

"You better not lose fans in Tsuen Wan."

"This is not a request, this is an order!"

Big D was frightened by Shen Yan's gaze and dared not move.

Shen Yan looked at Big D's wife and shook his head slightly:

"What a pity!"

Soon after he led his men out of the box, Big D smashed everything in the box!


"I want to be the boss!"

"I must be the boss!"

Big D's eyes were red and full of madness.

He raised his hands and roared loudly.

"No one can stop me!"

Big D's wife was quietly flipping through the information, ignoring Big D's madness.

Since Mr. Shen met Big D, he would go crazy at any time. It will be fine after a while.

After a long time, Big D finally relaxed.

Big D's wife said:

"I asked my friends on the street to find out about Mr. Shen."

Big D looked unnatural:

"Why are you asking about him?"

Big D's wife said leisurely:

"Aren't policemen who don't take human lives seriously worthy of investigation?"

Big D was speechless.

What he said... made sense.

It seemed to be true.

Thinking back to what happened that day, Big D still felt his legs and feet go weak.

The look in that man's eyes was too scary.

He really ignored life and death. If he dared to say another word at that time, that man would really dare to take his life.

This is the truest intuition in his heart. If you want to get involved, you have to show your face.

If you meet someone you can't afford to offend, you must admit defeat.

Otherwise, someone will die.

Shen Yan is someone he can't afford to offend.

"What did you find out?"

Big D's sister raised her eyebrows:

"You will probably say this information is fake."

Big D was slightly stunned:

"Very unexpected?" said Sister D.

"Shen Yan, 24 years old"

"Working experience: three years"

"Police rank: Superintendent of the Crime Squad of Kowloon West Police Department."

Big D immediately called a halt:

"This is fucking fake, right?"

"Promoted to Chief Inspector in three years?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Big D's wife said helplessly:

"See, I told you that you would say this information is fake."

"When Shen Yan first started working, he was a trainee inspector. Then he shot and killed Ji Zhengxiong and was transferred to the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Station.……"

Big D interrupted quickly:


"The Great Thief of the Century, Ji Zhengxiong?"

Big D's wife nodded solemnly:

"Yes, from this point on, he entered the sight of Chief Superintendent Wong Bing-yao of the West Kowloon Police Department and was directly promoted from the uniformed officer to the serious crime unit."

Big D's pupils suddenly shrank:

"Ji Zhengxiong is a great thief. He has shot and killed four policemen and robbed several gold shops."

Sister-in-law D nodded slightly:

"Yes, he died at the hands of Mr. Shen."

Big D immediately hugged his head

0 ·······Request flowers· ·······

Just based on this record, what he said to me at that time was true.

This guy dared to kill Ji Zhengxiong, so why can't he kill them?

It's not that he can't, it's just that he is willing or not.

Big D's wife said again:

"In his first year of work, he took the former ICAC Commissioner Law away from the ICAC Building and brought him back to the police station, which made him famous."


Big D opened his mouth wide:

"Was it really him who took the ICAC Commissioner away?"

Big D's wife confirmed:


Big D waved his hand:

"No need to read it."

He smiled bitterly.

"I said Mr. Shen's name sounded so familiar, so this is the reason"

"They dared to break into the ICAC building and arrest the ICAC Commissioner, so they are not afraid of us short mules."

"What is his current position?"

Sister D asked without hesitation:

"Superintendent of the Crime Squad of West Kowloon Police Headquarters, Commander of the Crime Squad."

Big D immediately said:

"Next time we see him, we should take a detour!"

Big D was scared!

Really scared!

He beat himself up without saying anything. People without confidence can't do it.

"Is what Sir Shen analyzed true or false?"

Mrs. D was concentrating on Shen Yan's introduction - these things can be collected by anyone who is interested - the more she read, the more shocked she was!

Is this something a policeman who has only been working for three years can do?

Even an old policeman who has been in the industry for ten or twenty years can't do it, right?

No wonder he was able to become a superintendent of the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police Station in three years.

You know, Shen Yan's position was not promoted by skipping levels, but was an orthodox one. He has been a trainee inspector, inspector, senior inspector, chief inspector, and superintendent. He has been through them all!

........ 0.......

This is simply outrageous!

Big D's wife was shocked. How could she hear Big D's shouting?

It was not until Big D asked twice that she said:

"Are you talking about the balanced strategy that Shen-sir talked about with Liansheng’s selection of leading companies?"

Big D gritted his teeth and nodded:

"Yes, that's it."

Sister D said without hesitation:

"Mr. Shen is right. After I came back, I asked Changfa to collect the list of leaders in the past ten years."

"It can be said that none of the people who sit on the top of the dragon head are strong."

"At most, it is the level of Tuen Mun Ah Lok"

"The lowest one is the chicken we helped to climb up!"

Big D thought:

"If you run for election this time, Fat Deng and the others will definitely choose someone to compete with you."

Big D laughed wildly:

"Who can compare to me?"

"Guanzaishen from Xuyang Malan? The fish head brand floating in Liyuwan? Or Gao Lao? Dapuhei?"

Sister-in-law D sighed:

"It's probably Tuen Mun Ah Lok!"


Big D spat fiercely:

"Why should he compare with me?"

"It's not all uniform in Tuen Mun. Not only is it all uniform in Tsuen Wan, I've also made it into Tsim Sha Tsui!"

"Whose contribution is greater than mine?"

Big D's sister-in-law said slowly:

"So, how did Chui Ji win the last election and become the leader?"

Big D was stunned.

Big D's wife said bluntly:

"Because he is weak!"

"Fat Deng and his people want to keep their positions and consolidate their power. They will never choose the strong."

"Unless you are stronger than Liansheng"

"Otherwise, they wouldn’t have chosen you!"

Big D was puzzled:

"What's the meaning?"

"Didn’t you say that the stronger I am, the less likely Fat Deng and others would choose me?"

"If I were stronger, would they choose me?"

Big D's wife explained:

"Weaknesses, Fatty Deng is of course easier to grasp"

"But if you are so strong that no one can defeat you even if they join forces, they will have to choose you."

Big D asked like a fool:


Big Sister D said faintly:

"If they are unfair, you can lead others to start a new name."

"Anyway, the rest of the people combined can't beat you, if you don't want to be the leader, are you going to be the tail?"

Big D was slightly startled, thought about it carefully, and laughed:

"Makes sense!"

"I am the strongest one"

"I'm going to spread the word that if they do things unfairly, I'll lead people to set up another faction!"

"New——He Liansheng!"

Big D clenched his fist fiercely.

"I don’t believe they dare not choose me."

Big D’s wife reminded:

"Are you ready to break up with Fat Deng and his gang?"

"If you don't have this kind of preparation, it's best not to release such wind."

"Then you won’t be able to gain a foothold in the world."

Big D said confidently:

"Don't worry, I'm ready."

"I must be the leader!"

Big D's wife waved her hand to call for her long hair, and released the wind as Big D said.

But she thought secretly,

"I hope Big D can really hold on, otherwise, I will have to ask Mr. Shen for help!"A few.

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